/** * Initializes the collCategories collection. * * By default this just sets the collCategories collection to an empty array (like clearcollCategories()); * however, you may wish to override this method in your stub class to provide setting appropriate * to your application -- for example, setting the initial array to the values stored in database. * * @param boolean $overrideExisting If set to true, the method call initializes * the collection even if it is not empty * * @return void */ public function initCategories($overrideExisting = true) { if (null !== $this->collCategories && !$overrideExisting) { return; } $collectionClassName = CategoryTableMap::getTableMap()->getCollectionClassName(); $this->collCategories = new $collectionClassName(); $this->collCategories->setModel('\\App\\Propel\\Category'); }
/** * Update the tree to allow insertion of a leaf at the specified position * * @param ConnectionInterface $con Connection to use. */ public static function fixLevels(ConnectionInterface $con = null) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(ChildCategory::LEFT_COL); $dataFetcher = ChildCategoryQuery::create(null, $c)->setFormatter(ModelCriteria::FORMAT_STATEMENT)->find($con); // set the class once to avoid overhead in the loop $cls = CategoryTableMap::getOMClass(false); $level = null; // iterate over the statement while ($row = $dataFetcher->fetch()) { // hydrate object $key = CategoryTableMap::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, 0); /** @var $obj ChildCategory */ if (null === ($obj = CategoryTableMap::getInstanceFromPool($key))) { $obj = new $cls(); $obj->hydrate($row); CategoryTableMap::addInstanceToPool($obj, $key); } // compute level // Algorithm shamelessly stolen from sfPropelActAsNestedSetBehaviorPlugin // Probably authored by Tristan Rivoallan if ($level === null) { $level = 0; $i = 0; $prev = array($obj->getRightValue()); } else { while ($obj->getRightValue() > $prev[$i]) { $i--; } $level = ++$i; $prev[$i] = $obj->getRightValue(); } // update level in node if necessary if ($obj->getLevel() !== $level) { $obj->setLevel($level); $obj->save($con); } } $dataFetcher->close(); }
/** * Performs a DELETE on the database, given a Category or Criteria object OR a primary key value. * * @param mixed $values Criteria or Category object or primary key or array of primary keys * which is used to create the DELETE statement * @param ConnectionInterface $con the connection to use * @return int The number of affected rows (if supported by underlying database driver). This includes CASCADE-related rows * if supported by native driver or if emulated using Propel. * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be * rethrown wrapped into a PropelException. */ public static function doDelete($values, ConnectionInterface $con = null) { if (null === $con) { $con = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getWriteConnection(CategoryTableMap::DATABASE_NAME); } if ($values instanceof Criteria) { // rename for clarity $criteria = $values; } elseif ($values instanceof \App\Propel\Category) { // it's a model object // create criteria based on pk values $criteria = $values->buildPkeyCriteria(); } else { // it's a primary key, or an array of pks $criteria = new Criteria(CategoryTableMap::DATABASE_NAME); $criteria->add(CategoryTableMap::COL_CATEGORY_ID, (array) $values, Criteria::IN); } $query = CategoryQuery::create()->mergeWith($criteria); if ($values instanceof Criteria) { CategoryTableMap::clearInstancePool(); } elseif (!is_object($values)) { // it's a primary key, or an array of pks foreach ((array) $values as $singleval) { CategoryTableMap::removeInstanceFromPool($singleval); } } return $query->delete($con); }
/** * Initializes the $collNestedSetChildren collection. * * @return void */ public function initNestedSetChildren() { $collectionClassName = \App\Propel\Map\CategoryTableMap::getTableMap()->getCollectionClassName(); $this->collNestedSetChildren = new $collectionClassName(); $this->collNestedSetChildren->setModel('\\App\\Propel\\Category'); }