function get_server_embed_code($server_id, Webinar $webinar) { $server = StreamingServer::find($server_id); $html = ' <div id="wowza" style="width:644px;height:276px;margin:0 auto;text-align:center"> <img src="/media/img/player/splash_black.jpg" height="276" width="548" style="cursor:pointer" /> </div> <script> $f("wowza", "", { clip: { url: "mp4:vod/demo.flowplayer/buffalo_soldiers.mp4", scaling: "fit", // configure clip to use hddn as our provider, referring to our rtmp plugin provider: "hddn" }, // streaming plugins are configured under the plugins node plugins: { // here is our rtmp plugin configuration hddn: { url: "flowplayer.rtmp-3.2.13.swf", // netConnectionUrl defines where the streams are found netConnectionUrl: "rtmp://' . $server->streaming_url . '/live/' . $webinar->uuid . '" } }, canvas: { backgroundGradient: "none" } }); </script>'; return $html; }
public function getClone($user_id, $webinar_id) { $user = User::find($user_id); $webinar = Webinar::where('uuid', '=', $webinar_id)->first(); $enabled_streaming_servers = StreamingServer::where('enabled', '=', 1)->get(); $subscribersLists = $user->subscribers_lists()->where("webinar_id", "=", NULL)->get(); $webinar_list = $webinar->webinar_subscriber_list()->first(); return $this->view('partials.webinars.clone', compact('webinar', 'enabled_streaming_servers', 'subscribersLists', 'webinar_list', 'panelists')); }
public function delete($id) { StreamingServer::destroy($id); return redirect()->route('streaming-servers')->with("status", "Streaming Server have been deleted successfully"); }