예제 #1
 public function index()
     if (Input::get('coordinates')) {
         $cd = Input::get('coordinates');
         $_cd = explode(',', $cd);
         $wd = $_cd[0];
         $jd = $_cd[1];
         $schools = School::all();
         $ret = array();
         $radius = Input::get('radius') ? Input::get('radius') : 30000;
         foreach ($schools as $v) {
             $tmp = explode(',', $v->coordinates);
             $lat1 = $tmp[0];
             $lng1 = $tmp[1];
             $dst = $this->getDistance($lat1, $lng1, $wd, $jd);
             if ($dst < $radius) {
                 $ret[floor($dst)] = $v;
             $out = [];
             foreach ($ret as $v) {
                 $out[] = $v;
         return $this->output(array('schoolList' => $out));
     } else {
         return $this->output(array('schoolList' => School::orderBy('ord', 'desc')->limit(4)->get()));
예제 #2
  * Show the peace school screen to the user.
  * @return Response
 public function school($location = null)
     //Decide whether details or school list page to open
     if ($location == null) {
         $school = School::orderBy('id')->get();
         return view('publicViewables.school')->with('schools', $school);
     //Convert slugged text to normal spaced text
     if (str_contains($location, '-')) {
         $location = str_replace('-', ' ', $location);
     $school = School::where('location', '=', $location)->first() or abort('404');
     return view('publicViewables.viewSchool')->with('school', $school);