예제 #1
 public function initialize($user_id)
     $required_bet_count = 20;
     $in_active_match = Matches::checkForActiveMatch($user_id);
     if (count(User::getBettedMogs($user_id)) == $required_bet_count || $in_active_match) {
         //get the user
         $user = Auth::user();
         //Get the user's bet rating
         $bet_rating = ActivatedMogs::getBetRating($user_id);
         //Check if the user is already in a match
         $active_match_id = $user->getActiveMatch();
         if ($active_match_id) {
             //user is in a match
             //get the match record to know the current state of the match
             $match_detail = Matches::find($active_match_id);
             //get the mogs that are in the play field
             $bet_mogs = PlayField::getUsersBettedMogs($active_match_id, $user->id);
             $captured_mogs = PlayField::getUsersCapturedMogs($active_match_id, $user->id);
         } else {
             //user is not in a match
             $match_detail = null;
             //Get user's betted mogs
             $bet_mogs = User::getBettedMogs($user_id);
             $captured_mogs = [];
         return view('memeslam', ['user' => $user, 'bet_rating' => $bet_rating, 'match_detail', 'bet_mogs' => $bet_mogs, 'captured_mogs' => $captured_mogs])->withEncryptedCsrfToken(Crypt::encrypt(csrf_token()));
     } else {
         return redirect('/');
예제 #2
 public static function getPlayerState($match_id, $player_id)
     //get player username
     $name = User::getUserName($player_id);
     //get player's playing mogs
     $playing_mogs = PlayField::getUsersBettedMogs($match_id, $player_id);
     //get player's captured mogs
     $captured_mogs = PlayField::getUsersCapturedMogs($match_id, $player_id);
     $player = new Player($name, $playing_mogs, $captured_mogs);
     return $player;
예제 #3
 public static function getGameState($match_id, $player_id)
     //get match
     $match = Matches::find($match_id);
     //get player's opponent id
     $opponent_id = Matches::getOpponentID($match_id, $player_id);
     //get the player's state
     $player = Player::getPlayerState($match_id, $player_id);
     //get the opponent player's state
     $opponent = Player::getPlayerState($match_id, $opponent_id);
     //get the game's current state
     $match_state = $match->match_state;
     //get the current active player
     $active_player = $match->active_player_id;
     //get mogs for results animation screen
     $round_result_mogs = PlayField::getResultsAnimationMogs($match_id);
     //get last update timestamp
     $last_update = $match->updated_at;
     $last_update = substr($last_update, 0, 19);
     //create new game_state object
     $game_state = new GameState($player, $opponent, $match_state, $active_player, $round_result_mogs, $last_update);
     return $game_state;
예제 #4
 public static function flipMogs($match_id, $active_player_id, $count)
     //arrays for id's to be flipped and active ids for owner update
     $flip_ids = [];
     $active_ids = [];
     //Get the mogs
     $mogs = PlayField::getActiveMogs($match_id);
     //Build array of random indexes for flip
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $flipIdx = rand(0, count((array) $mogs) - 1);
         $flip_ids[] = $mogs[$flipIdx]->id;
         array_splice($mogs, $flipIdx, 1);
     //flip them
     DB::table('PlayField')->where('match_id', '=', $match_id)->where('flipped', '=', 0)->whereIn('id', $flip_ids)->update(['flipped' => 1, 'new_owner_id' => $active_player_id, 'show_animation' => 1]);
     //Get flipped Mogs active id for update
     $flipped_mogs = DB::table('PlayField')->whereIn('id', $flip_ids)->get();
     //build array of active ids from flipped mogs
     foreach ($flipped_mogs as $mog) {
         $active_ids[] = $mog->mog_id;
     //update Activated Mog's owner
     ActivatedMogs::updateOwner($active_ids, $active_player_id);
예제 #5
 public function calcRoundOutcome($slam_time)
     //determine round_bias from given slam time
     if ($slam_time == 0) {
         $round_bias = 0;
     } else {
         if ($slam_time > 1 && $slam_time <= 200) {
             $round_bias = 1;
         } else {
             if ($slam_time > 200 && $slam_time <= 300) {
                 $round_bias = 0.9;
             } else {
                 if ($slam_time > 300 && $slam_time <= 600) {
                     $round_bias = 0.8;
                 } else {
                     if ($slam_time > 600 && $slam_time <= 700) {
                         $round_bias = 0.7;
                     } else {
                         if ($slam_time > 700 && $slam_time <= 900) {
                             $round_bias = 0.6;
                         } else {
                             if ($slam_time > 900 && $slam_time <= 1200) {
                                 $round_bias = 0.5;
                             } else {
                                 if ($slam_time > 1200 && $slam_time <= 1600) {
                                     $round_bias = 0.4;
                                 } else {
                                     if ($slam_time > 1600 && $slam_time <= 2100) {
                                         $round_bias = 0.3;
                                     } else {
                                         if ($slam_time > 2100 && $slam_time <= 4000) {
                                             $round_bias = 0.2;
                                         } else {
                                             $round_bias = 0.1;
     //get count of available mogs for this match
     $available_mog_count = PlayField::getActiveMogs($this->id);
     $available_mog_count = count((array) $available_mog_count);
     //get number to be flipped
     $flip_count = 40 * $round_bias;
     //make sure number to be flipped doesn't exceed available
     if ($flip_count > $available_mog_count) {
         $flip_count = $available_mog_count;
     //Flip the mogs
     PlayField::flipMogs($this->id, $this->active_player_id, $flip_count);
     //update count of mogs for player
     if ($this->active_player_id == $this->p1_id) {
         $this->p1_mog_count += $flip_count;
     } else {
         $this->p2_mog_count += $flip_count;