/** * @todo */ public function dbUpdate() { $success = true; try { $dummy = DB::em()->getConfiguration()->getMetadataDriverImpl(); $dummy->addPaths(array(APPLICATION_PATH . '/models')); $metadatas = DB::em()->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata(); if (!empty($metadatas)) { $schemaTool = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool(DB::em()); $sqls = $schemaTool->getUpdateSchemaSql($metadatas, true); if (!empty($sqls)) { if (App::$inst->request->post('update')) { $schemaTool->updateSchema($metadatas, true); $message = 'Database schema updated successfully!'; } else { $message = 'List of updates:<br/>'; $message .= implode(';' . PHP_EOL, $sqls) . ';'; } } else { $message = 'SQLs are empty. Database schema is up to date'; } } else { $message = 'Database schema is up to date'; } } catch (Exception $e) { $success = false; $message = $e->getMessage() . $e->getTraceAsString(); } $this->jsonResponse($success, $message); }
public function run($app) { $a = DB::tabApp()->find(1); print_r($a); }
protected function getCopy() { $db = class_exists('\\Application\\DB') ? \Application\DB::em() : \DB::em(); $query = $db->createQuery('SELECT c FROM \\Entity\\Copy c'); return $this->prepareArrayByLocales($query->getResult(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY)); }
public function testGetEm() { $em = DB::em(); $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager', $em, 'DB::em() should be instance of \\Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager'); }
private function getAnalyticsXml() { $categoriesVoting = DB::cache()->fetch('AdminAnalyticsCategoryVotes'); if (empty($categoriesVoting)) { $categoriesVoting = DB::CategoryVote()->getAllFrontend(); if (empty($categoriesVoting)) { $categoriesVoting = array(); } else { DB::cache()->save('AdminAnalyticsCategoryVotes', $categoriesVoting, 120); } } $nomineesVoting = DB::cache()->fetch('AdminAnalyticsNomineeVotes'); if (empty($nomineesVoting)) { $nomineesVoting = DB::NomineeVote()->getAnalyticsData(); if (empty($nomineesVoting)) { $nomineesVoting = array(); } else { DB::cache()->save('AdminAnalyticsNomineeVotes', $nomineesVoting, 120); } } $nominationVoting = DB::cache()->fetch('AdminAnalyticsNominationVotes'); if (empty($nominationVoting)) { $nominationVoting = DB::Nomination()->getAnalyticsData(); if (empty($nominationVoting)) { $nominationVoting = array(); } else { DB::cache()->save('AdminAnalyticsNominationVotes', $nominationVoting, 120); } } App::$inst->config('templates.path', $this->analyticsXmlPath); $xml = App::$inst->view->fetch($this->analyticsXmlFile, array('categoriesVoting' => $categoriesVoting, 'nomineesVoting' => $nomineesVoting, 'nominationVoting' => $nominationVoting)); $xmlmd5 = md5($xml); if (isset($this->state['xmlmd5']) && $this->state['xmlmd5'] != $xmlmd5) { $this->log('State was droped. Xml File changed'); $this->dropState(); } $this->state['xmlmd5'] = $xmlmd5; // $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml); return $xml; }