예제 #1
  * Test deleting user metadata
 public function testDeleteUserMetadataInKeypool()
     if ($this->atmosMajorMinor < 2.1) {
         $this->markTestSkipped("Requires Atmos >= 2.1.0");
     $kp = new Keypool($this->TEST_KEYPOOL, $this->randomKey());
     // Create an object with metadata
     $mlist = new MetadataList();
     $listable = new Metadata('listable', 'foo', true);
     $unlistable = new Metadata('unlistable', 'bar', false);
     $listable2 = new Metadata('listable2', 'foo2 foo2', true);
     $unlistable2 = new Metadata('unlistable2', 'bar2 bar2', false);
     $id = $this->esu->createObjectInKeypool($kp, null, $mlist, null, null);
     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotNull($id, 'null ID returned');
     $this->cleanup[] = $kp;
     // Delete a couple of the metadata entries
     $mtags = new MetadataTags();
     $mtags->addTag(new MetadataTag('listable2', true));
     $mtags->addTag(new MetadataTag('unlistable2', false));
     $this->esu->deleteUserMetadata($kp, $mtags);
     // Read back the metadata for the object and ensure the deleted
     // entries don't exist
     $meta = $this->esu->getUserMetadata($kp);
     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals('foo', $meta->getMetadata('listable')->getValue(), "value of 'listable' wrong");
     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNull($meta->getMetadata('listable2'), "metadata 'listable2' should have been deleted");
     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals('bar', $meta->getMetadata('unlistable')->getValue(), "value of 'unlistable' wrong");
     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNull($meta->getMetadata('unlistable2'), "metadata 'unlistable2' should have been deleted");
예제 #2
  * Parses a metadata tag response header and appends to the given
  * MetadataTags object.
  * @param MetadataTags $tags the MetadataTags to append to
  * @param string $header the response header to parse
  * @param boolean $listable the value of the listable flag on the created
  * tags
 private function readTags(&$tags, $header, $listable)
     if ($header == null) {
     $attrs = explode(',', $header);
     foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
         $attr = ltrim($attr, ' ');
         $tags->addTag(new MetadataTag($attr, $listable));
         $this->trace('Created tag: >' . $attr . '<');