public function actionDelHistory() { $createdAt = $this->getParams('createdAt'); $productId = $this->getParams('productId'); if (empty($createdAt) || empty($productId)) { throw new BadRequestHttpException('missing param createdAt or productId'); } $product = Product::findByPk(new \MongoId($productId)); if (empty($product)) { throw new BadRequestHttpException('invalid productId'); } //check the productId belong to which campaign that it is begining $campaignWhere = ['' => ['$all' => [$product->_id]], 'isActivated' => true]; $campaign = Campaign::findOne($campaignWhere); if (!empty($campaign)) { throw new BadRequestHttpException(Yii::t('product', 'can_not_delete')); } $usedCount = PromotionCode::countByProductIdAndCreatedAt(new \MongoId($productId), new \MongoDate($createdAt), true); if ($usedCount > 0) { throw new BadRequestHttpException(Yii::t('product', 'can_not_delete')); } else { $deleteArgs = ['productId' => $product->_id . '', 'createdAt' => $createdAt, 'type' => 'delete', 'description' => 'Direct: Delete promotionCodes']; $jobId = Yii::$app->job->create('backend\\modules\\product\\job\\PromotionCode', $deleteArgs); } return ['message' => 'OK', 'data' => $jobId]; }
public function deleteTag($accountId, $name) { Account::updateAll(['$pull' => ['tags' => ['name' => $name]]], ['_id' => $accountId]); Member::updateAll(['$pull' => ['tags' => $name]], ['accountId' => $accountId, 'tags' => $name]); Campaign::updateAll(['$pull' => ['tags' => $name]], ['accountId' => $accountId, 'tags' => $name]); $data = ['type' => 'tag_deleted', 'account_id' => $accountId, 'name' => $name]; $this->notifyModules($data); }
public function actionDelete($id) { $idstrList = explode(',', $id); $ids = []; foreach ($idstrList as $perId) { $ids[] = new MongoId($perId); } $where = ['_id' => ['$in' => $ids]]; $goodsWhere = ['productId' => ['$in' => $ids]]; $result = Product::findOne(array_merge($where, ['isBindCode' => true])); if (!empty($result)) { throw new BadRequestHttpException(Yii::t('product', 'can_not_delete_before_promocode')); } if (!empty(Campaign::getByProductIds($ids)) || !empty(Goods::findOne($goodsWhere))) { throw new BadRequestHttpException(Yii::t('product', 'can_not_delete')); } if (Product::deleteAll($where) == false) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException('Failed to delete the object for unknown reason.'); } //delete the product intro ProductInfo::deleteAll($where); //delete goods and storeGoods $this->attachBehavior('ProductBehavior', new ProductBehavior()); $this->delete($ids); Yii::$app->getResponse()->setStatusCode(204); }
public static function renameTag($accountId, $name, $newName) { //add new tag to campaign Campaign::updateAll(['$addToSet' => ['tags' => $newName]], ['accountId' => $accountId, 'tags' => $name]); //remove old tags from campaign Campaign::updateAll(['$pull' => ['tags' => $name]], ['accountId' => $accountId, 'tags' => $name]); }
/** * @args {"description": "Delay: Campaign expired every minute"} */ public function perform() { Campaign::expiredByTime(new MongoDate(strtotime('+1 minute'))); }
public function extraFields() { return array_merge(parent::extraFields(), ['isAssociated' => function () { $campaign = Campaign::getByProductId($this->_id); return !empty($campaign); }, 'promotionCodeCount' => function () { return PromotionCode::countByProductIds([$this->_id]); }]); }
/** * check the status of codes in campaign */ public static function checkCode2CampainStatus($campaignCodeProductId, $member, $exchangeTime, $params) { if (empty($campaignCodeProductId)) { return []; } $invalid = $over = $vaild = $expired = []; $accountId = $member->accountId; foreach ($campaignCodeProductId as $code => $productId) { $campaigns = Campaign::findAll(['' => ['$all' => [$productId]], 'accountId' => $accountId]); foreach ($campaigns as $campaign) { list($status, $message) = self::getCodeIsVaild($campaign, $exchangeTime); switch ($status) { case self::CODE_STATUS_EXPIRED: //campaign is expired $expired[$code] = ['code' => $code, 'score' => 0, 'status' => self::CODE_STATUS_EXPIRED, 'description' => $message]; break; case self::CODE_STATUS_INVALID: $expired[$code] = ['code' => $code, 'score' => 0, 'status' => self::CODE_STATUS_INVALID, 'description' => $message]; break; case self::CODE_STATUS_VALID: //put the code in cache, we need check the limit times and participate count in the selectcampaign self::setCache($member, $campaign, $code); //get response from campaign $response = self::selectCampaign($campaign, $member, $params, false); if (self::CODE_STATUS_EXCEEDED == $response['status']) { //campaign is over $over[$code] = ['code' => $code, 'score' => 0, 'status' => self::CODE_STATUS_EXCEEDED, 'description' => $response['message']]; } else { if (self::CODE_STATUS_VALID == $response['status']) { $score = self::getCampaignScore($campaign); if (isset($vaild[$code])) { $vaild[$code]['score'] += $score; } else { $vaild[$code] = ['code' => (string) $code, 'score' => $score, 'status' => self::CODE_STATUS_VALID, 'description' => '']; } } else { //check campain is over or code is can not fit with campaign $invalid[$code] = ['code' => $code, 'score' => 0, 'status' => self::CODE_STATUS_INVALID, 'description' => $response['message']]; } } break; } } } //check code in vaild,clear other same code in other array foreach ($vaild as $code => $value) { //check invalid unset($invalid[$code]); //check expired unset($expired[$code]); //check over unset($over[$code]); } return array_merge($vaild, $invalid, $expired, $over); }
/** * get the product info in the campaign * if the pageSize = 0,the api will return all products */ public function actionProductInfo() { $params = $this->getQuery(); $accountId = $this->getAccountId(); $pageSize = $page = 0; if (!empty($params['pageSize'])) { if (empty($params['page'])) { throw new BadRequestHttpException('missing param page'); } $pageSize = intval($params['pageSize']); $page = intval($params['page']); } return Campaign::searchProductInfo($accountId, $pageSize, $page); }
/** * Update the status of campaign for product module. */ public function actionCampaignExpired() { echo Campaign::expiredByTime(new \MongoDate(strtotime('+1 minute'))); }