NOTE: This class is designed to work outside of WordPress just fine, so it can be a dependency. It can be used to create other plugins, for example, a Joomla or Drupal plugin. Even though this is not a WordPress class it follows its coding conventions.
부터: 0.2.0
저자: Federico Ramirez
 public function testBuildersGetCalled()
     $workspace = $this->prophet->prophesize('\\Apple_Exporter\\Workspace');
     // Cleans up workspace
     // Writes JSON
     $workspace->write_json(Argument::that(array($this, 'isValidJSON')))->shouldBeCalled();
     // Get JSON
     $builder1 = $this->prophet->prophesize('\\Apple_Exporter\\Builders\\Builder');
     $builder2 = $this->prophet->prophesize('\\Apple_Exporter\\Builders\\Builder');
     $content = new Apple_Exporter\Exporter_Content(3, 'Title', '<p>Example content</p>');
     $exporter = new Exporter($content, $workspace->reveal());
     $exporter->initialize_builders(array('componentTextStyles' => $builder1->reveal(), 'componentLayouts' => $builder2->reveal()));