/** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { if (Session::has('user_id')) { $session_user_id = Session::get('user_id'); if ($request->user_id == $session_user_id) { $path = $request->path() . '?user_id=' . $request->user_id . '&day=' . $request->day; $requestlog = new RequestLog(); $requestlog->PID = $session_user_id; $requestlog->request = $path; $requestlog->save(); if ($request->day != Day::first()->pluck('day')) { $data['status'] = 112; $data['description'] = "You cannot request for a different day!"; return json_encode($data); } else { return $next($request); } } else { $data['status'] = 110; $data['description'] = "Session mismatch!"; return json_encode($data); return Day::first()->pluck('day'); } } else { $data['status'] = 111; $data['description'] = 'Session not set!'; return json_encode($data); } }
public function getHome() { $dates = []; $recipes = Recipe::all(); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { array_push($dates, Carbon::now()->startOfWeek()->addDays($i)); } $datas = Day::whereBetween('date', array($dates[0], end($dates)))->get(); foreach ($dates as $key => $date) { if ($datas->whereLoose('date', $date)->first() != '') { $day = $datas->whereLoose('date', $date)->first(); } else { $day = Day::create(['date' => $date]); } $dates[$key] = $day; } $ingredients_list = collect(); foreach ($dates as $day) { foreach ($day->recipes as $recipe) { foreach ($recipe->ingredients as $ingredient) { if ($ingredients_list->where('id', $ingredient->id)->first() && $ingredients_list->where('id', $ingredient->id)->first()->pivot->unit == $ingredient->pivot->unit) { $ingredients_list->where('id', $ingredient->id)->first()->total += $ingredient->pivot->quantity; } else { $ingredients_list->push($ingredient); $ingredients_list->where('id', $ingredient->id)->first()->total = $ingredient->pivot->quantity; } } } } $supply = Auth::user()->ingredients; return view('page.home')->with(['days' => $dates, 'ingredients_list' => $ingredients_list, 'supply' => $supply]); }
function save_instructor(Request $request) { $acam = Session::get('phaseterm'); $instructor = $request->instructor; $class_id = $request->cl_id; // no point if the instructor = 0 if ($instructor != 0) { $time = Time::getPeriod($class_id); $day = Day::getShortDay($class_id); $conflict = Api::checkInstructor($instructor, $time, $day); if ($conflict == false) { $class = Classallocation::find($class_id); $class->instructor = $instructor; $class->save(); if ($request->ajax == 0) { Session::flashdata('message', htmlAlert('Successfully Assigned', 'success')); return back(); } } else { if ($request->ajax == 0) { Session::flashdata('message', htmlAlert('Conflict')); return back(); } else { echo 'conflict'; } } } else { if ($request->ajax == 0) { Session::flashdata('message', htmlAlert('Please Select a instructor')); return back(); } else { echo 'no'; } } }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $store = Store::find($id); $days = Day::all(); $brands = Brand::lists('brand_name', 'id')->all(); $payment_types = PaymentType::lists('type_name', 'id')->all(); return view('admin.stores.edit', compact('store', 'days', 'brands', 'payment_types')); }
public function edit($id) { $data = []; $data['article'] = ArticleCategory::with('articles')->get(); $data['content'] = \App\Doctor::find($id); $data['list_province'] = \App\Province::lists('name', 'id'); $data['list_city'] = \App\City::lists('name', 'id'); $data['list_specialization'] = \App\Specialization::lists('name', 'id'); $data['days'] = \App\Day::lists('name', 'id'); return view('frontend.pages.clinic.doctor-edit', compact('data')); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { \App\Day::truncate(); \App\Day::create(['name' => 'Minggu']); \App\Day::create(['name' => 'Senin']); \App\Day::create(['name' => 'Selasa']); \App\Day::create(['name' => 'Rabu']); \App\Day::create(['name' => 'Kamis']); \App\Day::create(['name' => 'Jumat']); \App\Day::create(['name' => 'Sabtu']); }
public function postAutoAssign(Request $request) { // Weekend booths only = 1 // if this is a weekend booth, can assign to everyone // if this is a weekday booth, can only assign to troops with 0 $isWeekend = Day::find($request->date)->weekend; $brownies = User::getTroops('Brownie', $isWeekend)->toArray(); $juniors = User::getTroops('Junior', $isWeekend)->toArray(); $cadettes = User::getTroops('Cadette', $isWeekend)->toArray(); $seniors = User::getTroops('Senior', $isWeekend)->toArray(); $ambassadors = User::getTroops('Ambassador', $isWeekend)->toArray(); $all = array_merge($brownies, $juniors, $cadettes, $seniors, $ambassadors); $nonCsa = array_merge($brownies, $juniors); $csa = array_merge($cadettes, $seniors, $ambassadors); if ($isWeekend) { $booths = Booth::getBooths($request->date, '', $isWeekend); if ($booths->count()) { shuffle($all); foreach ($booths as $key => $booth) { $booth = Booth::find($booth['id']); $id = array_rand($all); $troop = $all[$id]; $booth->user_id = $troop['id']; $booth->save(); } } } else { $earlyBooths = Booth::getBooths($request->date, true, $isWeekend); $lateBooths = Booth::getBooths($request->date, false, $isWeekend); if ($earlyBooths->count()) { shuffle($nonCsa); foreach ($earlyBooths as $key => $booth) { $booth = Booth::find($booth['id']); $id = array_rand($nonCsa); $troop = $nonCsa[$id]; $booth->user_id = $troop['id']; $booth->save(); } } if ($lateBooths->count()) { shuffle($csa); foreach ($lateBooths as $key => $booth) { $booth = Booth::find($booth['id']); $id = array_rand($csa); $troop = $csa[$id]; $booth->user_id = $troop['id']; $booth->save(); } } } return redirect('/admin/booths'); }
function room($roomId) { $data['system'] = $this->system; $room = Classroom::findOrFail($roomId); $data['room_id'] = $roomId; $data['room_name'] = $room->legacycode; $data['location'] = $room->location; $data['days'] = Day::where('id', '!=', 8)->get(); $data['times'] = Time::all(); $schedCollection = new SchedCollection(); $data['table_day'] = $schedCollection->getSchedRoom($roomId, $this->system); return view('edp.room_sched', $data); }
public function show($id) { $inst = Party::find($id); if ($inst instanceof ModelNotFoundException) { return view('errors.404'); } $data['instructor'] = $inst; $data['classes'] = Classallocation::where('academicterm', $this->system->phaseterm)->where('instructor', $id); $data['days'] = Day::where('id', '!=', 8)->get(); $data['times'] = Time::all(); $schedCollection = new SchedCollection(); $data['table_day'] = $schedCollection->getSchedInstructor($id, $this->system); return view('instructor.sched', $data); }
function add_day_period(Request $request, $id) { if ($request->has('day')) { $valid = $this->assign($request); if ($valid) { return redirect('add_day_period/' . $id); } } elseif ($request->has('submit')) { $this->error = htmlAlert('Please select a day'); } $data['cid'] = $id; $data['error'] = $this->error; $data['cl'] = Classallocation::find($id); $data['days'] = Day::where('id', '!=', 8)->get(); $data['times'] = Time::where('id', '!=', 12)->get(); return view('dean.assigned_subj', $data); }
public function search(Request $request) { $data = array(); $data['days'] = \App\Day::lists('name', 'id'); $data['article'] = ArticleCategory::with('articles')->get(); $data['city'] = \App\City::all(); $data['specialization'] = \App\Specialization::all(); $data['city_k'] = urldecode($request->input('city')); $data['specialization_k'] = urldecode($request->input('specialization')); $data['keyword'] = urldecode($request->input('keyword')); $data['gender_k'] = $request->input('gender'); $data['practice_day_k'] = $request->input('practice_day'); $data['city_obj'] = \App\City::where('name', 'like', '%' . $data['city_k'] . '%')->lists('id'); $arr_specialization = \App\Specialization::where('name', 'like', '%' . $data['specialization_k'] . '%')->lists('id'); /*$result = \App\Specialization::where('name','like','%'.$data['specialization_k'].'%') ->whereHas('doctors', function($query) use($data){ $query->whereIn('city_id', $data['city_obj']) ->where('name','like', '%'.$data['keyword'].'%') ->whereHas('day', function($query) use($data){ if(!empty($data['practice_day_k']) > 0) $query->whereIn('days.id', $data['practice_day_k']); }) ; if(!empty($data['gender_k'])){ $query->where('gender',$data['gender_k']); } })-> with('doctors')->get();*/ $result = \App\Doctor::whereIn('city_id', $data['city_obj'])->where('name', 'like', '%' . $data['keyword'] . '%')->whereHas('day', function ($query) use($data) { if (!empty($data['practice_day_k']) > 0) { $query->whereIn('days.id', $data['practice_day_k']); } }); if (!empty($data['gender_k'])) { $result->where('gender', $data['gender_k']); } $result = $result->paginate(10); $data['article'] = ArticleCategory::with('articles')->get(); $data['content'] = $result; return view('frontend.pages.home.search-result', compact('data')); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index(HomeFormRequest $request) { // SEARCH STUFF TO FIX. NEED TO REDIRECT TO ANOTHER PAGE AND SHOW RESULTS THERE. https://laracasts.com/lessons/search-essentials // $query = $request->get('q'); // $articles = $query // ? Article::search($query)->get() // : Article::all(); //LONGER WAY OF CODING // if ($query) // { // $articles = Article::where('lat', 'LIKE', "%$query%")->get(); // } // else // { // $articles = Article::all(); // } // $days = Day::lists('dayname', 'id'); // $categories = Category::lists('name', 'id'); // ADD ANY/ALL OPTION $days = array(8 => 'Any') + Day::lists('dayname', 'id')->toArray(); $categories = array(4 => 'All') + Category::lists('name', 'id')->toArray(); return view('home', compact('categories', 'days')); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $schedules = Schedule::find($id); $academicRegistrations = AcademicRegistration::lists('academic_year', 'id'); $programStudies = ProgramStudy::lists('name', 'id'); $courses = Course::lists('course_name', 'id'); $studies = Study::lists('study_name', 'id'); $lecturers = Lecturer::lists('name', 'id'); $days = Day::lists('day', 'id'); return view('dashboard.admin.schedule.edit', ['schedule' => $schedules, 'academicRegistration' => $academicRegistrations, 'programStudy' => $programStudies, 'course' => $courses, 'study' => $studies, 'lecturer' => $lecturers, 'day' => $days]); }
public function get_day() { $current_day = Day::first(); return $current_day->day; }
public static function checkInstructor($instructor, $time, $day) { $instructor_sched = Day_period::getInstructorsSched($instructor); $subject_time = explode(' / ', $time); $subject_day = explode(' / ', $day); foreach ($instructor_sched as $sched) { if (!in_array('TBA', $subject_day)) { $inst_day = Day::find($sched->day); if (!in_array($inst_day, $subject_day)) { $from = Time::find($sched->from_time); $to = Time::find($sched->to_time); foreach ($subject_time as $key) { $keys = explode('-', $key); $isConflict = intersectCheck($from->time, $keys[0], $to->time, $keys[1]); if ($isConflict) { return true; } } } } } return false; }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $days = Day::all(); return view('dashboard.admin.day.index', ['day' => $days]); }
public function generate() { $dates = []; $recipes = Recipe::all(); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { array_push($dates, Carbon::now()->startOfWeek()->addDays($i)); } $datas = Day::whereBetween('date', array($dates[0], end($dates)))->get(); foreach ($dates as $date) { if ($datas->whereLoose('date', $date)->first() != '') { $day = $datas->whereLoose('date', $date)->first(); $day->recipes()->detach(); $day->recipes()->attach($recipes->random()->id); } else { $day = Day::create(['date' => $date]); $day->recipes()->attach($recipes->random()->id); } } return redirect('/'); }
use App\Http\Controllers\RoomsController; use App\Http\Controllers\TimeslotsController; use App\Room; use App\Timeslot; Route::model('room', 'App\\Room'); Route::get('/', function () { return view('welcome'); }); Route::get('/home', HomeController::class . '@index'); Route::get('/week', function () { return View::make('control-pages.week', ['rooms' => Room::all()]); }); Route::resource('room', RoomsController::class); Route::resource('timeslot', TimeslotsController::class); Route::get('/api/week', function () { return ['Maandag' => Timeslot::where('day_id', '1')->orderBy('begin')->get(), 'Dinsdag' => Timeslot::where('day_id', '2')->orderBy('begin')->get(), 'Woensdag' => Timeslot::where('day_id', '3')->orderBy('begin')->get(), 'Donderdag' => Timeslot::where('day_id', '4')->orderBy('begin')->get(), 'Vrijdag' => Timeslot::where('day_id', '5')->orderBy('begin')->get(), 'Zaterdag' => Timeslot::where('day_id', '6')->orderBy('begin')->get(), 'Zondag' => Timeslot::where('day_id', '7')->orderBy('begin')->get()]; }); Route::get('/api/week/{room}', function (Room $room) { $days_list = \App\Day::all(); $days = []; foreach ($days_list as $day) { $days[$day->day] = []; } foreach ($room->timeslots as $timeslot) { $days[$timeslot->day->day][] = $timeslot; } return $days; }); Route::get('/api/rooms', function () { return \App\Room::with('timeslots')->get(); });
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $days = Day::find($id); $days->delete(); Session::flash('message', 'You have successfully deleted day'); return Redirect::to('dashboard/admin/days'); }
public function edit($id) { $article = Article::find($id); $deals = Deal::all()->lists('dealname', 'dayID'); $categories = Category::lists('name', 'id'); $days = Day::lists('dayname', 'id'); return view('articles.edit', compact('article', 'categories', 'days', 'deals')); }
/** * @param Requests\TimeslotRequest $request * @return \stdClass */ public function getFormInput(Requests\TimeslotRequest $request) { $input = new \stdClass(); $input->day = Day::find($request->get('day_id')); $input->begin = Carbon::createFromFormat('d-m-Y H:i:s', $request->get('begin')); $input->end = Carbon::createFromFormat('d-m-Y H:i:s', $request->get('end')); $roomIds = array_flatten($request->get('rooms')); $roomIds = array_map('intval', $roomIds); $input->rooms = Room::whereIn('id', $roomIds)->get(); return $input; }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit($id) { // $data = array(); $data['content'] = \App\Doctor::find($id); $data['list_province'] = \App\Province::lists('name', 'id'); $data['list_city'] = \App\City::lists('name', 'id'); $data['list_specialization'] = \App\Specialization::lists('name', 'id'); $data['days'] = \App\Day::lists('name', 'id'); return view('pages.admin.doctor.edit')->with('data', $data); }
public function getCustomerPoint($action, $id) { $city_options = \App\City::lists('name', 'id'); $days_options = \App\Day::lists('name', 'id'); $status_options = ['active' => 'Activo', 'inactive' => 'Inactivo']; $type_options = ['agency' => 'Agencia', 'branch' => 'Sucursal', 'atm' => 'Cajero']; $product_options = \App\Product::where('status', 'active')->whereIn('type', ['important_product', 'product'])->lists('name', 'id'); return AdminItem::get_request('customer-point', $action, $id, $this, ['parent' => 'parent'], ['city_options' => $city_options, 'days_options' => $days_options, 'status_options' => $status_options, 'type_options' => $type_options, 'product_options' => $product_options]); }