/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getTestRecords() { return $this->hasMany(TestRecords::className(), ['dictionary_id' => 'id']); }
public function actionSubmit() { $result = []; $request = Yii::$app->request; $username = $request->post('username'); $testId = $request->post('testId'); $word = $request->post('word'); $translation = $request->post('translation'); $order = $request->post('order'); $user = Users::findByUsername($username); $test = Test::findOne($testId); if ($order) { $dictionary = Dictionary::findOne(['translation' => $word]); } else { $dictionary = Dictionary::findOne(['word' => $word]); } if (!$user || !$test) { return ['error' => true, 'message' => 'Either the user or test not found']; } $error = $order ? $dictionary->word !== $translation : $dictionary->translation !== $translation; if ($error) { // TODO: change this var name, it's ambiguous $result['error'] = $error; } if (TestRecords::hasMaxErrors($testId)) { $result['maxErrors'] = true; return $result; } // TODO: transaction here $testRecord = new TestRecords(); $testRecord->attributes = ['user_id' => $user->id, 'test_id' => $testId, 'dictionary_id' => $dictionary->id, 'order' => $order, 'is_error' => (int) $error, 'wrong_translation' => $error ? $translation : null]; $testRecord->save(); // Check once again for max errors after the save if (TestRecords::hasMaxErrors($testId)) { $result['maxErrors'] = true; return $result; } if (!$error) { // Increase the score by 1 $test->scoreUp(); } return $result; }