예제 #1
 public function parse($manager)
     $log_file = 'access_test.log';
     $pattern = '/^(?<client>\\S+) +(?<clientid>\\S+)' . '+(?<userid>\\S+) \\[(?<datetime>[^\\]]+)\\]' . ' "(?<method>[A-Z]+)(?<request>[^"]+)?HTTP\\/[0-9.]+"' . ' (?<status>[0-9]{3}) (?<size>[0-9]+)/';
     $file_handle = fopen($log_file, "r");
     $line = fgets($file_handle);
     preg_match_all($pattern, $line, $matches);
     while (!feof($file_handle)) {
         $line = fgets($file_handle);
         //new entry instance
         $entry = new Entry();
         //look for pattern in line
         preg_match_all($pattern, $line, $matches);
         //populate entry
         $str = new \DateTime(@$matches['datetime'][0]);
         if (@$matches['client'][0] != null) {
             //persist entry to DB
         } else {
     return 'log file parsed successfully!';
  * @param EntryExcel $entryExcel
  * @return Entry
 public function createEntryEntity(EntryExcel $entryExcel)
     $entry = new Entry();
     return $entry;
예제 #3
  * @Route("/app/entries/{project_id}", name="entries")
  * @ParamConverter("project", class="AppBundle:Project", options={"id" = "project_id"})
 public function entriesAction(Request $request, Project $project)
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     $from = $request->get('from', strtotime('first day of this month'));
     $to = $request->get('to', strtotime('last day of this month'));
     $entry = new Entry();
     $entry->setIssuedAt(new \DateTime());
     $entry->setCreatedAt(new \DateTime());
     $form = $this->createForm(EntryType::class, $entry, array('action' => $this->generateUrl('entries', array('project_id' => $project->getId())), 'method' => 'POST'));
     if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
         // ... perform some action, such as saving the task to the database
         return $this->redirectToRoute('entries', array('project_id' => $project->getId()));
     $query = $em->createQuery('SELECT e, u
         FROM AppBundle:Entry e
         JOIN e.user u
         WHERE e.project = :project
         ORDER BY e.issuedAt DESC, e.createdAt DESC')->setParameter('project', $project);
     $entries = $query->getResult();
     // replace this example code with whatever you need
     return $this->render('AppBundle:Default:entries.html.twig', ['project' => $project, 'entries' => $entries, 'form' => $form->createView()]);
예제 #4
  * Creates a form to delete a Entry entity.
  * @param Entry $entry The Entry entity
  * @return \Symfony\Component\Form\Form The form
 private function createDeleteForm(Entry $entry)
     return $this->createFormBuilder()->setAction($this->generateUrl('app_entry_delete', array('id' => $entry->getId())))->setMethod('DELETE')->getForm();
예제 #5
 public function relatedEntitiesAction()
     $category = new Entry();
     $category->setName('Main Products');
     $product = new Movie();
     $product->setDescription('Lorem ipsum dolor');
     // relate this product to the category
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     return new Response('Created product id: ' . $product->getId() . ' and category id: ' . $category->getId());
     //fetchin related
     $product = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:Product')->find($id);
     $categoryName = $product->getCategory()->getName();