  * This function will update the refresh token by the specific user 
 public function refreshAndUpdateAccessToken()
     $service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($this->wpdb, $this->user_id);
     $time = new Time();
     //Get specific access token
     $userCurrentAccessToken = $service_bgl360->getCurrentAccessTokenByUser($this->user_id);
     // $this->authentication_bgl360->clear();
     // print_r( $userCurrentAccessToken );
     // echo "Current logged in access token " . $userCurrentAccessToken[0]['access_token'] . '<br>';
     // echo "Current logged in refresh token " . $userCurrentAccessToken[0]['refresh_token'] . '<br>';
     // echo "Is access token expired?<br>" .  $userCurrentAccessToken[0]['id'] . '  <BR>';
     // @todo get access token by refresh token smsf database.
     // echo "Token is automatically refreshed <br>";
     // echo "refresh token " . $userCurrentAccessToken[0]['refresh_token'] . '<br>';
     // Set the refresh token
     // Set the access token
     // Get the refresh token data composed by the set access and refresh tokens
     $response = $this->authentication_bgl360->getRefreshTokenData($this->authentication_bgl360->getRefreshTokenUrl());
     // print_r($response);
     // echo "This is refresh url => " . $this->authentication_bgl360->getRefreshTokenUrl() . '<br>';
     // If there is something wrong with the refresh token provided then response will include "invalid_token"
     if ($response['error'] == 'invalid_token') {
         echo "<span style='color:red' >Refresh token is already used to retrieved new access token </span><br>";
         //delete the current user's access tokens
         if ($service_bgl360->deleteAccessToken($this->user_id)) {
             echo "user id: " . $this->user_id . " <-- deleted <br>";
     } else {
         echo "<span style='color:green' > New access token updated</span>";
         // Update access token and refresh token by the user in SMSF database
         $service_bgl360->updateAccessToken(array('access_token' => $response['access_token'], 'refresh_token' => $response['refresh_token'], 'expired_at' => $time->getAccessTokenExpireDateTime(), 'updated_at' => $time->getCurrentDateTime()));
require "bgl360/app/Http/Document.php";
 * Call namespaces
use App\ServiceBgl360;
use App\AuthenticationBgl360;
use App\ResourceRequestBgl360;
use App\Time;
 * Declare local and global variables
global $wpdb;
 * Instantiate classes
$service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($wpdb, $current_user->ID);
$resource_request_bgl360 = new ResourceRequestBgl360();
$document = new \App\Document();
//echo "<pre>";
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
// get access status if access token is exist
$isExistAccessToken = $service_bgl360->isExistAccessToken();
//check access token status from bgl360
// if access token is expired then
 * Get the users token information from smsf database
$currentUser['bgl360_token'] = $service_bgl360->getCurrentAccessTokenByUser();
$queryData['access_token'] = $currentUser['bgl360_token'][0]['access_token'];
$queryData['token_type'] = $currentUser['bgl360_token'][0]['token_type'];
$queryData['refresh_token'] = $currentUser['bgl360_token'][0]['refresh_token'];
require "bgl360/app/Http/Time.php";
 * Call namespaces
use App\ServiceBgl360;
use App\AuthenticationBgl360;
use App\ResourceRequestBgl360;
use App\Time;
 * Declare local and global variables
global $wpdb;
 * Instantiate classes
$service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($wpdb, $current_user->ID);
$authentication_bgl360 = new AuthenticationBgl360();
$resource_request_bgl360 = new ResourceRequestBgl360();
$time = new Time();
 * Set up authentication data
 * Class namespace
use App\ServiceBgl360;
use App\AuthenticationBgl360;
use App\ResourceRequestBgl360;
use App\Time;
use App\AccessToken;
 * Initialized global and local variables
global $wpdb;
$totalDaysRemaining = 0;
 * Instantiate classes
$service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($wpdb, $current_user->ID);
$authentication_bgl360 = new AuthenticationBgl360();
$resource_request_bgl360 = new ResourceRequestBgl360();
$time = new Time();
 * Get all access token saved to database
$accessData = $service_bgl360->getAccessTokens();
foreach ($accessData as $accessToken) {
    echo "id = " . $accessToken['id'] . "<br>";
    echo " current date " . $time->getCurrentDate() . '<br>';
    echo " expired at date " . $time->toDate($accessToken['expired_at']) . '<br>';
    echo " Total remaining days " . $time->getTotalRemainingDays($time->getCurrentDate(), $time->toDate($accessToken['expired_at'])) . '<br>';
     * Get total days remaining
echo '<pre>Username: '******'<br />';
echo 'User email: ' . $current_user->user_email . '<br />';
echo 'User first name: ' . $current_user->user_firstname . '<br />';
echo 'User last name: ' . $current_user->user_lastname . '<br />';
echo 'User display name: ' . $current_user->display_name . '<br />';
echo 'User ID: ' . $current_user->ID . '<br />';
require "bgl360/app/Http/ServiceBgl360.php";
require "bgl360/app/Http/AuthenticationBgl360.php";
require "bgl360/app/Http/ResourceRequestBgl360.php";
use App\ServiceBgl360;
use App\AuthenticationBgl360;
use App\ResourceRequestBgl360;
global $wpdb;
$service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($wpdb, $current_user->ID);
$authentication_bgl360 = new AuthenticationBgl360();
$resource_request_bgl360 = new ResourceRequestBgl360();
//Authentication set up
echo "Access Token Uri " . $authentication_bgl360->getAccessTokenUri() . '<br>';
//Insert new access token to database print insert token status
//if($service_bgl360->insertNewAccessToken(array('access_token'=>'123123', 'refresh_token'=>'sadasdasd', 'expires_in'=>'123123', 'scope'=> 'investment'))){
//    echo "inserted <br>";
//require ("bgl360/app/Http/Member.php");
 * Call namespaces
use App\ServiceBgl360;
use App\AuthenticationBgl360;
use App\ResourceRequestBgl360;
 * Declare local and global variables
global $wpdb;
 * Instantiate classes
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($wpdb, $current_user->ID);
$resource_request_bgl360 = new ResourceRequestBgl360();
//echo "This is the post data";
//echo "current user id " .  $current_user->ID . ' <br>';
$fundList = $_REQUEST['fundList'];
$accessToken = $_REQUEST['accessToken'];
$currentUser = $service_bgl360->getCurrentAccessTokenByUser();
//echo "<pre>";
//echo "current token of the user " . $currentUser[0]['access_token'] . '<br>';
//echo "access token " . $currentUser[0]['bgl360_token'];
if ($_POST) {
    // echo "<pre>";
    $members = $resource_request_bgl360->getFundMembers($fundList, $currentUser[0]['access_token']);
    // print_r($members);