public static function getMemberInfo($condition) { $memberIds = CampaignLog::distinct('', $condition); $members = Member::findAll(['_id' => ['$in' => $memberIds]]); $data = []; if (!empty($members)) { foreach ($members as $member) { $data[(string) $member->_id] = $member; } } return $data; }
/** * @args {"description": "Direct: Analysis participate promotion code "} */ public function perform() { $yesterday = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::getTime(-1); $type = new MongoInt32(ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::PROMOTION_CODE_ANALYSIS_PARTICIPATE); $where = ['createdAt' => $yesterday, 'type' => $type]; $status = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::checkExistData($where); if ($status) { $yesterdayStamp = TimeUtil::today() - 24 * 3600; $yesterday = new MongoDate($yesterdayStamp); $createWhere = ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::getCreateTime(); $campaignIds = CampaignLog::distinct('campaignId', $createWhere); $campaignLogs = []; if (!empty($campaignIds)) { $where = array_merge($createWhere, ['campaignId' => ['$in' => $campaignIds]]); $campaignLogs = CampaignLog::getCollection()->aggregate([['$match' => $where], ['$group' => ['_id' => ['campaignId' => '$campaignId', 'memberId' => '$', 'accountId' => '$accountId', 'productId' => '$productId']]]]); } if (!empty($campaignLogs)) { //get total for take part in a campaign $campaignData = []; foreach ($campaignLogs as $data) { $campaignId = $data['_id']['campaignId']; $key = (string) $campaignId . (string) $data['_id']['productId']; if (isset($campaignData[$key])) { //to sum the total in every product in same campaign $campaignData[$key]['total'] += 1; } else { $product = Product::findByPk($data['_id']['productId']); $productName = empty($product['name']) ? '' : $product['name']; $result = ['productId' => $data['_id']['productId'], 'productName' => $productName, 'campaignId' => $campaignId, 'accountId' => $data['_id']['accountId'], 'createdAt' => $yesterday, 'total' => 1, 'type' => $type]; $campaignData[$key] = $result; } } if (false === ModelPromotionCodeAnalysis::batchInsert($campaignData)) { LogUtil::error(['message' => 'Faild to create daily data', 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'data' => json_encode($campaignData)], 'resque'); } unset($datas, $campaignIds, $campaignData); } } else { LogUtil::info(['message' => 'Participate analysis data is exists', 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')], 'resque'); } return true; }
public static function setData($type, $yesterdayStamp, $createWhere = [], $searchTime = '') { $yesterday = new MongoDate($yesterdayStamp); if (empty($createWhere)) { $createWhere = PromotionCodeAnalysis::getCreateTime(); } if (empty($searchTime)) { $searchTime = TimeUtil::today(); } switch ($type) { case PromotionCodeAnalysis::PROMOTION_CODE_ANALYSIS_PARTICIPATE: $productIds = CampaignLog::distinct('productId', $createWhere); $campaignLogs = self::_getCampaignLogs($productIds, $createWhere); if (!empty($campaignLogs)) { self::_setStatsParticipate($campaignLogs, $yesterday); } break; case PromotionCodeAnalysis::PROMOTION_CODE_ANALYSIS_TOTAL: //get campaignlogs in yesterday $group = ['_id' => ['accountId' => '$accountId', 'productId' => '$productId', 'memberId' => '$']]; $secondGroup = ['_id' => ['accountId' => '$_id.accountId', 'productId' => '$_id.productId'], 'total' => ['$sum' => 1]]; $campaignLogs = PromotionCodeAnalysis::getMemberCampaignLog(false, $searchTime, $group, $secondGroup); //create datas if (!empty($campaignLogs)) { $campaignData = []; foreach ($campaignLogs as $key => $campaignLog) { //get total the day before yesterday $beforeYesterday = new MongoDate($searchTime - 2 * 24 * 3600); $productId = $campaignLog['_id']['productId']; $accountId = $campaignLog['_id']['accountId']; $condition = ['productId' => $productId, 'accountId' => $accountId, 'createdAt' => $beforeYesterday, 'type' => $type]; $beforeYesterdayData = ModelStatsPromotionCodeAnalysis::findOne($condition); if (empty($beforeYesterdayData)) { $beforeYesterdayData['total'] = 0; } $condition = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'productId' => $productId]; $number = PromotionCodeAnalysis::checkMemberUnique($condition, $searchTime); //subtract the member who is recorded before $total = $beforeYesterdayData['total'] + $number; $campaignLogs[$key]['total'] = $total; } $campaignData = ModelStatsPromotionCodeAnalysis::createAnalysisData($campaignLogs, $type, $yesterday); ModelStatsPromotionCodeAnalysis::batchInsert($campaignData); } //set the default value when the value is not exists $yesterdayStamp -= 3600 * 24; ModelStatsPromotionCodeAnalysis::setDefault($yesterdayStamp, $type); break; case PromotionCodeAnalysis::PROMOTION_CODE_ANALYSIS_EVERYDAY_PRIZE: $group = ['_id' => ['accountId' => '$accountId', 'productId' => '$productId'], 'total' => ['$sum' => 1]]; $campaignLogs = PromotionCodeAnalysis::getCampaignLog(false, $searchTime, $group); if (!empty($campaignLogs)) { $campaignData = ModelStatsPromotionCodeAnalysis::createAnalysisData($campaignLogs, $type, $yesterday); ModelStatsPromotionCodeAnalysis::batchInsert($campaignData); } break; case PromotionCodeAnalysis::PROMOTION_CODE_ANALYSIS_TOTAL_PARTICIPATE: $where = PromotionCodeAnalysis::getCreateTime($searchTime); $group = ['_id' => ['accountId' => '$accountId', 'memberId' => '$']]; $secondGroup = ['_id' => ['accountId' => '$_id.accountId'], 'total' => ['$sum' => 1]]; $campaignData = PromotionCodeAnalysis::getMemberAllTimes($where, $group, $secondGroup); $campaignData = ModelStatsPromotionCodeAnalysis::createAnalysisData($campaignData, $type, $yesterday); ModelStatsPromotionCodeAnalysis::batchInsert($campaignData); break; } }
/** * get the number of member who do not take part in this campaign before * @param $condition,array * @param $create,array */ public static function checkMemberUnique($condition, $create) { $where = ['createdAt' => ['$gte' => new MongoDate($create - 24 * 3600), '$lt' => new MongoDate($create)]]; $where = array_merge($where, $condition); $members = CampaignLog::distinct('', $where); //set default value $number = count($members); if (!empty($members)) { $where['createdAt'] = ['$lt' => new MongoDate($create - 24 * 3600)]; $where[''] = ['$in' => $members]; $members = CampaignLog::distinct('', $where); $number -= count($members); } return $number; }
public function perform() { $args = $this->args; if (empty($args['beginTime']) || empty($args['endTime']) || empty($args['type'])) { ResqueUtil::log(['error' => 'missing params', 'args' => $args]); return false; } $beginTime = strtotime($args['beginTime']) + 3600 * 24; $endTime = strtotime($args['endTime']); if ($endTime > time()) { $endTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time())); } $endTime += 3600 * 24; $type = new \MongoInt32($args['type']); switch ($args['type']) { case PromotionCodeAnalysis::PROMOTION_CODE_ANALYSIS_PARTICIPATE: //delete data and create data for ($t = $beginTime; $t <= $endTime; $t += 3600 * 24) { $where = ['createdAt' => new \MongoDate($t - 3600 * 24), 'type' => $type]; PromotionCodeAnalysis::deleteAll($where); //create data begin $createWhere = PromotionCodeAnalysis::getCreateTime($t); $campaignIds = CampaignLog::distinct('campaignId', $createWhere); $campaignLogs = []; if (!empty($campaignIds)) { $where = array_merge($createWhere, ['campaignId' => ['$in' => $campaignIds]]); $campaignLogs = CampaignLog::getCollection()->aggregate([['$match' => $where], ['$group' => ['_id' => ['campaignId' => '$campaignId', 'accountId' => '$accountId', 'productId' => '$productId', 'memberId' => '$']]]]); } if (!empty($campaignLogs)) { //get total for take part in a campaign $campaignData = []; foreach ($campaignLogs as $data) { $campaignId = $data['_id']['campaignId']; $key = (string) $campaignId . (string) $data['_id']['productId']; if (isset($campaignData[$key])) { //to sum the total in every product in same campaign $campaignData[$key]['total'] += 1; } else { $product = Product::findByPk($data['_id']['productId']); $productName = empty($product['name']) ? '' : $product['name']; $result = ['productId' => $data['_id']['productId'], 'productName' => $productName, 'campaignId' => $campaignId, 'accountId' => $data['_id']['accountId'], 'createdAt' => new \MongoDate($t - 3600 * 24), 'total' => 1, 'type' => $type]; $campaignData[$key] = $result; } } PromotionCodeAnalysis::batchInsert($campaignData); unset($datas, $campaignIds, $campaignData); } } break; case PromotionCodeAnalysis::PROMOTION_CODE_ANALYSIS_TOTAL: //delete data and create data for ($t = $beginTime; $t <= $endTime; $t += 3600 * 24) { $where = ['createdAt' => new \MongoDate($t - 3600 * 24), 'type' => $type]; PromotionCodeAnalysis::deleteAll($where); //get campaignlogs in yesterday $campaignLogs = PromotionCodeAnalysis::getMemberCampaignLog(false, $t); //create datas $yesterday = new \MongoDate($t - 2 * 24 * 3600); if (!empty($campaignLogs)) { $campaignData = []; foreach ($campaignLogs as $key => $campaignLog) { //get total the day yesterday $productId = $campaignLog['_id']['productId']; $campaignId = $campaignLog['_id']['campaignId']; $accountId = $campaignLog['_id']['accountId']; $condition = ['productId' => $productId, 'campaignId' => $campaignId, 'accountId' => $accountId, 'createdAt' => $yesterday, 'type' => $type]; $yesterdayData = PromotionCodeAnalysis::findOne($condition); if (empty($yesterdayData)) { $yesterdayData['total'] = 0; } $condition = ['campaignId' => $campaignId, 'accountId' => $accountId, 'productId' => $productId]; $number = PromotionCodeAnalysis::checkMemberUnique($condition, $t); //subtract the member who is recorded before $total = $yesterdayData['total'] + $number; $campaignLogs[$key]['total'] = $total; } $campaignData = PromotionCodeAnalysis::createAnalysisData($campaignLogs, $type, new \MongoDate($t - 24 * 3600)); PromotionCodeAnalysis::batchInsert($campaignData); } //set the default value when the value is not exists PromotionCodeAnalysis::setDefault($t - 2 * 24 * 3600, $type); } break; case PromotionCodeAnalysis::PROMOTION_CODE_ANALYSIS_EVERYDAY_PRIZE: for ($t = $beginTime; $t <= $endTime; $t += 3600 * 24) { //delete data $where = ['createdAt' => new \MongoDate($t - 3600 * 24), 'type' => $type]; PromotionCodeAnalysis::deleteAll($where); $campaignLogs = PromotionCodeAnalysis::getCampaignLog(false, $t); if (!empty($campaignLogs)) { $campaignData = PromotionCodeAnalysis::createAnalysisData($campaignLogs, $type, new \MongoDate($t - 3600 * 24)); PromotionCodeAnalysis::batchInsert($campaignData); } } break; case PromotionCodeAnalysis::PROMOTION_CODE_ANALYSIS_TOTAL_PARTICIPATE: for ($t = $beginTime; $t <= $endTime; $t += 3600 * 24) { //delete data $where = ['createdAt' => new \MongoDate($t - 3600 * 24), 'type' => $type]; PromotionCodeAnalysis::deleteAll($where); unset($where); $where = PromotionCodeAnalysis::getCreateTime($t); $campaignLogs = PromotionCodeAnalysis::getMemberAllTimes($where); if (!empty($campaignLogs)) { $campaignData = PromotionCodeAnalysis::createAnalysisData($campaignLogs, $type, new \MongoDate($t - 3600 * 24)); PromotionCodeAnalysis::batchInsert($campaignData); } } break; } return true; }
/** * @param $condition array eg: ['accountId'=>$accountId, 'redeemTime'=>['$gte'=>$startDate, '$lte'=>$endDate]]; * @return $member array * [ * [ "mobile" => '0933431025', * "scoreAdded" => 30, * "canDouble" => ture, * "name": "用戶名1", * "odds": 6 * ], * [ "mobile" => '0912345678', * "scoreAdded": 10, * "canDouble" => false, * "name": "用戶名2", * "odds": 1 * ], * ] */ private function _getCanDrawMembers($condition, $pointsPerOdds) { $mobiles = CampaignLog::distinct('', $condition); $redeemRecords = CampaignLog::find()->where($condition)->all(); $members = array(); // mobile, scoreAdded, canDouble $mobilesCount = count($mobiles); for ($i = 0; $i < $mobilesCount; $i++) { $members[$i] = ['mobile' => $mobiles[$i], 'scoreAdded' => 0, 'canDouble' => false]; $checkDouble = array(); foreach ($redeemRecords as $redeemRecord) { $product = $redeemRecord['productName']; if ($mobiles[$i] == $redeemRecord['member']['phone']) { $members[$i]['name'] = $redeemRecord['member']['name']; if ($redeemRecord['member']['type'] == 'score') { $members[$i]['scoreAdded'] += $redeemRecord['member']['scoreAdded']; } //判断是否购买全部3支品项 if (!$members[$i]['canDouble']) { if ($product == '2015 雞粉2.2kg' || $product == '2015 雞粉1.1kg' || $product == '2016 康寶雞粉 1.1KG' || $product == '2016 康寶雞粉 2.2KG') { $checkDouble['chickenPowder'] = true; } if ($product == '2015 鮮雞汁' || $product == '2016 康寶濃縮鮮雞汁') { $checkDouble['chickenJuice'] = true; } if ($product == '2015 鰹魚粉1kg' || $product == '2015 鰹魚粉1.5kg' || $product == '2016 康寶鰹魚粉 1KG' || $product == '2016 康寶鰹魚粉 1.5KG') { $checkDouble['fishmeal'] = true; } if (count($checkDouble) == 3) { $members[$i]['canDouble'] = true; } } } unset($product); } unset($checkDouble); } unset($mobiles, $redeemRecords, $mobilesCount); foreach ($members as $key => $value) { if ($members[$key]['canDouble']) { $members[$key]['odds'] = intval($members[$key]['scoreAdded'] / $pointsPerOdds) * 2; } else { $members[$key]['odds'] = intval($members[$key]['scoreAdded'] / $pointsPerOdds); } // unset($members[$key]['canDouble']); } return $members; }