  * Add fee and hostel details of the student and
  * send the corresponding approval requests
  * @param Request $request
  * @return mixed
 public function addFeeAndHostelDetails(Request $request)
     $currentStudentState = $this->getCurrentStudentState();
      * Check if the fee receipt image is present. If present, then upload
      * the image and send the approval request to the teacher, otherwise
      * send the approval request to accounts branch for verification
     if ($request->hasFile('image')) {
         $this->validate($request, ['image' => 'image|required|max:2048'], ['image' => 'The file must be a valid image file.']);
         if ($request->file('image')->isValid()) {
             $image = $request->file('image');
             $rollNo = Auth::guard('student')->user()->rollNo;
             // Set the image parameters
             $imageQuality = 70;
             $imagePath = env('IMAGE_DIR') . '/feeReceipts/' . $rollNo . '.jpg';
             // Save the image
             Image::make($image->getRealPath())->save($imagePath, $imageQuality);
              * Update the image path in the database
              * and send the request to the teacher
             TeacherRequest::create(['rollNo' => Auth::guard('student')->user()->rollNo, 'semNo' => $currentStudentState->semNo, 'status' => 'new', 'imagePath' => $imagePath]);
         } else {
             return redirect()->back()->withErrors('Upload unsuccessful!!!');
     } else {
         $loanCase = $currentStudentState->loanCase;
         // Send the request to accounts branch
         AdminStaffRequest::create(['rollNo' => Auth::guard('student')->user()->rollNo, 'status' => 'new', 'loanCase' => $loanCase]);
      * Check if the hostelId is present. If present, then send the approval request to the
      * concerned hostel, otherwise send the approval request to chief warden office
     if ($request->has('hostelId')) {
         $currentStudentState->hostelId = $request['hostelId'];
         // Send the request to the concerned hostel
         HostelStaffRequest::create(['rollNo' => Auth::guard('student')->user()->rollNo, 'hostelId' => $request['hostelId'], 'status' => 'new']);
     } else {
         // Send the request to chief warden office for approval
         ChiefWardenStaffRequest::create(['rollNo' => Auth::guard('student')->user()->rollNo, 'status' => 'new']);
     // Send the request to library for approval
     LibraryStaffRequest::create(['rollNo' => Auth::guard('student')->user()->rollNo, 'status' => 'new']);
     $currentStudentState->step = 2;
     // Now redirect to next step
     return redirect('/students/semesterRegistration/courseDetails');