public function loginAction()
     $user = $this->identity();
     $form = new LoginForm();
     $messages = null;
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $registerFormFilters = new Register();
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             $data = $form->getData();
             $sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
             $dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter');
             $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Config');
             $staticSalt = $config['static_salt'];
             $authAdapter = new AuthAdapter($dbAdapter, 'registration', 'usr_name', 'usr_password', "MD5(CONCAT('{$staticSalt}', ?, usr_password_salt)) AND usr_active = 1");
             $auth = new AuthenticationService();
             // or prepare in the globa.config.php and get it from there. Better to be in a module, so we can replace in another module.
             // $auth = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService');
             // $sm->setService('Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService', $auth); // You can set the service here but will be loaded only if this action called.
             $result = $auth->authenticate($authAdapter);
             switch ($result->getCode()) {
                 case Result::FAILURE_IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND:
                     // do stuff for nonexistent identity
                 case Result::FAILURE_CREDENTIAL_INVALID:
                     // do stuff for invalid credential
                 case Result::SUCCESS:
                     $storage = $auth->getStorage();
                     $storage->write($authAdapter->getResultRowObject(null, 'usr_password'));
                     $time = 1209600;
                     // 14 days 1209600/3600 = 336 hours => 336/24 = 14 days
                     //						if ($data['rememberme']) $storage->getSession()->getManager()->rememberMe($time); // no way to get the session
                     if ($data['rememberme']) {
                         $sessionManager = new \Zend\Session\SessionManager();
                     // do stuff for other failure
             foreach ($result->getMessages() as $message) {
                 $messages .= "{$message}\n";
     return new ViewModel(array('form' => $form, 'messages' => $messages));
 public function loginAction()
     $form = new LoginForm();
     /** @var \Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request $request */
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $referer = $request->getHeader('referer');
     if ($referer === false) {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute('home');
     } else {
         $referer_path = $referer->uri()->getPath();
     $current_path = $request->getUri()->getPath();
     $_SESSION['referer_path'] = $referer_path;
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $validate = new LoginFilter();
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             $ident = $validate->getInputFilter()->getValue('name');
             $password = $validate->getInputFilter()->getValue('password');
             $auth = new AuthAccess();
             $authenticated = $auth->isAuthenticated($ident, $password);
             if ($authenticated) {
                 $redirect_path = $_SESSION['referer_path'];
                 if ($redirect_path == '/') {
                 } elseif ($redirect_path == $current_path) {
                 $redirect_route = str_replace('/', '', $redirect_path);
             } else {
     return array('form' => $form);
예제 #3
 public function indexAction()
     $api = new Api();
     $auth = new FrontEndAuth();
     $session = new Container('frontend');
     $loginError = "";
     $seturl = $this->getRequest()->getQuery('last_url');
     //$redirectUrl = '';
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         if ($session->status_id != 3) {
             //$redirectUrl = array('controller' => 'practitioner', 'action' => 'list'):array('controller' => 'practitioner', 'action' => 'dashboard');
             return $session->user_type_id == 4 ? $this->redirect()->toRoute('consumer', array('action' => 'dashboard')) : $this->redirect()->toRoute('practitioner', array('action' => 'dashboard'));
         } else {
             $loginError = "Sorry your are suspended to access this site ..!! ";
     $form = new LoginForm();
     $register_form = new RegisterForm();
     //$forWishlist = new Container('last_url');
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $login = new Login();
         $data = $request->getPost()->toArray();
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             //unset($data['rememberme'], $data['submit']);
             $bookingData = new Container('bookingData');
             $api_url = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Config')['api_url']['value'];
             $url = $api_url . "/api/useractivity/";
             //$data = array("username" => "sazid1s", "password" => "123456", "op" => "login");
             $data['op'] = 'login';
             $res = $api->curl($url, $data, "POST");
             //var_dump($res); die;
             if ($res->getStatusCode() == 200) {
                 $content = json_decode($res->getBody(), true);
                 if ($content['status_id'] != 3) {
                     //Get verifiy status
                     $url = $api_url . "/api/userverification/?user_id=" . $content['id'];
                     $res = $api->curl($url, array(), "GET");
                     $result = json_decode($res->getBody(), true);
                     $emailStatus = 0;
                     $smsStatus = 0;
                     if (count($result) > 0) {
                         // retrieving verification code
                         foreach ($result as $userid) {
                             // email validation where 1:- email
                             if ($userid['verification_type_id'] == 1) {
                                 $emailStatus = $userid['verification_status'];
                             // sms validation where 2:- for sms
                             if ($userid['verification_type_id'] == 2) {
                                 $smsStatus = $userid['verification_status'];
                     //End:- Get verifiy status
                     $session->userid = $content['id'];
                     $session->first_name = $content['first_name'];
                     $session->last_name = $content['last_name'];
                     $session->email = $content['email'];
                     $session->user_name = $content['user_name'];
                     $session->user_type_id = $content['user_type_id'];
                     $session->user_data = $content;
                     $session->status_id = $content['status_id'];
                     $session->last_login = $content['last_login_prev'];
                     $session->email_verification_status = $emailStatus;
                     $session->sms_verification_status = $smsStatus;
                     // SET Cookies
                     $time = $data['rememberme'] == 'yes' ? time() + 365 * 60 * 60 * 24 : time() - 4;
                     $cookie = new SetCookie('username', $content['user_name'], $time);
                     // now + 1 year
                     $cookie1 = new SetCookie('password', $data['Pass'], $time);
                     // now + 1 year
                     $cookie2 = new SetCookie('rememberme', $data['rememberme'], $time);
                     // now + 1 year
                     $response = $this->getResponse()->getHeaders();
                     // End set cookies
                     if ($data['rememberme'] == 'yes') {
                         setcookie("user_name", $content['user_name'], time() + 60 * 60 * 1);
                         setcookie("password", $data['Pass'], time() + 60 * 60 * 1);
                         /* expire in 1 hour */
                     $redirectUrl = $session->user_type_id == 4 ? array('controller' => 'consumer', 'action' => 'dashboard') : array('controller' => 'practitioner', 'action' => 'dashboard');
                     if (isset($bookingData->bookingData)) {
                         return $this->redirect()->toRoute('booking', array('action' => 'schedule', 'id' => $bookingData->sp));
                     } else {
                         if ($this->getRequest()->getQuery('lasturl') != '') {
                             return $this->redirect()->toUrl($this->getRequest()->getQuery('lasturl'));
                         } else {
                             return $session->user_type_id == 4 ? $this->redirect()->toRoute('consumer', array('action' => 'dashboard')) : $this->redirect()->toRoute('practitioner', array('action' => 'dashboard'));
                 //Status check
                 $loginError = "Sorry your are suspended to access this site ..!! ";
                 //return $this->redirect()->toUrl($redirectUrl);
             } else {
                 $loginError = "Username or Password is incorrect";
     } else {
         $username = $this->getRequest()->getHeaders()->get('Cookie')->username ? $this->getRequest()->getHeaders()->get('Cookie')->username : '';
         $password = $this->getRequest()->getHeaders()->get('Cookie')->password ? $this->getRequest()->getHeaders()->get('Cookie')->password : '';
         $rememberme = $this->getRequest()->getHeaders()->get('Cookie')->password ? $this->getRequest()->getHeaders()->get('Cookie')->rememberme : '';
     return new ViewModel(array('form' => $form, 'register_form' => $register_form, 'loginError' => $loginError, 'setUrl' => $seturl));