예제 #1
  * Copies the values from the request handler back to the passed HTTP response instance.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface $httpResponse A HTTP response object
  * @return void
 public function copyToHttpResponse(ResponseInterface $httpResponse)
     // copy response values to the HTTP response
     // copy the body content to the HTTP response
     // copy headers to the HTTP response
     foreach ($this->headers as $headerName => $headerValue) {
         $httpResponse->addHeader($headerName, $headerValue);
     // copy cookies to the HTTP response
     // query whether an exception has been thrown, if yes, re-throw it
     if ($this->exception instanceof \Exception) {
         throw $this->exception;
예제 #2
  * Implement's module logic for given hook
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface          $request        A request object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface         $response       A response object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Server\Interfaces\RequestContextInterface $requestContext A requests context instance
  * @param int                                                    $hook           The current hook to process logic for
  * @return bool
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Server\Exceptions\ModuleException
 public function process(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, RequestContextInterface $requestContext, $hook)
     try {
         // in php an interface is, by definition, a fixed contract. It is immutable.
         // so we have to declair the right ones afterwards...
          * @var $request \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface
          * @var $request \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface
         // if false hook is coming do nothing
         if (ModuleHooks::REQUEST_POST !== $hook) {
         // check if server handler sais php modules should react on this request as file handler
         if ($requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::SERVER_HANDLER) !== self::MODULE_NAME) {
         // check if file does not exist
         if (!$requestContext->hasServerVar(ServerVars::SCRIPT_FILENAME)) {
             throw new ModuleException(null, 404);
         // create a new the FastCGI client/connection
         $fastCgiConnection = $this->getFastCgiClient($requestContext)->connect();
         // prepare the Fast-CGI environment variables
         $environment = $this->prepareEnvironment($request, $requestContext);
         // rewind the body stream
         $bodyStream = $request->getBodyStream();
         // initialize a new FastCGI request instance
         $fastCgiRequest = $fastCgiConnection->newRequest($environment, $bodyStream);
         // process the request
         $rawResponse = $fastCgiConnection->request($fastCgiRequest);
         // format the raw response
         $fastCgiResponse = $this->formatResponse($rawResponse->content);
         // set the Fast-CGI response value in the WebServer response
         // set the headers found in the Fast-CGI response
         if (array_key_exists('headers', $fastCgiResponse)) {
             foreach ($fastCgiResponse['headers'] as $headerName => $headerValue) {
                 // if found an array, e. g. for the Set-Cookie header, we add each value
                 if (is_array($headerValue)) {
                     foreach ($headerValue as $value) {
                         $response->addHeader($headerName, $value, true);
                 } else {
                     $response->addHeader($headerName, $headerValue);
         // add the X-Powered-By header
         $response->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_X_POWERED_BY, __CLASS__);
         // set response state to be dispatched after this without calling other modules process
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // catch all exceptions
         throw new ModuleException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
예제 #3
  * Copies the values from the request handler back to the passed HTTP response instance.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface $httpResponse A HTTP response object
  * @return void
 public function copyToHttpResponse(ResponseInterface $httpResponse)
     // create a local copy of the response
     $servletResponse = $this->servletResponse;
     // copy response values to the HTTP response
     // copy the body content to the HTTP response
     // copy headers to the HTTP response
     foreach ($servletResponse->getHeaders() as $headerName => $headerValue) {
         $httpResponse->addHeader($headerName, $headerValue);
     // copy cookies to the HTTP response
예제 #4
  * Implements module logic for given hook
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface          $request        A request object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface         $response       A response object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Server\Interfaces\RequestContextInterface $requestContext A requests context instance
  * @param int                                                    $hook           The current hook to process logic for
  * @return bool
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Server\Exceptions\ModuleException
 public function process(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, RequestContextInterface $requestContext, $hook)
      * @var $request \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface
      * @var $response \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface
     // if false hook is comming do nothing
     if (ModuleHooks::REQUEST_POST !== $hook) {
     // make request context available for usage in template
     $this->requestContext = $requestContext;
     // query whether the auto index module is available
     if ($this->getRequestContext()->hasServerVar(ServerVars::SERVER_AUTO_INDEX) === false) {
     // query whether the auto index module is available and enabled
     if ($this->getRequestContext()->getServerVar(ServerVars::SERVER_AUTO_INDEX) === ServerVars::VALUE_AUTO_INDEX_OFF) {
     // stop processing if file handler will not be core in case that location module
     // has changed the server handler to be proxy, fastcgi or what ever.
     if ($requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::SERVER_HANDLER) !== 'core') {
     // now load the URL without path information and query string
     $url = $this->getUrl();
     // query whether the URL ends with a slash
     if ($url[strlen($url) - 1] !== '/') {
     // query whether an existing path is requested
     if (is_dir($realPath = $this->getRealPath()) === false) {
     // load the auto index template if available
     $autoIndexTemplatePath = $this->getRequestContext()->getServerVar(ServerVars::SERVER_AUTO_INDEX_TEMPLATE_PATH);
     // query whether a template is configured and available
     if ($autoIndexTemplatePath && is_file($autoIndexTemplatePath)) {
         // render errors page
         require $autoIndexTemplatePath;
         $autoIndexPage = ob_get_clean();
     } else {
         // initialize the directory listing content
         $directoryListing = '<tr><th>Name</th><th>Last Modified</th><th>Size</th></tr>';
         // query whether if we've parent directory or not
         if ($this->hasParent($realPath)) {
             $directoryListing .= sprintf('<tr><td colspan="3"><a href="%s">Parent Directory</a></td></tr>', $this->getParentLink());
         // append the found files + directories to the directory listing
         foreach ($this->getDirectoryContent($realPath) as $directory) {
             // append the file or directory to the directory listing
             $directoryListing .= sprintf('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%d</td></tr>', $this->getLink($directory), $this->getName($directory), $this->getDate($directory), $this->getFilesize($directory));
         // concatenate the elements of the auto index page
         $autoIndexPage = sprintf('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Index of %s</title></head><body><h1>Index of %s</h1><table>%s</table></body></html>', $this->getUri(), $this->getUri(), $directoryListing);
     // append errors page to response body
     // set the Content-Type to text/html
     $response->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, 'text/html');
     // set response state to be dispatched after this without calling other modules process
예제 #5
  * Implements module logic for given hook
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface          $request        A request object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface         $response       A response object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Server\Interfaces\RequestContextInterface $requestContext A requests context instance
  * @param int                                                    $hook           The current hook to process logic for
  * @return bool
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Server\Exceptions\ModuleException
 public function process(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, RequestContextInterface $requestContext, $hook)
     // In php an interface is, by definition, a fixed contract. It is immutable.
     // So we have to declare the right ones afterwards...
      * @var $request \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface
      * @var $response \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface
     // if false hook is coming do nothing
     if (ModuleHooks::REQUEST_POST !== $hook) {
     // check if core module should still handle this request
     // maybe later on this can be overwritten by another core module for some reasons
     if ($requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::SERVER_HANDLER) !== self::MODULE_NAME) {
         // stop processing
     // populates request context for possible script calling based on file handler configurations
     // check if file handler is not core module anymore
     if ($requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::SERVER_HANDLER) !== self::MODULE_NAME) {
         // stop processing
     // if existing file should be served
     if ($requestContext->hasServerVar(ServerVars::SCRIPT_FILENAME)) {
         $scriptFilename = $requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::SCRIPT_FILENAME);
         // get file info
         $fileInfo = new \SplFileInfo($scriptFilename);
         // build etag
         $eTag = sprintf('"%x-%x-%x"', $fileInfo->getInode(), $fileInfo->getSize(), (double) str_pad($fileInfo->getMTime(), 16, '0'));
         // set last modified header
         $response->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, gmdate(DATE_RFC822, $fileInfo->getMTime()));
         // set etag header
         $response->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_ETAG, $eTag);
         // set correct mimetype header
         $response->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, MimeTypes::getMimeTypeByExtension($fileInfo->getExtension()));
         // caching checks
         if ($request->hasHeader(Protocol::HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH) && $request->getHeader(Protocol::HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH) === $eTag) {
             // set not modified status without content
         } else {
             // serve file by set body stream to file descriptor stream
             $response->setBodyStream(fopen($scriptFilename, "r"));
         // set response state to be dispatched after this without calling other modules process
         // if we got here its maybe a directory index surfing request if $validDir is same as uri
         // todo: implement directory index view and surfing
     } else {
         // for now we will throw a 404 as well here for non existing index files in directory
         throw new ModuleException(sprintf("The requested URL %s was not found on this server.", parse_url($requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::X_REQUEST_URI), PHP_URL_PATH)), 404);
예제 #6
  * Implements module logic for given hook
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface          $request        A request object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface         $response       A response object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Server\Interfaces\RequestContextInterface $requestContext A requests context instance
  * @param int                                                    $hook           The current hook to process logic for
  * @return bool
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Server\Exceptions\ModuleException
 public function process(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, RequestContextInterface $requestContext, $hook)
     // In php an interface is, by definition, a fixed contract. It is immutable.
     // So we have to declair the right ones afterwards...
      * @var $request \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface
      * @var $response \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface
     // if false hook is comming do nothing
     if (ModuleHooks::REQUEST_POST !== $hook) {
     // set req and res object internally
     $this->request = $request;
     $this->response = $response;
     // get default rewrite maps definitions
     $rewriteMaps = $this->rewriteMaps;
     // check if there are some volatile rewrite map definitions so add them
     if ($requestContext->hasModuleVar(ModuleVars::VOLATILE_REWRITE_MAPS)) {
         $volatileRewriteMaps = $requestContext->getModuleVar(ModuleVars::VOLATILE_REWRITE_MAPS);
         // merge rewrite maps
         $rewriteMaps = array_merge($volatileRewriteMaps, $this->rewriteMaps);
     // check protocol to be either http or https when secure is going on
     $protocol = 'http://';
     if ($requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::HTTPS) === ServerVars::VALUE_HTTPS_ON) {
         $protocol = 'https://';
     // get clean request path without query string etc...
     $requestPath = parse_url($requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::X_REQUEST_URI), PHP_URL_PATH);
     // init all rewrite mappers by types and do look up
     foreach ($rewriteMaps as $rewriteMapType => $rewriteMapParams) {
         // Include the requested hostname as a param, some mappers might need it
         $rewriteMapParams['headerHost'] = $request->getHeader(Protocol::HEADER_HOST);
         // Same for the protocol
         $rewriteMapParams['protocol'] = $protocol;
         // Get ourselves a rewriteMapper of the right type
         $rewriteMapper = new $rewriteMapType($rewriteMapParams);
         // lookup by request path
         if ($targetUrl = $rewriteMapper->lookup($requestPath)) {
             // set enhance uri to response
             $response->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_LOCATION, $targetUrl);
             // send redirect status
             // add header to be sure that is was us
             $response->addHeader('X-Rewritten-By', __CLASS__);
             // set response state to be dispatched after this without calling other modules process
             // We found something, stop the loop
     return true;
예제 #7
  * Implement's module logic for given hook
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface          $request        A request object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface         $response       A response object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Server\Interfaces\RequestContextInterface $requestContext A requests context instance
  * @param int                                                    $hook           The current hook to process logic for
  * @return bool
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Server\Exceptions\ModuleException
 public function process(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, RequestContextInterface $requestContext, $hook)
     // In php an interface is, by definition, a fixed contract. It is immutable.
     // So we have to declair the right ones afterwards...
      * @var $request \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface
      * @var $response \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface
     // if false hook is comming do nothing
     if (ModuleHooks::REQUEST_POST !== $hook) {
     // set req and res object internally
     $this->request = $request;
     $this->response = $response;
     // get document root
     $documentRoot = $requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::DOCUMENT_ROOT);
     // get url
     $url = parse_url($requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::X_REQUEST_URI), PHP_URL_PATH);
     // get query string with asterisk
     $queryString = strstr($requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::X_REQUEST_URI), '?');
     // get read path to requested uri
     $realPath = $documentRoot . $url;
     // check if it's a dir
     if (is_dir($realPath) || $url === '/') {
         // check if uri has trailing slash
         if (substr($url, -1) !== '/') {
             // set enhance uri with trailing slash to response
             $response->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_LOCATION, $url . '/' . $queryString);
             // send redirect status
             // set response state to be dispatched after this without calling other modules process
         } else {
             // check directory index definitions
             foreach ($this->getDirectoryIndex() as $index) {
                 // check if defined index files are found in directory
                 if (is_file($realPath . $index)) {
                     // reset uri with indexed filename
                     $requestContext->setServerVar(ServerVars::X_REQUEST_URI, $url . $index . $queryString);
                     // break out if index file was found
                     return true;
     return true;
예제 #8
  * Will prepare a response for a redirect.
  * This includes setting the new target, the appropriate status code and dispatching it to break the
  * module chain
  * @param \AppserverIo\Server\Interfaces\RequestContextInterface $requestContext The request's context
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface         $response       The response instance to be prepared
  * @return void
 protected function prepareRedirect($requestContext, ResponseInterface $response)
     // if we got a specific status code we have to filter it and apply it if possible
     $statusCode = 301;
     $proposedStatusCode = $this->sortedFlags[RuleFlags::REDIRECT];
     if (is_numeric($proposedStatusCode) && $proposedStatusCode >= 300 && $proposedStatusCode < 400) {
         $statusCode = $proposedStatusCode;
     // there might be work to be done depending on whether or not we got a complete URL
     if ($this->type === 'relative') {
         $newTarget = $requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::REQUEST_SCHEME);
         $newTarget .= '://';
         $newTarget .= $requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::HTTP_HOST);
         $this->target = $newTarget . $this->getTarget();
     // set enhance uri to response
     $response->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_LOCATION, $this->target);
     // send redirect status
     // set response state to be dispatched after this without calling other modules process
예제 #9
  * Process servlet request.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface          $request        A request object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface         $response       A response object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Server\Interfaces\RequestContextInterface $requestContext A requests context instance
  * @param integer                                                $hook           The current hook to process logic for
  * @return boolean
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Server\Exceptions\ModuleException
 public function process(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, RequestContextInterface $requestContext, $hook)
     // if false hook is coming do nothing
     if (ModuleHooks::REQUEST_POST !== $hook) {
     // check if we are the handler that has to process this request
     if ($requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::SERVER_HANDLER) !== $this->getModuleName()) {
     // load the application associated with this request
     $application = $this->findRequestedApplication($requestContext);
     // check if the application has already been connected
     if ($application->isConnected() === false) {
         throw new \Exception(sprintf('Application %s has not connected yet', $application->getName()), 503);
     // create a copy of the valve instances
     $valves = $this->valves;
     $handlers = $this->handlers;
     // create a new request instance from the HTTP request
     $servletRequest = new Request();
     // initialize servlet response
     $servletResponse = new Response();
     // load the session and the authentication manager
     $sessionManager = $application->search(SessionManagerInterface::IDENTIFIER);
     $authenticationManager = $application->search(AuthenticationManagerInterface::IDENTIFIER);
     // inject the sapplication and servlet response
     // prepare the request instance
     // initialize static request and application context
     RequestHandler::$requestContext = $servletRequest;
     RequestHandler::$applicationContext = $application;
     // process the valves
     foreach ($valves as $valve) {
         $valve->invoke($servletRequest, $servletResponse);
         if ($servletRequest->isDispatched() === true) {
     // copy response values to the HTTP response
     // copy the body content to the HTTP response
     // copy headers to the HTTP response
     foreach ($servletResponse->getHeaders() as $headerName => $headerValue) {
         $response->addHeader($headerName, $headerValue);
     // copy cookies to the HTTP response
     // append the servlet engine's signature
     $response->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_X_POWERED_BY, get_class($this), true);
     // set response state to be dispatched after this without calling other modules process
예제 #10
  * Process servlet request.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface          $request        A request object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface         $response       A response object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Server\Interfaces\RequestContextInterface $requestContext A requests context instance
  * @param int                                                    $hook           The current hook to process logic for
  * @return bool
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Server\Exceptions\ModuleException
 public function process(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, RequestContextInterface $requestContext, $hook)
     try {
         // if false hook is coming do nothing
         if (ModuleHooks::REQUEST_POST !== $hook) {
         // check if we are the handler that has to process this request
         if ($requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::SERVER_HANDLER) !== $this->getModuleName()) {
         // initialize servlet session, request + response
         $servletRequest = new Request();
         // initialize the parts
         foreach ($request->getParts() as $part) {
         // set the body content if we can find one
         if ($request->getHeader(HttpProtocol::HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH) > 0) {
         // prepare the servlet request
         // initialize the servlet response with the Http response values
         $servletResponse = new Response();
         // load the application associated with this request
         $application = $this->findRequestedApplication($requestContext);
         // prepare and set the applications context path
         $servletRequest->setContextPath($contextPath = '/' . $application->getName());
         $servletRequest->setServletPath(str_replace($contextPath, '', $servletRequest->getServletPath()));
         // prepare the base modifier which allows our apps to provide a base URL
         $webappsDir = $this->getServerContext()->getServerConfig()->getDocumentRoot();
         $relativeRequestPath = strstr($servletRequest->getServerVar(ServerVars::DOCUMENT_ROOT), $webappsDir);
         $proposedBaseModifier = str_replace($webappsDir, '', $relativeRequestPath);
         if (strpos($proposedBaseModifier, $contextPath) === 0) {
         } else {
         // initialize the request handler instance
         $dispatched = false;
         $applicationName = $application->getName();
         while ($dispatched === false) {
             if ($this->requestHandlers[$applicationName][$i = rand(0, 9)]->isWaiting()) {
                 $this->requestHandlers[$applicationName][$i]->handleRequest($servletRequest, $servletResponse);
                 $dispatched = true;
         // copy the values from the servlet response back to the HTTP response
         // append the content to the body stream
         // transform the servlet headers back into HTTP headers
         $headers = array();
         foreach ($servletResponse->getHeaders() as $name => $header) {
             $headers[$name] = $header;
         // set the headers as array (because we don't know if we have to use the append flag)
         // copy the servlet response cookies back to the HTTP response
         foreach ($servletResponse->getCookies() as $cookie) {
         // set response state to be dispatched after this without calling other modules process
     } catch (ModuleException $me) {
         throw $me;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new ModuleException($e, 500);
예제 #11
  * Implement's module logic for given hook
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface          $request        A request object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface         $response       A response object
  * @param \AppserverIo\Server\Interfaces\RequestContextInterface $requestContext A requests context instance
  * @param int                                                    $hook           The current hook to process logic for
  * @return bool
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Server\Exceptions\ModuleException
 public function process(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, RequestContextInterface $requestContext, $hook)
     try {
         // in php an interface is, by definition, a fixed contract. It is immutable.
         // so we have to declair the right ones afterwards...
          * @var $request \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\RequestInterface
          * @var $request \AppserverIo\Psr\HttpMessage\ResponseInterface
         // if false hook is coming do nothing
         if (ModuleHooks::REQUEST_POST !== $hook) {
         // check if server handler sais php modules should react on this request as file handler
         if ($requestContext->getServerVar(ServerVars::SERVER_HANDLER) !== self::MODULE_NAME) {
         // check if file does not exist
         if ($requestContext->hasServerVar(ServerVars::SCRIPT_FILENAME) === false) {
             throw new ModuleException(null, 404);
         // initialize the event loop
         $loop = EventLoopFactory::create();
         // invoke the FastCGI request
         $this->getFastCgiClient($requestContext, $loop)->done(function (Client $client) use($request, $requestContext, $response) {
             // initialize the environment
             $env = $this->prepareEnvironment($request, $requestContext);
             // initialize the request
             $req = $client->newRequest(new RequestParameters($env), new \Crunch\FastCGI\ReaderWriter\StringReader($request->getBodyContent()));
             // initialize the response handler
             $responseHandler = function ($res) use($response) {
                 // explode status code, headers and body from the FastCGI response
                 list($statusCode, $headers, $body) = $this->formatResponse($res->getContent()->read());
                 // set the headers found in the Fast-CGI response
                 foreach ($headers as $headerName => $headerValue) {
                     // if found an array, e. g. for the Set-Cookie header, we add each value
                     if (is_array($headerValue)) {
                         foreach ($headerValue as $value) {
                             $response->addHeader($headerName, $value, true);
                     } else {
                         $response->addHeader($headerName, $headerValue);
                 // initialize the HTTP response with the values
             // finally send the FastCGI request
             $x = $client->sendRequest($req)->then($responseHandler);
             // close the FastCGI connection
             promise\all([$x])->then(function () use($client) {
         // start the event loop
         // append the X-Powered-By header
         $response->addHeader(Protocol::HEADER_X_POWERED_BY, __CLASS__, true);
         // set response state to be dispatched after this without calling other modules process
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // catch all exceptions
         throw new ModuleException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());