/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(PersonRequest $request) { $person = new Person(); $person->first_name = $request->first_name; $person->middle_name = $request->middle_name; $person->last_name = $request->last_name; $person->gender = $request->gender; $person->cadre = $request->cadre; $person->email = $request->email; $person->phone = $request->phone; $person->facility = $request->facility; $person->save(); $personId = $person->person_id; $pRole = $request->role; if ($pRole == 1) { $mentor = new Mentor(); $mentor->person_id = $personId; $mentor->save(); } else { $mentee = new Mentee(); $mentee->person_id = $personId; $mentee->save(); } return redirect('person-home'); }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function create($tool) { $mentors = Mentor::all(); $mentees = Mentee::all(); if ($tool == 1) { return view('pages.session.tools.clinical', compact('mentors', 'mentees')); } else { if ($tool == 2) { return view('pages.session.tools.laboratory', compact('mentors', 'mentees')); } else { if ($tool == 3) { return view('pages.session.tools.counseling', compact('mentors', 'mentees')); } else { if ($tool == 4) { return view('pages.session.tools.nutrition', compact('mentors', 'mentees')); } else { if ($tool == 5) { return view('pages.session.tools.pharmacy', compact('mentors', 'mentees')); } else { return redirect('mentorship-session'); } } } } } }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show($id) { $mentorshipSession = MentorshipSession::find($id); $sessionDate = $mentorshipSession->session_date; $sessionTool = $mentorshipSession->sessionTool->name; $sessionToolId = $mentorshipSession->sessionTool->tool_id; $mentor = $mentorshipSession->mentor; //->person->first_name ." ".$mentorshipSession->mentor->person->last_name; $mentee = $mentorshipSession->mentee; //->person->first_name ." ".$mentorshipSession->mentee->person->last_name; $facility = \DB::table('facility')->where('id', $mentorshipSession->facility)->first(); $facility = $facility->mfl_code . ": " . $facility->name; $selfReportedGap = $mentorshipSession->self_reported_gap; $previousSessGap = $mentorshipSession->previous_session_gap; $otherGap = $mentorshipSession->other_gap; $sessionObjectives = $mentorshipSession->session_objectives; $mSessionId = $id; $menteeStrength = $mentorshipSession->mentee_strength; $improvementAreas = $mentorshipSession->mentee_improvement_areas; $comments = $mentorshipSession->session_comments; $cmeTopic = $mentorshipSession->cme_topic; $cmePresenter = $mentorshipSession->cme_presenter; $mdtParticipation = $mentorshipSession->mdt_participation; $totalScore = $mentorshipSession->session_score; //create array to contain scores $sessionScores = $mentorshipSession->sessionScore; $sessionScore = array(); foreach ($sessionScores as $score) { $ind = 'ind_' . $score->indicator_id; $comm = 'comm_' . $score->indicator_id; $indScore = $score->score; $indComment = $score->comment; $sessionScore["{$ind}"] = $indScore; $sessionScore["{$comm}"] = $indComment; } $mentors = Mentor::all(); $mentees = Mentee::all(); $counties = \DB::table('county')->get(); switch ($sessionToolId) { case 1: $viewPage = 'pages.session.tools.viewclinical'; break; case 2: $viewPage = 'pages.session.tools.viewlaboratory'; break; case 3: $viewPage = 'pages.session.tools.viewcounseling'; break; case 4: $viewPage = 'pages.session.tools.viewnutrition'; break; case 5: $viewPage = 'pages.session.tools.viewpharmacy'; break; } return view($viewPage, compact('mSessionId', 'sessionDate', 'sessionTool', 'mentor', 'mentee', 'facility', 'sessionScore', 'selfReportedGap', 'previousSessGap', 'otherGap', 'sessionObjectives', 'menteeStrength', 'improvementAreas', 'comments', 'cmeTopic', 'cmePresenter', 'mdtParticipation', 'totalScore', 'mentors', 'mentees', 'counties')); }