/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show() { $user = Auth::user(); $email = $user->email; $array['index'] = Skills::where('email', $email)->get(); return view('skills', $array); }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function create() { $title = 'profile'; $user = Corpuser::where('id', '=', Auth::user()->corpuser_id)->first(); $skills = Skills::lists('name', 'name'); return view('pages.firm_details', compact('user', 'title', 'skills')); }
public function delete(Request $request) { if (!ACL::hasPermission('skills', 'delete')) { return redirect(route('skills'))->withErrors(['You don\'t have permission for delete the skills.']); } Skills::find($request->get('skillsId'))->delete(); $success = "Skill deleted successfully."; return redirect(route('skills'))->with(compact('success')); }
public function index() { $websiteSettings = \App\Exceptions\Handler::readFile("websiteSettings.json"); $aboutMe = AboutMe::orderBy('sortorder', 'asc')->get(); $experiences = Experience::orderBy('dateStart', 'desc')->get(); $skills = Skills::orderBy('sortorder', 'asc')->get(); $languages = Language::orderBy('sortorder', 'asc')->get(); //foreach($languages as $language): //dd($language->writeName); //endforeach; return view('website.aboutme')->with(compact('websiteSettings', 'aboutMe', 'experiences', 'skills', 'languages')); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $title = 'skill'; $skills = Skills::lists('name', 'name'); $farearoleList = Functional_area_role_mapping::orderBy('id')->get(); $education = Education::orderBy('level')->orderBy('name')->get(); $postskill = Postjob::where('unique_id', '=', $id)->where('individual_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->first(); return view('pages.postskill_edit', compact('title', 'skills', 'farearoleList', 'education', 'postskill')); }
| It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested. | */ Route::get('/', function () { // prelevo l'elenco delle squadre $teams = \App\Team::all(); return view('home', ['teams' => $teams]); }); Route::get('team/{slug}', function ($slug) { // prelevo l'oggetto TEAM con la lista dei giocatori associati $team = \App\Team::where('slug', '=', $slug)->firstOrFail(); return view('players', ['players' => $team->players]); }); Route::get('player/{id}', function ($player_id) { // prelevo tutte le informazioni del PLAYER con id=$player_id $player = \App\Skills::where('player_id', $player_id)->firstOrFail(); return view('player_info', ['data' => $player]); }); Route::get('fantateam', function () { // prelevo l'elenco delle fanta-squadre $teams = \App\Fantateam::all(); return view('fantateams', ['teams' => $teams]); }); Route::get('fantateam/{slug}', function ($slug) { $fantateam = \App\Fantateam::where('slug', '=', $slug)->firstOrFail(); return view('players', ['players' => $fantateam->players]); }); Route::get('gestione/fantateams', function () { return view('gestione_fantateams'); });
public function addNewSkills(Request $request) { if ($request->ajax()) { $skill = Skills::create(['name' => $request['name']]); return $skill->id; } }
public function about() { $skills = Skills::all(); $experiences = Experiences::all(); return view('page.about')->with('skills', $skills)->with('experiences', $experiences); }
public function createUserRequest(Request $request) { $skills = Skills::lists('name', 'name'); $educationList = Education::orderBy('level')->orderBy('name')->where('name', '!=', '0')->get(); $farearoleList = Functional_area_role_mapping::orderBy('id')->get(); $indUser = new Induser(); $indUser->fname = $request['fname']; $indUser->lname = $request['lname']; $indUser->gender = $request['gender']; $indUser->city = $request['city']; $indUser->about_individual = $request['about_individual']; $indUser->education = $request['education']; $indUser->experience = $request['experience']; $indUser->working_status = $request['working_status']; $indUser->working_at = $request['working_at']; $indUser->industry = $request['industry']; if ($request['role'] != null) { $farea_role = $request['role']; $temp = explode('-', $farea_role); $indUser->functional_area = $temp[0]; $indUser->role = $temp[1]; } if ($request['linked_skill_id'] != null) { $indUser->linked_skill = implode(', ', $request['linked_skill_id']); } if ($request['prefered_location'] != null) { $indUser->prefered_location = implode(', ', $request['prefered_location']); } $indUser->email = $request['email']; $indUser->mobile = $request['mobile']; $indUser->prefered_jobtype = $request['prefered_jobtype']; $indUser->save(); $user = new User(); $user->name = $request['fname'] . ' ' . $request['lname']; $user->email = $request['email']; $user->mobile = $request['mobile']; $user->password = md5(rand(111111, 999999)); $user->identifier = 1; if ($request['email'] != null) { $vcode = 'A' . rand(1111, 9999); $user->email_vcode = $vcode; } if ($request['mobile'] != null) { $otp = rand(1111, 9999); $user->mobile_otp = $otp; } $resetCode = md5(rand(11111, 99999)); $user->reset_code = $resetCode; $indUser->user()->save($user); $email = $request['email']; if ($request['email'] != null) { $email = $request['email']; $fname = $request['fname']; Mail::send('emails.auth.resetpassword', array('fname' => $fname, 'token' => $resetCode), function ($message) use($email, $fname) { $message->to($email, $fname)->subject('Jobtip - Profile Created!')->from('*****@*****.**', 'JobTip'); }); } return view('pages.create_users', compact('skills', 'educationList', 'farearoleList'))->withErrors(['errors' => 'Profile Created Successfully.']); }
public function edit_view() { if (Auth::user()->identifier == 1) { $title = 'indprofile_edit'; $user = User::where('id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->with('induser')->first(); $skills = Skills::lists('name', 'name'); $thanks = Postactivity::with('user', 'post')->join('postjobs', 'postjobs.id', '=', 'postactivities.post_id')->where('postjobs.individual_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->where('postjobs.inactive', '=', 0)->where('postactivities.thanks', '=', 1)->orderBy('postactivities.id', 'desc')->sum('postactivities.thanks'); $posts = Postjob::where('individual_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->count('id'); $linksCount = Connections::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->where('status', '=', 1)->orWhere('connection_user_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->where('status', '=', 1)->count('id'); $educationList = Education::orderBy('level')->orderBy('name')->where('name', '!=', '0')->get(); $location = Induser::where('id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->first(['prefered_location']); // $loc = explode(',', $location); $farearoleList = Functional_area_role_mapping::orderBy('id')->get(); $acc_id = ""; $profilePer = 0; if (Auth::user()->induser->fname != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->lname != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->email != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->mobile != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->dob != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->city != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->fb_page != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->in_page != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->gender != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->about_individual != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->education != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->experience != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->working_status != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->working_at != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->role != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->linked_skill != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->resume != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->prefered_location != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->prefered_jobtype != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } if (Auth::user()->induser->profile_pic != null) { $profilePer = $profilePer + 1; } $profilePer = round($profilePer / 20 * 100); return view('pages.professional_page', compact('user', 'acc_id', 'title', 'skills', 'educationList', 'location', 'farearoleList', 'thanks', 'linksCount', 'posts', 'profilePer')); } else { if (Auth::user()->identifier == 2) { $title = 'corpprofile_edit'; $user = User::where('id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->with('corpuser')->first(); $skills = Skills::lists('name', 'name'); $acc_id = ""; return view('pages.firm_details', compact('user', 'title', 'skills', 'acc_id')); } } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { Skills::where('id', $id)->delete(); return back()->withSuccess('Skill deleted successfully!'); }
public function postFilter(Request $request) { $title = 'home'; $sort_by = " "; $sort_by_skill = " "; $skillfilter = ""; $skills = Skills::lists('name', 'name'); $filter = Filter::where('from_user', '=', Auth::user()->id)->where('post_type', '=', 'job')->first(); $links = DB::select('select id from indusers where indusers.id in ( select connections.user_id as id from connections where connections.connection_user_id=? and connections.status=1 union select connections.connection_user_id as id from connections where connections.user_id=? and connections.status=1 )', [Auth::user()->induser_id, Auth::user()->induser_id]); $links = collect($links); $linksApproval = DB::select('select id from indusers where indusers.id in ( select connections.user_id as id from connections where connections.connection_user_id=? and connections.status=0 )', [Auth::user()->induser_id]); $linksApproval = collect($linksApproval); $linksPending = DB::select('select id from indusers where indusers.id in ( select connections.connection_user_id as id from connections where connections.user_id=? and connections.status=0 )', [Auth::user()->induser_id]); $linksPending = collect($linksPending); $groups = Group::leftjoin('groups_users', 'groups_users.group_id', '=', 'groups.id')->where('groups.admin_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->orWhere('groups_users.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->groupBy('groups.id')->get(['groups.id as id'])->lists('id'); if (Auth::user()->induser_id != null) { $following = DB::select('select id from corpusers where corpusers.id in ( select follows.corporate_id as id from follows where follows.individual_id=? )', [Auth::user()->induser_id]); $following = collect($following); } if (Auth::user()->corpuser_id != null) { $following = DB::select('select id from indusers where indusers.id in ( select follows.individual_id as id from follows where follows.corporate_id=? )', [Auth::user()->corpuser_id]); $following = collect($following); } if (Auth::user()->identifier == 1) { $share_links = Induser::whereRaw('indusers.id in ( select connections.user_id as id from connections where connections.connection_user_id=? and connections.status=1 union select connections.connection_user_id as id from connections where connections.user_id=? and connections.status=1 )', [Auth::user()->induser_id, Auth::user()->induser_id])->get(['id', 'fname'])->lists('fname', 'id'); $share_groups = Group::leftjoin('groups_users', 'groups_users.group_id', '=', 'groups.id')->where('groups.admin_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->orWhere('groups_users.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->groupBy('groups.id')->get(['groups.id as id', 'groups.group_name as name'])->lists('name', 'id'); } $skillPosts = Postjob::orderBy('id', 'desc')->with('indUser', 'corpUser', 'postActivity', 'taggedUser', 'taggedGroup')->where('post_type', '=', 'skill')->where('individual_id', '!=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->where('postjobs.inactive', '=', 0)->paginate(15); // $post_type = $request['post_type']; $post_title = $request['jobTitle']; $experience = $request['experience']; $time_for = $request['time_for']; $skill = $request['jobSkill'] != null ? implode(',', $request['jobSkill']) : null; $industry = $request['industry']; // return $skill; $jobPosts = Postjob::orderBy('postjobs.id', 'desc')->with('indUser', 'corpUser', 'postActivity', 'preferLocations')->leftjoin('post_preferred_locations', 'post_preferred_locations.post_id', '=', 'postjobs.id')->where('individual_id', '!=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->where('inactive', '=', 0); if ($time_for != null) { $jobPosts->whereIn('time_for', $time_for); } /*if($post_type == 'job'){ $jobPosts->where('post_type', '=', $post_type); }*/ if ($skill != null) { $jobPosts->where('linked_skill', 'like', '%' . $skill . '%'); } if ($post_title != null) { $jobPosts->where('post_title', 'like', '%' . $post_title . '%')->whereRaw("(job_detail like '%" . $post_title . "%' or role like '%" . $post_title . "%' or linked_skill like '%" . $post_title . "%')"); } if ($industry != null) { $jobPosts->where('industry', 'like', '%' . $industry . '%'); } if ($experience != null) { $jobPosts->whereRaw("{$experience} between min_exp and max_exp"); } $jobPosts = $jobPosts->groupBy('unique_id')->paginate(15); // return $jobPosts; return view('pages.homeFiltered', compact('jobPosts', 'skillPosts', 'linksApproval', 'linksPending', 'title', 'links', 'groups', 'following', 'userSkills', 'skills', 'share_links', 'share_groups', 'sort_by', 'sort_by_skill', 'filter', 'skillfilter', 'submitFilter')); }
public function accountDelete() { if (Auth::user()->identifier == 1) { $title = "AccountSetting"; $acc_id = Input::get('account_id'); $password = bcrypt(Input::get('password')); $skills = Skills::lists('name', 'name'); $thanks = Postactivity::with('user', 'post')->join('postjobs', 'postjobs.id', '=', 'postactivities.post_id')->where('postjobs.individual_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->where('postjobs.inactive', '=', 0)->where('postactivities.thanks', '=', 1)->orderBy('postactivities.id', 'desc')->sum('postactivities.thanks'); $posts = Postjob::where('individual_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->count('id'); $linksCount = Connections::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->where('status', '=', 1)->orWhere('connection_user_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->where('status', '=', 1)->count('id'); $educationList = Education::orderBy('level')->orderBy('name')->where('name', '!=', '0')->get(); $location = Induser::where('id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->first(['prefered_location']); $farearoleList = Functional_area_role_mapping::orderBy('id')->get(); $userDetail = User::where('induser_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->first(); $token = 'AD' . rand(11111, 99999) . rand(11111, 99999); if (Hash::check(Input::get('password'), $userDetail->password)) { $user = User::with('induser')->where('id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->first(); return view('pages.professional_page', compact('title', 'user', 'acc_id', 'skills', 'educationList', 'location', 'farearoleList', 'thanks', 'linksCount', 'posts')); } else { return redirect('/mypost'); } } elseif (Auth::user()->identifier == 2) { $title = "AccountSetting"; $acc_id = Input::get('account_id'); $password = bcrypt(Input::get('password')); $skills = Skills::lists('name', 'name'); $userDetail = User::where('corpuser_id', '=', Auth::user()->corpuser_id)->first(); $token = 'AD' . rand(11111, 99999) . rand(11111, 99999); if (Hash::check(Input::get('password'), $userDetail->password)) { $user = User::with('corpuser')->where('id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->first(); return view('pages.firm_details', compact('title', 'user', 'acc_id', 'skills')); } else { return redirect('/mypost'); } } }