public static function getAllMeta($objectId, $metaKey, $valueWhere = false) { $obj = ObjectMeta::where('object_id', $objectId)->where('meta_key', $metaKey); if ($valueWhere) { $obj->where('meta_value', $valueWhere); } return $obj; }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param $id * @return Response */ public function postDelete(DeleteRequest $request, $id) { if ($object = object::find($id)) { $object->delete(); ObjectMeta::where('object_id', $id)->delete(); return redirect('admin/objects')->with('message', 'Type deleted successfully'); } }
echo '<div style="color: cornflowerblue; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">' . '<div style="float: left; padding: 20px 10px 5px 5px;">' . '<span> #' . $index . '</span>' . '</div>' . '<div style="float: left;">' . '<span>ID: </span>' . $item['id'] . '<br>' . '<span>File name: </span>' . $item['filename'] . '<br>' . '<span>Error message: </span>' . $item['error'] . '</div>' . '</div>'; echo '<br>'; } } } } if ($refreshThisPage) { die('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2">'); } else { die('Done!'); } }); /* Crop and resize images */ Route::get('/crop', function () { ini_set('memory_limit', '1G'); $results = \App\ObjectMeta::where('object_meta.meta_key', '_file_path')->join('object_meta AS om', function ($join) { $join->on('object_meta.object_id', '=', 'om.object_id')->where('om.meta_key', '=', '_image_info'); })->join('object_meta AS om2', 'object_meta.object_id', '=', 'om2.meta_value')->join('objects as obj', '', '=', 'om2.object_id')->select('object_meta.object_id', 'object_meta.meta_value AS path', 'om2.meta_key AS type', 'om2.object_id AS parentObjectID', 'obj.type AS parentObjectType')->groupBy('path')->get(); // dd($results->get()->toArray()); if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == 'content') { $content = $results->reject(function (&$v) { $v->info = unserialize($v->info); return $v->type == '_featured_image'; }); ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); $failed = array(); foreach ($content as $image) { $x = autoCrop(0, $image->path, $image->type); // echo $image->path . '<br>'; // echo $image->type . '<br>'; // var_dump($x);
private function processObject2(&$object, $getAll = true) { $objectData = ObjectMeta::where('object_id', '=', $object->id)->orWhere('object_id', '=', $object->objectTypeID)->get(); $objectFinal = $object->toArray(); if ($getAll) { $objectTypeData = $objectData->filter(function ($v) use($object) { if ($v->object_id == $object->objectTypeID) { return true; } return false; }); foreach ($objectTypeData as $item) { // Get categories if ($item->meta_key == '_category_id') { if (isset($objectFinal['categories'])) { $objectFinal['categories'][] = $item->meta_value; } else { $objectFinal['categories'] = array($item->meta_value); } continue; } // Get fields if (strpos($item->meta_key, '_field_') === 0) { $content = unserialize($item->meta_value); if (isset($objectFinal['fields'])) { $objectFinal['fields'][$content['name']] = $content; } else { $objectFinal['fields'] = array($content['name'] => $content); } } } } // dd($objectFinal); $objectData = $objectData->filter(function ($v) use($object) { if ($v->object_id == $object->id) { return true; } return false; }); $objectFinal['map'] = false; // dd($objectData->toArray()); foreach ($objectData as $item) { $itemKey = $item->meta_key; $itemVal = $item->meta_value; // Address if (strpos($itemKey, '_field_address') === 0) { // Get the current key $key = str_replace(array('_field_address-'), '', $itemKey); // check if map exists if ($key == 'location-g' || $key == 'location-k') { if ($itemVal == '') { $objectFinal['map'] = false; } else { $objectFinal['map'] = true; } $key = str_replace('-', '_', $key); } // add the current address data to the array if (isset($objectFinal['address'])) { $objectFinal['address'][$key] = $itemVal; } else { $objectFinal['address'] = array($key => $itemVal); } continue; } // Images if ($itemKey == '_content_image' || $itemKey == '_featured_image') { $objectFinal[$itemKey] = 'cropped/' . getTheImageSize(getImageSrc($itemVal), $itemKey); // $objectFinal[$itemKey] = getImageSrc($itemVal, 'medium'); continue; } if ($getAll) { // Set phone if ($itemKey == '_field_phone') { $objectFinal['phone'] = $itemVal; continue; } // Set email if ($itemKey == '_field_email') { $objectFinal['phone'] = $itemVal; continue; } /* Get more info */ if ($itemKey == '_field_occupation' && trim($itemVal) != '') { // var_dump($itemVal); if (isset($objectFinal['more'])) { array_unshift($objectFinal['more'], array('type' => 'text', 'key' => 'Occupation', 'value' => $itemVal)); } else { $objectFinal['more'] = array(array('type' => 'text', 'key' => 'Occupation', 'value' => $itemVal)); } continue; } if ($itemKey == '_field_french_speakers' && (bool) $itemVal) { if (isset($objectFinal['more'])) { array_unshift($objectFinal['more'], array('type' => 'checkbox', 'key' => 'francophone', 'value' => (bool) $itemVal)); } else { $objectFinal['more'] = array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'key' => 'francophone', 'value' => (bool) $itemVal)); } continue; } // extra fields if (strpos($itemKey, '_field_') === 0) { $key = str_replace('_field_', '', $itemKey); if (isset($objectFinal['fields'][$key])) { $current = $objectFinal['fields'][$key]; $type = $current['type']; $label = $current['label']; $ignoreTypes = array('select', 'radio', 'map'); if (in_array($type, $ignoreTypes)) { continue; } if (!(bool) $itemVal || !trim($itemVal)) { continue; } if (isset($objectFinal['more'])) { $objectFinal['more'][] = array('type' => $type, 'key' => $label, 'value' => $type == 'checkbox' ? (bool) $itemVal : $itemVal); } else { $objectFinal['more'] = array(array('type' => $type, 'key' => $label, 'value' => $type == 'checkbox' ? (bool) $itemVal : $itemVal)); } } } } } if ($getAll) { $objectFinal['hasContact'] = (bool) (isset($objectFinal['email']) && $objectFinal['email']) || isset($objectFinal['phone']) && $objectFinal['phone']; $objectFinal['hasContactAddress'] = (bool) isset($objectFinal['address']) && (isset($objectFinal['address']['address']) && $objectFinal['address']['address'] || isset($objectFinal['address']['city']) && $objectFinal['address']['city']); $objectFinal['hasMore'] = (bool) isset($objectFinal['more']); } unset($objectFinal['fields']); $object = $objectFinal; }
public static function getFields($id) { return ObjectMeta::where('object_id', $id)->where('meta_key', 'LIKE', '_field_%'); }
public static function getMeta($objectId, $metaKey) { return ObjectMeta::where('object_id', $objectId)->where('meta_key', $metaKey)->first(); }
public static function getField($id, $name) { return ObjectMeta::where('object_id', $id); //->where('meta_key', '=', '_field_'. $name); }
public function getCategories($id) { if ($objectType = Object::find($id)) { $categories = ObjectMeta::where('object_id', $id)->where('meta_key', '_category_id')->select(array('id', 'meta_value'))->get(); //$cc $c = array(); foreach ($categories as $categoryId) { $c[] = $categoryId->meta_value; } $categories = Object::where('type', 'category')->whereIn('id', $c)->select('id', 'title')->get(); return Datatables::of($categories)->add_column('actions', '<a href="{{{ URL::to(\'admin/object-types/\' . $id . \'/delete\' ) }}}" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> {{ trans("admin/modal.delete") }}</a>')->remove_column('id')->make(); } // $objecttypes = ObjectType::select(array('','','object_types.display_name', 'object_types.created_at')); // // return Datatables::of($objecttypes) // ->add_column('actions', '@if ($id>"4")<a href="{{{ URL::to(\'admin/object-types/\' . $id . \'/edit\' ) }}}" class="btn btn-success btn-sm" ><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> {{ trans("admin/modal.edit") }}</a> // <a href="{{{ URL::to(\'admin/object-types/\' . $id . \'/delete\' ) }}}" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> {{ trans("admin/modal.delete") }}</a> // @endif') // ->remove_column('id') // // ->make(); }
public function getCategories($id) { if ($objectType = Object::find($id)) { $this->fetchCategories(); $this->itemArray(); $categoriesOrig = $this->items->getDictionary(); $categories = ObjectMeta::where('object_id', $id)->where('meta_key', '_category_id')->select(array('id', 'meta_value'))->get(); //$cc $c = array(); foreach ($categories as $categoryId) { $c[] = $categoryId->meta_value; } $categories = Object::where('type', 'category')->whereIn('id', $c)->select('id', 'title')->get(); foreach ($categories as &$v) { $v->title = ''; if (isset($this->itemsParents[$v->id])) { foreach ($this->itemsParents[$v->id] as $item_id) { if (isset($categoriesOrig[$item_id])) { $v->title .= ($v->title ? ' \\ ' : '') . $categoriesOrig[$item_id]->title; } } } } return Datatables::of($categories)->add_column('actions', '<a href="{{{ URL::to(\'admin/object-types/' . $id . '/deleteCategory/\' . $id ) }}}" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> {{ trans("admin/modal.delete") }}</a>')->remove_column('id')->make(); } // $objecttypes = ObjectType::select(array('','','object_types.display_name', 'object_types.created_at')); // // return Datatables::of($objecttypes) // ->add_column('actions', '@if ($id>"4")<a href="{{{ URL::to(\'admin/object-types/\' . $id . \'/edit\' ) }}}" class="btn btn-success btn-sm" ><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> {{ trans("admin/modal.edit") }}</a> // <a href="{{{ URL::to(\'admin/object-types/\' . $id . \'/delete\' ) }}}" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> {{ trans("admin/modal.delete") }}</a> // @endif') // ->remove_column('id') // // ->make(); }