예제 #1
  * Updates the specified issue labels.
  * @param IssueLabelRequest $request
  * @param int|string        $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function store(IssueLabelRequest $request, $id)
     $issue = $this->issue->findOrFail($id);
     if ($request->persist($issue)) {
         flash()->success('Success!', 'Successfully updated labels for this issue.');
         return redirect()->route('issues.show', [$id]);
     flash()->error('Error!', 'There was an issue adding labels to this issue. Please try again.');
     return redirect()->route('issues.show', [$id]);
  * Returns a download response for the specified issue attachment.
  * @param int|string $issueId
  * @param string     $fileUuid
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse
 public function download($issueId, $fileUuid)
     $issue = $this->issue->findOrFail($issueId);
     $file = $issue->findFile($fileUuid);
     if ($path = $file->complete_path) {
         return response()->download($path);
예제 #3
  * Re-Opens an issue.
  * @param IssueOpenRequest $request
  * @param int|string       $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function open(IssueOpenRequest $request, $id)
     $issue = $this->issue->findOrFail($id);
     $this->authorize('issues.open', [$issue]);
     if ($request->persist($issue)) {
         flash()->success('Success!', 'Successfully re-opened ticket.');
         return redirect()->back();
     flash()->error('Error!', 'There was a problem re-opening this ticket. Please try again.');
     return redirect()->back();
예제 #4
  * Deletes the specified issues comment.
  * @param int|string $id
  * @param int|string $commentId
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function destroy($id, $commentId)
     $issue = $this->issue->findOrFail($id);
     $comment = $issue->comments()->findOrFail($commentId);
     $this->authorize('comments.destroy', [$comment]);
     if ($comment->delete()) {
         flash()->success('Success!', 'Successfully deleted comment.');
         return redirect()->back();
     flash()->error('Error!', 'There was a problem deleting this comment. Please try again.');
     return redirect()->back();
  * Returns a download response for the specified issue attachment.
  * @param int|string $issueId
  * @param int|string $commentId
  * @param string     $fileUuid
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse
 public function download($issueId, $commentId, $fileUuid)
     $issue = $this->issue->findOrFail($issueId);
     $comment = $issue->comments()->findOrFail($commentId);
     $file = $comment->findFile($fileUuid);
     if ($path = $file->complete_path) {
         return response()->download($path);
     // The path doesn't exist, which means the file does
     // not exist. We'll delete the file to prevent
     // users from accessing it again.