public function aboutPage($title, $text) { $view = new View(); $view->title = $title; $view->text = $text; $view->render("index"); }
/** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $ignore = ['', '']; if (array_search($request->ip(), $ignore) === false) { $ip = $request->ip(); $path = $request->path(); $view = new View(); $view->ip = $ip; $view->url = $path; $view->location = GeoipParser::parse($ip); $view->save(); } return $next($request); }
public static function detectAllLocation() { $views = View::all(); foreach ($views as $view) { if ($view->location != "") { continue; } $ip = $view->ip; $client = new Client(['base_uri' => '', 'timeout' => 5.0]); try { $response = $client->request('GET', '/service/getIpInfo.php', ['query' => "ip={$ip}"]); $body = json_decode($response->getBody()); if ($body->code == 0) { $country = $body->data->country; $area = $body->data->area; $region = $body->data->region; $city = $body->data->city; $isp = $body->data->isp; $location = "{$country}-{$area}-{$region}-{$city}-{$isp}"; } else { $location = "获取失败"; } $view->location = $location; } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::warning($e->getMessage()); } $view->save(); } }
public function getViews() { $views = View::orderBy('count', 'desc')->get(); if (is_null($views)) { return []; } return $views->toArray(); }
public function run() { Assets\Less::compile('index.less', 'style.css'); Assets\Javascript::compile('gui/root.js', 'gui_min.js'); Assets\Javascript::compile('interface/root.js', 'interface_min.js'); Assets\Javascript::compile('layouts/root.js', 'layouts_min.js'); $sidebarMod = new Modules\Sidebar\Sidebar(); $sidebar = $sidebarMod->render(); $user = User::$model; View::set(compact('sidebar', 'user')); View::render('html'); }
public function __construct($widget_id) { // Find or fail widget $this->widget = Widget::findOrFail($widget_id); $session_id = Session::getId(); $referrer = filter_var(Request::server('HTTP_REFERER'), FILTER_SANITIZE_URL); // Add new resource? $this->resource = Resource::firstOrNew(['uri' => $referrer, 'widget_id' => $this->widget->id]); $this->resource->uri = $referrer; $this->resource->widget_id = $this->widget->id; $this->resource->save(); // Add new visitor? $this->visitor = Visitor::firstOrCreate(['session_id' => $session_id]); $this->visitor->touch(); // Add new view? $this->view = View::firstOrCreate(['resource_id' => $this->resource->id, 'visitor_id' => $this->visitor->id]); $this->view->touch(); }
<?php use App\Models\News; use App\View; require __DIR__ . '/../../autoload.php'; $view = new View(); $view->title = 'Страница редактирование статьи'; $view->display(__DIR__ . '/../templates/form.php');
public function actionIndex() { $view = new View('site'); echo $view->render(); }
/** * Returns the fully rendered HTML of a post in the JSON output. * * @return string */ public function getHtmlAttribute() { if (!$this->trashed()) { return \View::make('content.board.thread', ['board' => $this->board, 'thread' => $this, 'op' => false, 'reply_to' => $this->reply_to ?: $this->board_id])->render(); } return null; }
public function makeAssignRoleFeatureForm($rid) { $role = Role::find($rid); $feature_not_in_role = Role::getFeaturesNotAssignedToCurrentRole($rid); return View::make('backend.role.feature_assign')->with('feature_not_in_role', $feature_not_in_role)->with('role', $role)->with('module', $this->module); }
/** * * @access public * * @param string $render Nome do arquivo php * @param arary $param Valores para ser carreagodo na render * * * @description Monta o path da render escolhida * Caso não tenha o arquivo na view serar mostrando uma mensagem de erro. * */ public function render($render, $param = []) { $render = View::pathView(self::$namespace_module) . '/views/' . self::$view . '/' . $render . '.php'; $layout = View::pathView(self::$namespace_module) . '/views/layout/' . $this->layout . '.php'; return View::render($render, $param, $layout); }
<?php require __DIR__ . '/serv/autoload.php'; use App\View; $view = new View(); $view->asign('bootstrap', '" integrity="sha384-fLW2N01lMqjakBkx3l/M9EahuwpSfeNvV63J5ezn3uZzapT0u7EYsXMjQV+0En5r" crossorigin="anonymous'); $view->asign('bootstraploc', 'css/bootstrap.css'); $view->asign('bootstraptheme', 'css/bootstrap-theme.css'); $view->asign('style', 'css/style.css'); use App\model\Main; $view->asign('main', new Main()); use App\model\Gallery; $view->asign('gall', new Gallery()); use App\model\Shedule; $view->asign('shedule', new Shedule()); use App\model\Nav; $view->asign('nav', new Nav()); $view->display();
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function test_1() { return View::getAdminTeacherView(); }
use App\View; require __DIR__ . '/autoload.php'; /** * При создании модели передаём ей свойства - массив * методом getProperties() - перебираем их с использование Итератора */ $news = new News(['news' => 'First', 'title' => 'Экспериментальная новость', 'description' => 'Описание экспериментальной новости']); $news->getProperties(); ?> <pre><?php var_dump($news); ?> </pre><?php /** * Перебор итератором объектов News */ $news = News::findAll(); foreach ($news as $key => $value) { ?> <pre><?php var_dump($key, $value); ?> </pre><?php } var_dump($news[0]); $view = new View(); $view->title = 'Урок 3'; $view->news = News::findLastRecords(3); // Вывод колличества объектов с использованием интефейса Countable //echo count($view); die; $view->display(__DIR__ . '/App/templates/index.html');
public function run() { View::render('404'); }
public function proposal_invite($user) { $unsubscribelink = unsubscribe_link($user->id, $user->email, 'job_invite_cron'); $targetlink = Autologin::to($user, $this->plink() . '?utm_source=proposal_invite&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Notifications'); $data = array('targetlink' => $targetlink, 'unsubscribelink' => $unsubscribelink, 'job' => $this, 'from' => UPDATE_EMAIL, 'from_name' => SENDER_NAME, 'to' => $user->email, 'fname' => $user->fname, 'subject' => $user->fname . ', you have received a job request from ' . $this->user->fname); $mailer = new Mailer(); $mailer->sender_email = $data['from']; $mailer->sender_name = $data['from_name']; $mailer->receiver_email = $data['to']; $mailer->receiver_name = $data['fname']; $mailer->subject = $data['subject']; $mailer->message = View::make('', $data)->render(); $mailer->status = '0'; $mailer->priority = '1'; $mailer->save(); return TRUE; }
public function teacherDelete() { $v = Validator::make(Input::all(), ['id' => 'required|numeric']); if ($v->fails()) { return View::getBadRequstView($v->messages()); } else { if (Teacher::find(Input::get('id')) == null) { return View::getBadRequstView('no teach of this id. id is ' . Input::get('id')); } } Teacher::find(Input::get('id'))->delete(); return redirect('/admin/teacher'); }
public function makeCreatePermissionForm($fid) { $feature = Feature::find($fid); if (!isset($feature)) { return Redirect::to('/crm/feature')->withMessage(Generate::message('Invalid', 'Invalid Feature or Feature has been deleted')); } $all_positions = Permission::getAllCurrentPosition(); $icons = SysConfig::getSystemConfig('Icons'); $icon_bgs = SysConfig::getSystemConfig('IconBG'); $all_pages = Permission::getAllCurrentPages(); $all_prompt_types = Permission::getAllCurrentPromptTypes(); return View::make('backend.feature.create_permission')->with('feature', $feature)->with('icons', $icons)->with('icon_bgs', $icon_bgs)->with('all_prompt_types', $all_prompt_types)->with('all_pages', $all_pages)->with('all_positions', $all_positions)->with('module', $this->module); }
/** *Renders a single post. * * @return string HTML */ public function toHTML($catalog, $multiboard, $preview) { $rememberTags = ["board.{$this->board->board_uri}", "post_{$this->post_id}", "post_html"]; $rememberTimer = 30; $rememberKey = "board.{$this->board->board_uri}.post_html.{$this->board_id}"; $rememberClosure = function () use($catalog, $multiboard, $preview) { $this->setRelation('attachments', $this->attachments->reverse()); return \View::make('', ['board' => $this->board, 'post' => $this, 'user' => user(), 'catalog' => $catalog, 'reply_to' => $this->reply_to ?: false, 'multiboard' => $multiboard, 'preview' => $preview])->render(); }; if (!user()->isAnonymous()) { return $rememberClosure(); } if ($catalog) { $rememberTags[] = "catalog_post"; $rememberTimer += 30; } if ($multiboard) { $rememberTags[] = "multiboard_post"; $rememberTimer -= 20; } if ($preview) { $rememberTags[] = "preview_post"; $rememberTimer -= 20; } switch (env('CACHE_DRIVER')) { case "file": case "database": break; default: return Cache::tags($rememberTags)->remember($rememberKey, $rememberTimer, $rememberClosure); } return $rememberClosure(); }
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../serv/autoload.php'; use App\View; $view = new View(); $view->asign('bootstrap', '" integrity="sha384-fLW2N01lMqjakBkx3l/M9EahuwpSfeNvV63J5ezn3uZzapT0u7EYsXMjQV+0En5r" crossorigin="anonymous'); $view->asign('bootstraploc', '../css/bootstrap.css'); $view->asign('style', '../css/style.css'); use App\model\Admin; $view->asign('su', new admin()); use App\model\Nav; $view->asign('nav', new Nav()); $view->AdminDisplay();
public function run() { View::set($this->get(['login', 'password', 'error'])); View::render('login'); }
public function __construct() { $view = new View('home.php'); $view->vars(array('msg' => 'Bem vindo!')); }
/** * Returns the fully rendered HTML of a post in the JSON output. * * @return string */ public function getHtmlAttribute() { if (!$this->trashed()) { return \View::make('', ['board' => $this->board, 'post' => $this, 'user' => user(), 'op' => false, 'reply_to' => $this->reply_to ?: $this->board_id, 'preview' => false])->render(); } return null; }
<?php use App\Models\News; use App\View; const STATUS_ACTIVE = 1; require __DIR__ . '/../../autoload.php'; $post = $_POST; if (!empty($post)) { if (empty($post['id_news'])) { $article = new News(); } else { $article = News::findById($post['id_news']); } $article->title = trim($post['title']); $article->description = trim($post['description']); $article->published = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $article->status = STATUS_ACTIVE; $article->author_id = 1; $article->save(); $view = new View(); $view->title = 'Страница статьи'; $view->article = $article; $view->display(__DIR__ . '/../templates/one.html'); } else { header('Location: /'); exit(0); }