예제 #1
				<div class="img cm-dir-<?=$Appearance['cm_dir']===CM_DIR_HEAD_TO_TAIL?'ht':'th'?>" style="background-image:url('<?=CoreUtils::aposEncode($preview)?>')"></div>
			<p class="aside">This is only an illustration, the body shape & colors are <strong>not</strong> guaranteed to reflect the actual design.</p>
			<p>The image above links to the vector made by <?php
				$Vector = DeviantArt::getCachedSubmission($Appearance['cm_favme']);
				echo Users::get($Vector['author'],'name','name, avatar_url')->getProfileLink(User::LINKFORMAT_FULL);
			?> and shows which way the cutie mark should be facing.</p>
<?  } ?>
		<section class="color-list">
			<h2 class="admin">Color groups</h2>
			<div class="admin">
				<button class="darkblue typcn typcn-arrow-unsorted reorder-cgs">Re-order groups</button>
				<button class="green typcn typcn-plus create-cg">Create group</button>
<?  if ($placehold = Appearances::getPendingPlaceholderFor($Appearance))
		echo $placehold;
	else { ?>
			<ul id="colors" class="colors"><?php
		$CGs = ColorGroups::get($Appearance['id']);
		$AllColors = ColorGroups::getColorsForEach($CGs);
		foreach ($CGs as $cg)
			echo ColorGroups::getHTML($cg, $AllColors, WRAP, NO_COLON, OUTPUT_COLOR_NAMES);
<?  } ?>

<?  $export = array(