public function testRegisterSetsSessionSaveHandlerAndIniSettings() { ini_set('session.gc_probability', '0'); $handler = SessionHandler::factory(array('dynamodb_client' => $this->getMockedClient(), 'automatic_gc' => true)); $this->assertTrue($handler->register()); $this->assertEquals('1', ini_get('session.gc_probability')); ini_set('session.gc_probability', '0'); }
public function register(Application $app) { parent::register($app); /** @noinspection PhpParamsInspection */ $app[''] = $app->share(function ($app) { $config = $app['session.dynamodb.options']; if (!array_key_exists('dynamodb_client', $config)) { $config['dynamodb_client'] = $this->getDynamoDbClient($app['aws']); } return SessionHandler::factory($config); }); $app['session.dynamodb.options'] = array(); }
public function __construct() { $aws = Configure::read(''); $dynamoDB = $aws->get('dynamodb'); $config = array('dynamodb_client' => $dynamoDB, 'session_lifetime' => Configure::read('Session.timeout') * 60, 'table_name' => DynamoDBSession::DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME, 'locking_strategy' => 'pessimistic'); if (Configure::check('Session.handler.table_name')) { $config['table_name'] = Configure::read('Session.handler.table_name'); } if (Configure::check('Session.handler.locking_strategy')) { $config['locking_strategy'] = Configure::read('Session.handler.locking_strategy'); } $this->_sessionHandler = SessionHandler::factory($config); if (Configure::check('Session.handler.session_name')) { $this->_sessionName = Configure::read('Session.handler.session_name'); } }
public function __construct($options, $table) { // refer to the Session class to find the session timeout value (if it exists) // in terms of DynamoDB, session_lifetime is the time to mark the inactive // session to be garbage collected // if {@link GarbageCollectSessionCronTask} is running periodically on your // server (via the silverstripe-crontask module), then the inactive session // will get removed from the DynamoDB session table. if (!isset($options['session_lifetime'])) { $timeout = Config::inst()->get('Session', 'timeout'); if ($timeout != null) { $options['session_lifetime'] = $timeout; } } $this->client = DynamoDbClient::factory($options); $this->table = $table; $this->handler = SessionHandler::factory(array('dynamodb_client' => $this->client, 'table_name' => $this->table)); }
/** * Convenience method for instantiating and registering the DynamoDB * Session handler with this DynamoDB client object. * * @param array $config Array of options for the session handler factory * * @return SessionHandler */ public function registerSessionHandler(array $config = array()) { $config = array_replace(array('dynamodb_client' => $this), $config); $handler = SessionHandler::factory($config); $handler->register(); return $handler; }
/** * Ensures that garbage collection functionality is working correctly */ public function testGarbageCollection() { $currentCount = iterator_count($this->client->getIterator('Scan', array('TableName' => $this->table))); self::log('Put 10 expired items into the sessions table'); $writeBatch = WriteRequestBatch::factory($this->client); for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $writeBatch->add(new PutRequest(Item::fromArray(array('id' => "example_{$i}", 'expires' => time() - 5 * Time::SECONDS)), $this->table)); } $writeBatch->flush(); self::log('Assert that all 10 items made it into the sessions table'); $result = $this->client->getCommand('Scan', array('TableName' => $this->table))->execute(); $this->assertEquals(10 + $currentCount, $result['Count'], 'Not all of the items were inserted.'); self::log('Create a session handler to use with a lower batch size'); $sh = SessionHandler::factory(array('dynamodb_client' => $this->client, 'table_name' => $this->table, 'gc_batch_size' => 3)); self::log('Run the garbage collection'); $sh->garbageCollect(); self::log('Assert that all 10 items were deleted from the sessions table'); $result = $this->client->getCommand('Scan', array('TableName' => $this->table))->execute(); $this->assertEquals(0, $result['Count'], 'Not all of the items were removed.'); }
$connexionString = "mysql:host=" . $config->db->mysql->host . ";dbname=" . $config->db->mysql->database; if ($config->db->mysql->logged) { $db = new LoggedPDO($connexionString, $config->db->mysql->user, $config->db->mysql->password, $pdo_options); } else { $db = new PDO($connexionString, $config->db->mysql->user, $config->db->mysql->password, $pdo_options); } $db->exec("SET time_zone='" . $offset . "';"); } catch (Exception $e) { die("Erreur : " . $e->getMessage()); } return $db; } function connect_dynamoDB($config) { $client = DynamoDbClient::factory(array('key' => $config->aws->key, 'secret' => $config->aws->secret, 'region' => $config->aws->region)); return $client; } if ($config->db->dynamoSessions) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../ext/autoload.php'; $dynamoDB = connect_dynamoDB($config); // registering the dynamodb session handler performs some useless operations // in session! if (!isset($noSessions) || !$noSessions) { $sessionHandler = SessionHandler::factory(array('dynamodb_client' => $dynamoDB, 'table_name' => 'sessions', 'locking_strategy' => 'pessimistic', 'consistent_read' => true)); $sessionHandler->register(); } } if ($config->db->use != "dynamoDB" || !isset($noSQL) || !$noSQL) { // mysql is almost always used $db = connect_pdo($config); }
/** * @param \Aws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient $client * @param $config array */ public function __construct(DynamoDbClient $client, array $config) { $this->client = $client; $config['dynamodb_client'] = $client; $this->handler = \Aws\DynamoDb\Session\SessionHandler::factory($config); }