protected function compileRules() { foreach ($this->product_data as $pdata) { $rules = Rule::where('product_id', $pdata->id)->get(); $skus = Sku::where('product_id', $pdata->id)->get(); if (!empty($rules)) { $this->rule_data[$pdata->id] = []; } foreach ($rules as $rule) { $conditions = unserialize($rule->conditions); if (!empty($conditions)) { $compiled_conditions = []; foreach ($conditions as $condition) { if (is_null($condition->product_option_id) && is_null($condition->option_value_id)) { $this->compileRuleCondition($condition, $skus); } $compiled_conditions[] = $condition; } //store the rule by product ID so we can refrence when compiling options $this->rule_data[$rule->product_id][] = $rule; $rule->conditions = serialize($conditions); $rule->save(); } } } }
private function getData(User $user, BattleFilterForm $filter) { $query = (new \yii\db\Query())->select(['map_key' => 'MAX({{map}}.[[key]])', 'rule_key' => 'MAX({{rule}}.[[key]])', 'result' => '(CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[is_win]] = TRUE THEN \'win\' ELSE \'lose\' END)', 'count' => 'COUNT(*)'])->from('battle')->innerJoin('map', '{{battle}}.[[map_id]] = {{map}}.[[id]]')->innerJoin('rule', '{{battle}}.[[rule_id]] = {{rule}}.[[id]]')->leftJoin('lobby', '{{battle}}.[[lobby_id]] = {{lobby}}.[[id]]')->leftJoin('game_mode', '{{rule}}.[[mode_id]] = {{game_mode}}.[[id]]')->leftJoin('weapon', '{{battle}}.[[weapon_id]] = {{weapon}}.[[id]]')->leftJoin('weapon_type', '{{weapon}}.[[type_id]] = {{weapon_type}}.[[id]]')->leftJoin('subweapon', '{{weapon}}.[[subweapon_id]] = {{subweapon}}.[[id]]')->leftJoin('special', '{{weapon}}.[[special_id]] = {{special}}.[[id]]')->andWhere(['{{battle}}.[[user_id]]' => $user->id])->andWhere(['in', '{{battle}}.[[is_win]]', [true, false]])->groupBy(['{{battle}}.[[map_id]]', '{{battle}}.[[rule_id]]', '{{battle}}.[[is_win]]']); if ($filter && !$filter->hasErrors()) { $this->filter($query, $filter); } $maps = Map::find()->all(); $rules = Rule::find()->all(); $ret = []; foreach ($maps as $map) { $tmp = []; foreach ($rules as $rule) { $tmp[$rule->key] = ['win' => 0, 'lose' => 0]; } $ret[$map->key] = $tmp; } foreach ($query->createCommand()->queryAll() as $row) { $row = (object) $row; $ret[$row->map_key][$row->rule_key][$row->result] = (int) $row->count; } $maps2 = []; foreach ($maps as $map) { $maps2[$map->key] = Yii::t('app-map', $map->name); } asort($maps2); $rules2 = []; foreach ($rules as $rule) { $rules2[$rule->key] = Yii::t('app-rule', $rule->name); } asort($rules2); return ['data' => $ret, 'mapNames' => $maps2, 'ruleNames' => $rules2]; }
public function run() { $rules = []; $query = Rule::find()->innerJoinWith('mode')->andWhere(['{{game_mode}}.[[key]]' => 'gachi']); foreach ($query->all() as $rule) { $rules[$rule->id] = Yii::t('app-rule', $rule->name); } asort($rules); $maps = []; foreach (Map::find()->all() as $map) { $maps[$map->id] = Yii::t('app-map', $map->name); } asort($maps); // init data $data = []; foreach (array_keys($maps) as $mapId) { $data[$mapId] = []; foreach (array_keys($rules) as $ruleId) { $data[$mapId][$ruleId] = (object) ['battle_count' => 0, 'ko_count' => 0]; } } // set data foreach ($this->query() as $row) { $ruleId = $row['rule_id']; $mapId = $row['map_id']; $data[$mapId][$ruleId]->battle_count = (int) $row['battle_count']; $data[$mapId][$ruleId]->ko_count = (int) $row['ko_count']; } return $this->controller->render('knockout.tpl', ['rules' => $rules, 'maps' => $maps, 'data' => $data]); }
public function createCurrentData() { static $nawabari = null; if ($nawabari === null) { $nawabari = Rule::findOne(['key' => 'nawabari'])->id; } $now = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] : time(); $shortCondition = sprintf('(({{battle}}.[[end_at]] IS NOT NULL) AND ({{battle}}.[[end_at]] BETWEEN %s AND %s))', Yii::$app->db->quoteValue(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:sO', $now - 86400 + 1)), Yii::$app->db->quoteValue(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:sO', $now))); $column_battle_count = "COUNT(*)"; $column_wp = sprintf("(%s * 100.0 / NULLIF(%s, 0))", "SUM(CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[is_win]] = TRUE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)", "SUM(CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[is_win]] IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)"); $column_wp_short = sprintf("(%s * 100.0 / NULLIF(%s, 0))", "SUM(CASE WHEN {$shortCondition} AND {{battle}}.[[is_win]] = TRUE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)", "SUM(CASE WHEN {$shortCondition} AND {{battle}}.[[is_win]] IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)"); $column_total_kill = sprintf("SUM(%s)", "CASE WHEN " . "{{battle}}.[[kill]] IS NOT NULL AND {{battle}}.[[death]] IS NOT NULL " . "THEN {{battle}}.[[kill]] " . "ELSE 0 END"); $column_total_death = sprintf("SUM(%s)", "CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[kill]] IS NOT NULL AND {{battle}}.[[death]] IS NOT NULL " . "THEN {{battle}}.[[death]] " . "ELSE 0 END"); $column_nawabari_count = "SUM(CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[rule_id]] = {$nawabari} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)"; $column_nawabari_wp = sprintf("(%s * 100.0 / NULLIF(%s, 0))", "SUM(CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[rule_id]] = {$nawabari} AND {{battle}}.[[is_win]] = TRUE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)", "SUM(CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[rule_id]] = {$nawabari} AND {{battle}}.[[is_win]] IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)"); $column_nawabari_kill = sprintf("SUM(%s)", "CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[rule_id]] = {$nawabari} AND " . "{{battle}}.[[kill]] IS NOT NULL AND {{battle}}.[[death]] IS NOT NULL " . "THEN {{battle}}.[[kill]] " . "ELSE 0 END"); $column_nawabari_death = sprintf("SUM(%s)", "CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[rule_id]] = {$nawabari} AND " . "{{battle}}.[[kill]] IS NOT NULL AND {{battle}}.[[death]] IS NOT NULL " . "THEN {{battle}}.[[death]] " . "ELSE 0 END"); $column_gachi_count = "SUM(CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[rule_id]] <> {$nawabari} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)"; $column_gachi_wp = sprintf("(%s * 100.0 / NULLIF(%s, 0))", "SUM(CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[rule_id]] <> {$nawabari} AND {{battle}}.[[is_win]] = TRUE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)", "SUM(CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[rule_id]] <> {$nawabari} AND {{battle}}.[[is_win]] IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)"); $column_gachi_kill = sprintf("SUM(%s)", "CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[rule_id]] <> {$nawabari} AND " . "{{battle}}.[[kill]] IS NOT NULL AND {{battle}}.[[death]] IS NOT NULL " . "THEN {{battle}}.[[kill]] " . "ELSE 0 END"); $column_gachi_death = sprintf("SUM(%s)", "CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[rule_id]] <> {$nawabari} AND " . "{{battle}}.[[kill]] IS NOT NULL AND {{battle}}.[[death]] IS NOT NULL " . "THEN {{battle}}.[[death]] " . "ELSE 0 END"); $query = (new \yii\db\Query())->select(['battle_count' => $column_battle_count, 'wp' => $column_wp, 'wp_short' => $column_wp_short, 'total_kill' => $column_total_kill, 'total_death' => $column_total_death, 'nawabari_count' => $column_nawabari_count, 'nawabari_wp' => $column_nawabari_wp, 'nawabari_kill' => $column_nawabari_kill, 'nawabari_death' => $column_nawabari_death, 'gachi_count' => $column_gachi_count, 'gachi_wp' => $column_gachi_wp, 'gachi_kill' => $column_gachi_kill, 'gachi_death' => $column_gachi_death])->from('battle')->andWhere(['{{battle}}.[[user_id]]' => $this->user_id]); $this->attributes = $query->createCommand()->queryOne(); $keys = ['battle_count', 'total_kill', 'total_death', 'nawabari_count', 'nawabari_kill', 'nawabari_death', 'gachi_count', 'gachi_kill', 'gachi_death']; foreach ($keys as $key) { $this->{$key} = (int) $this->{$key}; } }
public function init() { // actions // translate foreach ($this->actions as $actions => $name) { $this->actions[$actions] = Yii::t('app', $name); } // actions values $this->actions_values['taskdefined'] = TaskDefined::getAllIdName(); $this->actions_values['setting'] = Setting::getAllIdName(); $this->actions_values['rule'] = Rule::getAllIdName(); $this->actions_values['rulevalue'] = RuleValue::getAllIdName(); $this->actions_values['ruleextra'] = RuleExtra::getAllIdName(); $this->actions_values['ruledate'] = RuleDate::getAllIdName(); // values // translate foreach ($this->values as $values => $name) { $this->values[$values] = Yii::t('app', $name); } // values_values $this->values_values['taskdefined'] = TaskDefined::getAllIdName(); $this->values_values['setting'] = Setting::getAllIdName(); $this->values_values['rule'] = Rule::getAllIdName(); $this->values_values['rulevalue'] = RuleValue::getAllIdName(); $this->values_values['ruleextra'] = RuleExtra::getAllIdName(); $this->values_values['ruledate'] = RuleDate::getAllIdName(); //$this->values = array_merge($modelRule->values, $modelRule->actions); //$this->values_values = $modelRule->values; // create weights from 0 to 5 for ($weight = 0; $weight <= 4; $weight++) { $this->weights[$weight] = $weight; } parent::init(); }
public function run() { $response = Yii::$app->getResponse(); $response->format = 'json'; return array_map(function ($rule) { return $rule->toJsonArray(); }, Rule::find()->with('mode')->all()); }
private function createSelectQueryForUpdateEntireWeapons() { $ruleNawabari = Rule::findOne(['key' => 'nawabari'])->id; $query = BattlePlayer::find()->innerJoinWith(['battle' => function ($q) { return $q->orderBy(null); }, 'battle.lobby', 'weapon'])->andWhere(['{{battle}}.[[is_automated]]' => true])->andWhere(['<>', '{{lobby}}.[[key]]', 'private'])->andWhere(['not', ['{{battle}}.[[is_win]]' => null]])->andWhere(['not', ['{{battle_player}}.[[kill]]' => null]])->andWhere(['not', ['{{battle_player}}.[[death]]' => null]])->andWhere(['{{battle_player}}.[[is_me]]' => false])->groupBy('{{battle}}.[[rule_id]], {{battle_player}}.[[weapon_id]]'); // ルール別の処理を記述 $query->andWhere(['or', ['and', ['{{battle}}.[[rule_id]]' => $ruleNawabari], ['not', ['{{battle_player}}.[[point]]' => null]], ['or', ['{{lobby}}.[[key]]' => 'standard'], ['{{lobby}}.[[key]]' => 'fest', '{{battle_player}}.[[is_my_team]]' => false]], ['or', ['and', ['=', '{{battle}}.[[is_win]]', new \yii\db\Expression('battle_player.is_my_team')], ['>', '{{battle_player}}.[[point]]', 300]], ['and', ['<>', '{{battle}}.[[is_win]]', new \yii\db\Expression('battle_player.is_my_team')], ['>', '{{battle_player}}.[[point]]', 0]]]], ['and', ['<>', '{{battle}}.[[rule_id]]', $ruleNawabari], ['not like', '{{lobby}}.[[key]]', 'squad_%', false]]]); $query->select(['rule_id' => '{{battle}}.[[rule_id]]', 'weapon_id' => '{{battle_player}}.[[weapon_id]]', 'players' => 'COUNT(*)', 'total_kill' => 'SUM({{battle_player}}.[[kill]])', 'total_death' => 'SUM({{battle_player}}.[[death]])', 'win_count' => sprintf('SUM(CASE %s END)', implode(' ', ['WHEN {{battle}}.[[is_win]] = TRUE AND {{battle_player}}.[[is_my_team]] = TRUE THEN 1', 'WHEN {{battle}}.[[is_win]] = FALSE AND {{battle_player}}.[[is_my_team]] = FALSE THEN 1', 'ELSE 0'])), 'total_point' => sprintf('CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[rule_id]] <> %d THEN NULL ELSE %s END', $ruleNawabari, sprintf('SUM(CASE %s END)', implode(' ', ['WHEN {{battle_player}}.[[point]] IS NULL THEN 0', 'WHEN {{battle}}.[[is_win]] = {{battle_player}}.[[is_my_team]] THEN battle_player.point - 300', 'ELSE {{battle_player}}.[[point]]']))), 'point_available' => sprintf('CASE WHEN {{battle}}.[[rule_id]] <> %d THEN NULL ELSE %s END', $ruleNawabari, sprintf('SUM(CASE %s END)', implode(' ', ['WHEN {{battle_player}}.[[point]] IS NULL THEN 0', 'ELSE 1'])))]); return $query; }
public function up() { $rule = []; // [ 'arowana' => 42, ... ] foreach (Rule::find()->all() as $_) { $rule[$_->key] = $_->id; } // 今後表記揺れが発生する可能性がある(ないけど)ので rule_id を PKEY にはしない $this->createTable('splapi_rule', ['id' => $this->primaryKey(), 'rule_id' => $this->integer()->notNull(), 'name' => $this->string(32)->notNull()->unique()]); $this->addForeignKey('fk_splapi_rule_1', 'splapi_rule', 'rule_id', 'rule', 'id'); $this->batchInsert('splapi_rule', ['rule_id', 'name'], [[$rule['nawabari'], 'ナワバリバトル'], [$rule['area'], 'ガチエリア'], [$rule['yagura'], 'ガチヤグラ'], [$rule['hoko'], 'ガチホコ']]); }
/** * Creates data provider instance with search query applied * * @param array $params * * @return ActiveDataProvider */ public function search($params) { $query = Rule::find(); $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]); $this->load($params); if (!$this->validate()) { // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails // $query->where('0=1'); return $dataProvider; } $query->andFilterWhere(['id' => $this->id, 'weight' => $this->weight, 'created_at' => $this->created_at, 'updated_at' => $this->updated_at]); $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'name', $this->name])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'description', $this->description]); return $dataProvider; }
public function rules() { return [[['screen_name'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => User::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'screen_name'], [['rule'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => Rule::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'key', 'when' => function () { return substr($this->rule, 0, 1) !== '@'; }], [['rule'], 'validateGameMode', 'when' => function () { return substr($this->rule, 0, 1) === '@'; }], [['map'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => Map::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'key'], [['weapon'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => Weapon::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'key', 'when' => function () { return !in_array(substr($this->weapon, 0, 1), ['@', '+', '*'], true); }], [['weapon'], 'validateWeapon', 'params' => ['modelClass' => WeaponType::className()], 'when' => function () { return substr($this->weapon, 0, 1) === '@'; }], [['weapon'], 'validateWeapon', 'params' => ['modelClass' => Subweapon::className()], 'when' => function () { return substr($this->weapon, 0, 1) === '+'; }], [['weapon'], 'validateWeapon', 'params' => ['modelClass' => Special::className()], 'when' => function () { return substr($this->weapon, 0, 1) === '*'; }], [['result'], 'boolean', 'trueValue' => 'win', 'falseValue' => 'lose']]; }
public function rules() { return [[['screen_name'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => User::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'screen_name'], [['lobby'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => Lobby::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'key'], [['rule'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => Rule::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'key', 'when' => function () { return substr($this->rule, 0, 1) !== '@'; }], [['rule'], 'validateGameMode', 'when' => function () { return substr($this->rule, 0, 1) === '@'; }], [['map'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => Map::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'key'], [['weapon'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => Weapon::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'key', 'when' => function () { return !in_array(substr($this->weapon, 0, 1), ['@', '+', '*'], true); }], [['weapon'], 'validateWeapon', 'params' => ['modelClass' => WeaponType::className()], 'when' => function () { return substr($this->weapon, 0, 1) === '@'; }], [['weapon'], 'validateWeapon', 'params' => ['modelClass' => Subweapon::className()], 'when' => function () { return substr($this->weapon, 0, 1) === '+'; }], [['weapon'], 'validateWeapon', 'params' => ['modelClass' => Special::className()], 'when' => function () { return substr($this->weapon, 0, 1) === '*'; }], [['result'], 'boolean', 'trueValue' => 'win', 'falseValue' => 'lose'], [['term'], 'in', 'range' => ['this-period', 'last-period', '24h', 'today', 'yesterday', 'term']], [['term_from', 'term_to'], 'date', 'format' => 'yyyy-M-d H:m:s']]; }
private function makeRules() { $ret = ['' => Yii::t('app', 'Unknown')]; $gameModes = GameMode::find()->orderBy('[[id]] ASC')->all(); foreach ($gameModes as $gameMode) { $gameModeText = Yii::t('app-rule', $gameMode->name); // "ナワバリバトル" $rules = Rule::find()->andWhere(['mode_id' => $gameMode->id])->orderBy('[[id]] ASC')->all(); $mode = []; foreach ($rules as $rule) { $mode[$rule->id] = Yii::t('app-rule', $rule->name); } asort($mode); $ret[$gameModeText] = $mode; } return $ret; }
private function makeRulesList() { $ret = ['' => Yii::t('app-rule', 'Any Mode')]; $gameModes = GameMode::find()->orderBy('[[id]] ASC')->all(); foreach ($gameModes as $gameMode) { $gameModeText = Yii::t('app-rule', $gameMode->name); // "ナワバリバトル" $rules = Rule::find()->andWhere(['mode_id' => $gameMode->id])->orderBy('[[id]] ASC')->all(); $mode = []; if (count($rules) > 1) { $mode['@' . $gameMode->key] = Yii::t('app-rule', 'All of {0}', $gameModeText); } foreach ($rules as $rule) { $mode[$rule->key] = Yii::t('app-rule', $rule->name); } $ret[$gameModeText] = $mode; } return $ret; }
public function init() { // add all task defined $this->job_ids['taskdefined'] = TaskDefined::getAllIdName(); // add all task defined $this->job_ids['rule'] = Rule::getAllIdName(); // translate all foreach ($this->job_ids as $job => $jobs) { foreach ($jobs as $id => $name) { $this->job_ids[$job][$id] = Yii::t('app', $name); } } // create weights for ($key = 0; $key < Cronjob::find()->count(); $key++) { $this->weights[$key] = $key; } $this->weights[$key] = $key; parent::init(); }
public static function nextUser($group_id) { $users = User::with('order')->where('group_id', '=', $group_id)->get()->sortBy(function ($user) { return $user->countOrders; }); foreach ($users as $user) { $rules = Rule::forUser($user->id); if ($rules->count() == 0) { return $user; } foreach ($rules as $rule) { $condition = false; eval('$condition = ' . $rule->condition . ';'); if (!$condition) { return $user; } } } }
public function init() { // actions // translate foreach ($this->conditions as $conditions => $name) { $this->conditions[$conditions] = Yii::t('app', $name); } // actions values $this->conditions_values['taskdefined'] = TaskDefined::getAllIdName(); $this->conditions_values['setting'] = Setting::getAllIdName(); $this->conditions_values['rule'] = Rule::getAllIdName(); $this->conditions_values['rulevalue'] = RuleValue::getAllIdName(); $this->conditions_values['ruleextra'] = RuleExtra::getAllIdName(); $this->conditions_values['ruledate'] = RuleDate::getAllIdName(); // equations // translate all equations foreach ($this->equations as $key => $equation) { $this->equations[$key] = Yii::t('app', $equation); } // key before value equations foreach ($this->equations as $key => $equation) { $this->equations[$key] = $key . ', ' . $equation; } // values // translate foreach ($this->values as $values => $name) { $this->values[$values] = Yii::t('app', $name); } // values_values $this->values_values['taskdefined'] = TaskDefined::getAllIdName(); $this->values_values['setting'] = Setting::getAllIdName(); $this->values_values['rule'] = Rule::getAllIdName(); $this->values_values['rulevalue'] = RuleValue::getAllIdName(); $this->values_values['ruleextra'] = RuleExtra::getAllIdName(); $this->values_values['ruledate'] = RuleDate::getAllIdName(); // create weights from 0 to 10 for ($weight = 0; $weight <= 10; $weight++) { $this->weights[$weight] = $weight; } parent::init(); }
/** * Lists all Feature models. * @return mixed */ public function actionIndex() { // $app = (new \yii\db\Query())->select(["aid"])->from('app')->groupBy("aid")->all(); $app = Rule::find()->select(["aid"])->groupBy("aid")->with("app")->asArray()->all(); $role = Rule::find()->select(["role_id"])->groupBy("role_id")->with("role")->asArray()->all(); $model = Rule::find()->select(["model_id"])->groupBy("model_id")->with("model")->asArray()->all(); $feature = Rule::find()->select(["feature_id"])->groupBy("feature_id")->with("feature")->asArray()->all(); $scope = Rule::find()->select(["scope_id"])->groupBy("scope_id")->with("scope")->asArray()->all(); $str = ""; foreach ($app as $va) { $str .= "acl app_" . $va['aid'] . "\thdr(X-App)\t" . $va['app']['code'] . "\n"; } foreach ($role as $vr) { $str .= "acl role_" . $vr['role_id'] . "\thdr(X-Role)\t" . $vr['role']['name'] . "\n"; } foreach ($model as $vm) { $str .= "acl model_" . $vm['model_id'] . "\thdr(X-Model)\t" . $vm['model']['name'] . "\n"; } foreach ($feature as $vf) { $str .= "acl feature_" . $vf['feature_id'] . "\thdr(X-Feature)\t" . $vf['feature']['name'] . "\n"; } foreach ($scope as $vs) { $str .= "acl scope_" . $vs['scope_id'] . "\thdr(X-Scope)\t" . $vs['scope']['name'] . "\n"; } $rule = Rule::find()->select(['aid', 'role_id', 'model_id', 'feature_id', 'scope_id'])->asArray()->all(); // print_r($rule); foreach ($rule as $vu) { $str .= "use_backend dynamic\t\tif app_" . $vu['aid'] . " role_" . $vu['role_id'] . " model_" . $vu['model_id'] . " feature_" . $vu['feature_id'] . " scope_" . $vu['scope_id'] . "\n"; } $file = fopen("./haproxy.cfg", "w"); if (!$file) { throw new NotFoundHttpException("No such the directory or file!"); } if (fwrite($file, $str) === FALSE) { throw new NotFoundHttpException("File is written to failure!"); } fclose($file); echo "OK,The haproxy.cfg created successful!"; }
public function createCurrentData() { $db = Yii::$app->db; static $nawabari = null; if ($nawabari === null) { $nawabari = Rule::findOne(['key' => 'nawabari'])->id; } $condIsNawabari = sprintf('({{battle}}.[[rule_id]] = %s)', $db->quoteValue($nawabari)); $condIsGachi = sprintf('({{battle}}.[[rule_id]] <> %s)', $db->quoteValue($nawabari)); static $private = null; if ($private === null) { $private = Lobby::findOne(['key' => 'private'])->id; } $condIsNotPrivate = sprintf('({{battle}}.[[lobby_id]] IS NULL OR {{battle}}.[[lobby_id]] <> %s)', $db->quoteValue($private)); $now = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] : time(); $cond24Hours = sprintf('(({{battle}}.[[end_at]] IS NOT NULL) AND ({{battle}}.[[end_at]] BETWEEN %s AND %s))', $db->quoteValue(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:sO', $now - 86400 + 1)), $db->quoteValue(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:sO', $now))); $condKDPresent = sprintf('(%s)', implode(' AND ', ['{{battle}}.[[kill]] IS NOT NULL', '{{battle}}.[[death]] IS NOT NULL'])); $column_battle_count = "COUNT(*)"; $column_wp = sprintf('(%s * 100.0 / NULLIF(%s, 0))', sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, '{{battle}}.[[is_win]] = TRUE'])), sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, '{{battle}}.[[is_win]] IS NOT NULL']))); $column_wp_short = sprintf("(%s * 100.0 / NULLIF(%s, 0))", sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $cond24Hours, '{{battle}}.[[is_win]] = TRUE'])), sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $cond24Hours, '{{battle}}.[[is_win]] IS NOT NULL']))); $column_total_kd_battle_count = sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condKDPresent])); $column_total_kill = sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN {{battle}}.[[kill]] ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condKDPresent])); $column_total_death = sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN {{battle}}.[[death]] ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condKDPresent])); $column_nawabari_count = sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condIsNawabari])); $column_nawabari_wp = sprintf('(%s * 100.0 / NULLIF(%s, 0))', sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condIsNawabari, '{{battle}}.[[is_win]] = TRUE'])), sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condIsNawabari, '{{battle}}.[[is_win]] IS NOT NULL']))); $column_nawabari_kill = sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN {{battle}}.[[kill]] ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condIsNawabari, $condKDPresent])); $column_nawabari_death = sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN {{battle}}.[[death]] ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condIsNawabari, $condKDPresent])); $column_gachi_count = sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condIsGachi])); $column_gachi_wp = sprintf('(%s * 100.0 / NULLIF(%s, 0))', sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condIsGachi, '{{battle}}.[[is_win]] = TRUE'])), sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condIsGachi, '{{battle}}.[[is_win]] IS NOT NULL']))); $column_gachi_kill = sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN {{battle}}.[[kill]] ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condIsGachi, $condKDPresent])); $column_gachi_death = sprintf('SUM(CASE WHEN (%s) THEN {{battle}}.[[death]] ELSE 0 END)', implode(' AND ', [$condIsNotPrivate, $condIsGachi, $condKDPresent])); $query = (new \yii\db\Query())->select(['battle_count' => $column_battle_count, 'wp' => $column_wp, 'wp_short' => $column_wp_short, 'total_kill' => $column_total_kill, 'total_death' => $column_total_death, 'total_kd_battle_count' => $column_total_kd_battle_count, 'nawabari_count' => $column_nawabari_count, 'nawabari_wp' => $column_nawabari_wp, 'nawabari_kill' => $column_nawabari_kill, 'nawabari_death' => $column_nawabari_death, 'gachi_count' => $column_gachi_count, 'gachi_wp' => $column_gachi_wp, 'gachi_kill' => $column_gachi_kill, 'gachi_death' => $column_gachi_death])->from('battle')->andWhere(['{{battle}}.[[user_id]]' => $this->user_id]); $this->attributes = $query->createCommand()->queryOne(); $keys = ['battle_count', 'total_kill', 'total_death', 'total_kd_battle_count', 'nawabari_count', 'nawabari_kill', 'nawabari_death', 'gachi_count', 'gachi_kill', 'gachi_death']; foreach ($keys as $key) { $this->{$key} = (int) $this->{$key}; } return $this; }
private function mapUpdateRegular() { echo "regular...\n"; $latestPeriod = $this->getLatestPeriod(GameMode::findOne(['key' => 'regular'])); $currntPeriod = \app\components\helpers\Battle::calcPeriod(time()); $futureOnly = $latestPeriod >= $currntPeriod; $json = array_filter(array_map(function ($item) { $item->period = \app\components\helpers\Battle::calcPeriod(strtotime($item->start)); return $item; }, $this->queryJson($futureOnly ? '' : '')->result), function ($item) use($latestPeriod) { return $item->period > $latestPeriod; }); if (empty($json)) { echo "no data updated.\n"; return; } printf("count(new_data) = %d\n", count($json)); usort($json, function ($a, $b) { return $a->period - $b->period; }); echo "Converting to insert data...\n"; $map = $this->getMapTable(); $rule_id = Rule::findOne(['key' => 'nawabari'])->id; $insert = []; foreach ($json as $item) { foreach ($item->maps as $mapName) { if (isset($map[$mapName])) { $insert[] = [$item->period, $rule_id, $map[$mapName]]; } else { echo "Unknown map name: {$mapName}\n"; } } } echo "inserting...\n"; Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert(PeriodMap::tableName(), ['period', 'rule_id', 'map_id'], $insert)->execute(); echo "done.\n"; }
/** * Finds the Rule model based on its primary key value. * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown. * @param integer $id * @return Rule the loaded model * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found */ protected function findModel($id) { if (($model = Rule::findOne($id)) !== null) { return $model; } else { throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); } }
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getRule() { return $this->hasOne(Rule::className(), ['id' => 'rule_id']); }
public function toBattle() { $o = new Battle(); $o->user_id = $this->getUser()->id; $o->lobby_id = $this->lobby ? Lobby::findOne(['key' => $this->lobby])->id : null; $o->rule_id = $this->rule ? Rule::findOne(['key' => $this->rule])->id : null; $o->map_id = $this->map ? Map::findOne(['key' => $this->map])->id : null; $o->weapon_id = $this->weapon ? Weapon::findOne(['key' => $this->weapon])->id : null; $o->level = $this->level ? (int) $this->level : null; $o->level_after = $this->level_after ? (int) $this->level_after : null; $o->rank_id = $this->rank ? Rank::findOne(['key' => $this->rank])->id : null; $o->rank_after_id = $this->rank_after ? Rank::findOne(['key' => $this->rank_after])->id : null; $o->rank_exp = (string) $this->rank_exp != '' ? (int) $this->rank_exp : null; $o->rank_exp_after = (string) $this->rank_exp_after != '' ? (int) $this->rank_exp_after : null; $o->cash = (string) $this->cash != '' ? (int) $this->cash : null; $o->cash_after = (string) $this->cash_after != '' ? (int) $this->cash_after : null; $o->is_win = $this->result === 'win' ? true : ($this->result === 'lose' ? false : null); $o->rank_in_team = $this->rank_in_team ? (int) $this->rank_in_team : null; $o->kill = (string) $this->kill != '' ? (int) $this->kill : null; $o->death = (string) $this->death != '' ? (int) $this->death : null; $o->gender_id = $this->fest_gender === 'boy' ? 1 : ($this->fest_gender === 'girl' ? 2 : null); $o->fest_title_id = $this->fest_rank ? FestTitle::findOne(['key' => $this->fest_rank])->id : null; $o->my_team_color_hue = $this->my_team_color ? $this->my_team_color['hue'] : null; $o->my_team_color_rgb = $this->my_team_color ? vsprintf('%02x%02x%02x', $this->my_team_color['rgb']) : null; $o->his_team_color_hue = $this->his_team_color ? $this->his_team_color['hue'] : null; $o->his_team_color_rgb = $this->his_team_color ? vsprintf('%02x%02x%02x', $this->his_team_color['rgb']) : null; $o->start_at = $this->start_at != '' ? gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:sP', (int) $this->start_at) : null; $o->end_at = $this->end_at != '' ? gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:sP', (int) $this->end_at) : new Now(); $o->agent_id = null; $o->at = new Now(); return $o; }
public static function forUser($userId) { return Rule::where('user_id', '=', $userId)->get(); }
public function deleteRule($id) { $user = Auth::user(); $rule = Rule::find($id); $response = $rule->delete(); return response()->json($response)->header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); }
private function notHas($uid, $app) { $app = App::find()->where(['code' => $app])->asArray()->one(); $role = RoleUser::find()->where(['uid' => $uid])->asArray()->all(); $roleid = array(); foreach ($role as $vr) { $roleid[] = $vr['rid']; } $roleid = implode(',', $roleid); $rule = Rule::find()->select(['aid', 'role_id', 'model_id', 'feature_id', 'scope_id'])->where("role_id not in({$roleid})")->andWhere(['aid' => $app['id']])->asArray()->all(); $result = array(); $unique = array(); foreach ($rule as $k => $vu) { $apps = App::find()->select(['name'])->where(['id' => $vu['aid']])->asArray()->one(); $result[$k]['app'] = $apps['name']; $roles = Role::find()->select(['name'])->where(['id' => $vu['role_id']])->asArray()->one(); $result[$k]['role'] = $roles['name']; $model = Model::find()->select(['name'])->where(['id' => $vu['model_id']])->asArray()->one(); $result[$k]['model'] = $model['name']; $feature = Feature::find()->select(['name'])->where(['id' => $vu['feature_id']])->asArray()->one(); $result[$k]['feature'] = $feature['name']; $scopes = Rule::find()->select(['scope_id'])->where(['aid' => $vu['aid'], 'role_id' => $vu['role_id'], 'model_id' => $vu['model_id'], 'feature_id' => $vu['feature_id']])->asArray()->all(); foreach ($scopes as $ks => $vs) { $scope = Scope::find()->select(['name', 'attribute'])->where(['id' => $vs['scope_id']])->asArray()->one(); $result[$k]['scope'][$ks]['name'] = $scope['name']; $result[$k]['scope'][$ks]['attribute'] = $scope['attribute']; } $unique[$k] = $vu['aid'] . $vu['role_id'] . $model['name'] . $feature['name']; } // delete the repeat elements $unique = array_unique($unique); $res = array(); foreach ($unique as $kq => $vq) { $res[] = $result[$kq]; } return $res; }
public function rules() { return [[['lobby_id'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => Lobby::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'id'], [['rule_id'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => Rule::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'id'], [['map_id'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => Map::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'id'], [['weapon_id'], 'exist', 'targetClass' => Weapon::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'id']]; }
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getRules() { return $this->hasMany(Rule::className(), ['mode_id' => 'id']); }
public function toBattle() { $user = $this->getUser(); $o = new Battle(); $o->user_id = $user->id; $o->env_id = $user->env_id; $o->lobby_id = $this->lobby ? Lobby::findOne(['key' => $this->lobby])->id : null; $o->rule_id = $this->rule ? Rule::findOne(['key' => $this->rule])->id : null; $o->map_id = $this->map ? Map::findOne(['key' => $this->map])->id : null; $o->weapon_id = $this->weapon ? Weapon::findOne(['key' => $this->weapon])->id : null; $o->level = $this->level ? (int) $this->level : null; $o->level_after = $this->level_after ? (int) $this->level_after : null; $o->rank_id = $this->rank ? Rank::findOne(['key' => $this->rank])->id : null; $o->rank_after_id = $this->rank_after ? Rank::findOne(['key' => $this->rank_after])->id : null; $o->rank_exp = (string) $this->rank_exp != '' ? (int) $this->rank_exp : null; $o->rank_exp_after = (string) $this->rank_exp_after != '' ? (int) $this->rank_exp_after : null; $o->cash = (string) $this->cash != '' ? (int) $this->cash : null; $o->cash_after = (string) $this->cash_after != '' ? (int) $this->cash_after : null; $o->is_win = $this->result === 'win' ? true : ($this->result === 'lose' ? false : null); $o->rank_in_team = $this->rank_in_team ? (int) $this->rank_in_team : null; $o->kill = (string) $this->kill != '' ? (int) $this->kill : null; $o->death = (string) $this->death != '' ? (int) $this->death : null; $o->gender_id = $this->gender === 'boy' ? 1 : ($this->gender === 'girl' ? 2 : null); $o->fest_title_id = $this->fest_title ? FestTitle::findOne(['key' => $this->fest_title])->id : null; $o->fest_title_after_id = $this->fest_title_after ? FestTitle::findOne(['key' => $this->fest_title_after])->id : null; $o->fest_exp = (string) $this->fest_exp != '' ? (int) $this->fest_exp : null; $o->fest_exp_after = (string) $this->fest_exp_after != '' ? (int) $this->fest_exp_after : null; $o->my_team_color_hue = $this->my_team_color ? $this->my_team_color['hue'] : null; $o->my_team_color_rgb = $this->my_team_color ? vsprintf('%02x%02x%02x', $this->my_team_color['rgb']) : null; $o->his_team_color_hue = $this->his_team_color ? $this->his_team_color['hue'] : null; $o->his_team_color_rgb = $this->his_team_color ? vsprintf('%02x%02x%02x', $this->his_team_color['rgb']) : null; $o->start_at = $this->start_at != '' ? gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:sP', (int) $this->start_at) : null; $o->end_at = $this->end_at != '' ? gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:sP', (int) $this->end_at) : new Now(); $o->agent_id = null; $o->ua_custom = (string) $this->agent_custom == '' ? null : (string) $this->agent_custom; $o->at = new Now(); $o->is_automated = $this->automated === 'yes'; $o->my_point = (string) $this->my_point != '' ? (int) $this->my_point : null; $o->my_team_final_point = (string) $this->my_team_final_point != '' ? (int) $this->my_team_final_point : null; $o->his_team_final_point = (string) $this->his_team_final_point != '' ? (int) $this->his_team_final_point : null; $o->my_team_final_percent = (string) $this->my_team_final_percent != '' ? sprintf('%.1f', (double) $this->my_team_final_percent) : null; $o->his_team_final_percent = (string) $this->his_team_final_percent != '' ? sprintf('%.1f', (double) $this->his_team_final_percent) : null; $o->is_knock_out = $this->knock_out === 'yes' ? true : ($this->knock_out === 'no' ? false : null); $o->my_team_count = (string) $this->my_team_count != '' ? (int) $this->my_team_count : null; $o->his_team_count = (string) $this->his_team_count != '' ? (int) $this->his_team_count : null; $o->events = null; if ($this->events) { $o->events = json_encode($this->events, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } if ($this->gears) { $o->headgear_id = $this->processGear('headgear'); $o->clothing_id = $this->processGear('clothing'); $o->shoes_id = $this->processGear('shoes'); } if ($this->isTest) { $now = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] : time(); $o->id = 0; foreach ($o->attributes as $k => $v) { if ($v instanceof Now) { $o->{$k} = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:sP', $now); } } } return $o; }
public static function getAllIdName() { return ArrayHelper::map(Rule::find()->asArray()->all(), 'id', 'name'); }
private function notHas($uid, $app, $feature) { $app = App::find()->select(['id', 'name'])->where(['code' => $app])->asArray()->one(); $role = RoleUser::find()->select(['rid', 'rname'])->where(['uid' => $uid])->asArray()->all(); $roleid = array(); foreach ($role as $vr) { $roleid[] = $vr['rid']; } $roleid = implode(',', $roleid); $scopes = Rule::find()->select(['model_id', 'scope_id'])->where(['aid' => $app['id']])->andWhere(['feature_code' => $feature])->andWhere("role_id not in({$roleid})")->asArray()->all(); $feature = Feature::find()->select(['name'])->where(['code' => $feature])->asArray()->one(); // delete repeat data $unique = array(); foreach ($scopes as $k => $vs) { $unique[$k] = $vs['model_id'] . ',' . $vs['scope_id']; } $scope = array_unique($unique); $result = array(); foreach ($scope as $k => $v) { $result[] = $scopes[$k]; } $final = array(); foreach ($result as $k => $vu) { $model = Model::find()->select(['name'])->where(['id' => $vu['model_id']])->asArray()->one(); $scope = Scope::find()->select(['name', 'attribute'])->where(['id' => $vu['scope_id']])->asArray()->one(); $final[$k]['model'] = $model['name']; $final[$k]['feature'] = $feature['name']; $final[$k]['scope'] = $scope['name']; $final[$k]['scope_attribute'] = $scope['attribute']; } return $final; }