public function deny($id) { if (\Auth::check()) { $admin = \Auth::user(); $media = SocialMedia::findOrFail($id); $media->approved = 'Denied'; $media->approver_id = $admin->admin_id; $media->save(); return redirect('/admin/pending'); } else { return redirect('/'); } }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $url = '' . env('INSTAGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN'); $content = file_get_contents($url); $json = json_decode($content, true); foreach ($json['data'] as $images) { $insta_id = $images['id']; $imgUrl = $images['images']['standard_resolution']['url']; $description = $images['caption']['text']; $datetime_posted = $images['caption']['created_time']; $datetime_posted = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($datetime_posted)->toDateTimeString(); $username = $images['user']['username']; $profilePic = $images['user']['profile_picture']; $link = $images['link']; if (SocialMedia::where('insta_id', $insta_id)->exists() || $description == null) { echo "This post already exists"; } else { $insta = new SocialMedia(); $insta->username = $username; $insta->insta_id = $insta_id; $insta->profile_pic_url = $profilePic; $insta->tweet = 'N/A'; $insta->caption = $description; $insta->message = 'N/A'; $insta->source = 'Admin-Insta'; $type = substr($imgUrl, -3); if (!file_exists('public/instagrams')) { mkdir('public/instagrams', 0777, true); } $localUrl = 'public/instagrams/' . $insta_id . '.jpg'; file_put_contents('public/instagrams/' . $insta_id . '.jpg', file_get_contents($imgUrl)); $insta->link = $link; $insta->resize = 'fit'; $insta->approved = 'Approved'; $insta->approver_id = -1; $insta->datetime_posted = $datetime_posted; $insta->save(); echo "Saved!"; } } runSync(); // $tag = 'ghsnd'; // $url = ''.$tag.'/media/recent?client_id='.env('INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID'); // $content = file_get_contents($url); // $json = json_decode($content, true); // foreach($json['data'] as $images) { // $imgUrl = $images['images']['standard_resolution']['url']; // $description = $images['caption']['text']; // $datetime_posted = $images['caption']['created_time']; // $datetime_posted = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($datetime_posted)->toDateTimeString(); // $username = $images['caption']['from']['username']; // $profilePic = $images['caption']['from']['profile_picture']; // $link = $images['link']; // if (SocialMedia::where('caption', $description)->exists()) { // echo "This post already exists"; // } // else { // $insta = new SocialMedia; // $insta->username = $username; // $insta->profile_pic_url = $profilePic; // $insta->tweet = 'N/A'; // $insta->caption = $description; // $insta->imgUrl = $imgUrl; // $insta->message = 'N/A'; // $insta->source = 'Instagram'; // $insta->link = $link; // $insta->width = 0; // $insta->height = 0; // $insta->resize = 'fit'; // $insta->approved = 'Pending'; // $insta->approver_id = -1; // $insta->datetime_posted = $datetime_posted; // $insta->save(); // echo "Saved!"; // } // } echo "FINISHED"; }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { //actual account $settings = array('oauth_access_token' => env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'), 'oauth_access_token_secret' => env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'), 'consumer_key' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'), 'consumer_secret' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET')); $url = ''; $getField = 'screenname=ghchsnd'; $requestMethod = 'GET'; $twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings); $content = $twitter->setGetfield($getField)->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)->performRequest(); $json = json_decode($content, true); var_dump($json); foreach ($json as $tweet_info) { $tweet = $tweet_info['text']; $datetime_posted = $tweet_info['created_at']; $date = explode(' ', $datetime_posted); $month = date('m', strtotime($date[1])); $day = $date[2]; $year = $date[5]; $time = $date[3]; $datetime = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day . " " . $time, 'UTC'); $datetime = $datetime->setTimezone('America/Los_Angeles'); $username = $tweet_info['user']['screen_name']; $profile_img = $tweet_info['user']['profile_image_url']; $link = $imgUrl = $resize = 'N/A'; // if (!file_exists('public/tweets')) { // mkdir('public/tweets', 0777, true); // } // $localUrl = 'public/tweets/'.$insta_id.'.jpg'; // file_put_contents('public/tweets/'.$insta_id.'.jpg', file_get_contents($imgUrl)); if (isset($tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['expanded_url'])) { $link = $tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['expanded_url']; } if (isset($tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['media_url_https'])) { $imgUrl = $tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['media_url_https']; } if (isset($tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['sizes']['large']['resize'])) { $resize = $tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['sizes']['large']['resize']; } if ($username != 'ghchsnd' || SocialMedia::where('tweet', $tweet)->exists()) { echo "This post already exists"; } else { $newTweet = new SocialMedia(); $newTweet->username = $username; $newTweet->profile_pic_url = $profile_img; $newTweet->tweet = $tweet; $newTweet->caption = 'N/A'; $newTweet->message = 'N/A'; $newTweet->link = $link; $newTweet->source = 'Admin-Twitter'; $newTweet->approved = 'Approved'; $newTweet->approver_id = -1; $newTweet->datetime_posted = $datetime; $newTweet->save(); echo "Saved!"; } } //hashtag $settings = array('oauth_access_token' => env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'), 'oauth_access_token_secret' => env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'), 'consumer_key' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'), 'consumer_secret' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET')); $url = ''; $getField = 'q=%23ghsnd&result_type=recent'; $requestMethod = 'GET'; $twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings); $content = $twitter->setGetfield($getField)->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)->performRequest(); $json = json_decode($content, true); foreach ($json['statuses'] as $tweet_info) { $tweet = $tweet_info['text']; $datetime_posted = $tweet_info['created_at']; $date = explode(' ', $datetime_posted); $month = date('m', strtotime($date[1])); $day = $date[2]; $year = $date[5]; $time = $date[3]; $datetime = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day . " " . $time, 'UTC'); $datetime = $datetime->setTimezone('America/Los_Angeles'); $username = $tweet_info['user']['screen_name']; $profile_img = $tweet_info['user']['profile_image_url']; $link = $imgUrl = $resize = 'N/A'; $height = $width = -1; if (isset($tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['expanded_url'])) { $link = $tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['expanded_url']; } if (isset($tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['media_url_https'])) { $imgUrl = $tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['media_url_https']; } if (isset($tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['sizes']['large']['h'])) { $height = $tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['sizes']['large']['h']; } if (isset($tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['sizes']['large']['w'])) { $width = $tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['sizes']['large']['w']; } if (isset($tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['sizes']['large']['resize'])) { $resize = $tweet_info['entities']['media'][0]['sizes']['large']['resize']; } if (SocialMedia::where('tweet', $tweet)->exists()) { echo "This post already exists"; } else { $newTweet = new SocialMedia(); $newTweet->username = $username; $newTweet->profile_pic_url = $profile_img; $newTweet->tweet = $tweet; $newTweet->caption = 'N/A'; $newTweet->message = 'N/A'; $newTweet->imgUrl = $imgUrl; $newTweet->link = $link; $newTweet->width = $width; $newTweet->height = $height; $newTweet->source = 'Twitter'; $newTweet->approved = 'Pending'; $newTweet->approver_id = -1; $newTweet->datetime_posted = $datetime; $newTweet->save(); echo "Saved!"; } } echo "FINISHED"; }
public function saveMemberSocialIds($siteArr, $useAvatarFromSocialSite, $memberId) { $socialIdSiteArr = SocialMedia::getSocialSiteIdArr(); DB::beginTransaction(); // delete existing relationships in table DB::table('member_social_ids')->where('member_id', $memberId)->delete(); // save new if (count($siteArr) > 0) { $valuesArr = array(); foreach ($siteArr as $site => $arr) { $site = trim($site); $siteId = trim($arr['id']); if ($siteId == '' || $site == '' || !isset($socialIdSiteArr[$site])) { continue; } $avatarSrc = isset($arr['avatar_src']) ? $arr['avatar_src'] : ''; $primaryAvatar = 0; if ($useAvatarFromSocialSite == $site) { $primaryAvatar = 1; } $valuesArr[] = array('member_id' => $memberId, 'social_site' => $site, 'member_social_id' => $siteId, 'disabled' => $arr['disabled'], 'primary_avatar' => $primaryAvatar, 'avatar' => $avatarSrc); } if (count($valuesArr) > 0) { DB::table('member_social_ids')->insert($valuesArr); } DB::commit(); } }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param Request $request * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update(Request $request, $id) { if (\Auth::check()) { $post = SocialMedia::findOrFail($id); $post->message = $request->input('content'); $post->approver_id = \Auth::user()->admin_id; $post->save(); $request->session()->flash('edited-post', 'Post Edited.'); $posts = DB::table('social_media')->orderBy('datetime_posted', 'asc')->where('source', 'Admin-Post')->get(); return view('auth.edit', ['admin' => \Auth::user(), 'posts' => $posts]); } else { return redirect('admin/login'); } }