This component does not need a node so no need to implement match_node. In a WordPress context, the Exporter_Content's cover attribute is a post's thumbnail, a.k.a featured image.
부터: 0.2.0
상속: extends Component
 public function testFilter()
     $this->settings->set('use_remote_images', 'no');
     $workspace = $this->prophet->prophesize('\\Apple_Exporter\\Workspace');
     // get_file_contents and write_tmp_files must be caleld with the specified params
     $workspace->bundle_source('filename.jpg', '')->shouldBeCalled();
     $component = new Cover('', $workspace->reveal(), $this->settings, $this->styles, $this->layouts);
     add_filter('apple_news_cover_json', function ($json) {
         $json['behavior']['type'] = 'background_motion';
         return $json;
     $this->assertEquals(array('role' => 'header', 'layout' => 'headerPhotoLayout', 'components' => array(array('role' => 'photo', 'layout' => 'headerPhotoLayout', 'URL' => 'bundle://filename.jpg')), 'behavior' => array('type' => 'background_motion', 'factor' => 0.8)), $component->to_array());