/** * Store a Product Extension * * 1. Save Extension * 2. Save Image * * @return Response */ public function store() { if (!Input::has('extension')) { return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), 'Tidak ada data extension.'); } $errors = new MessageBag(); DB::beginTransaction(); //1. Validate Extension Parameter $extension = Input::get('extension'); if (is_null($extension['id'])) { $is_new = true; } else { $is_new = false; } $extension_rules = ['name' => 'required|max:255', 'price' => 'numeric', 'is_active' => 'boolean', 'is_customize' => 'boolean']; //1a. Get original data $extension_data = \App\Models\ProductExtension::findornew($extension['id']); //1b. Validate Basic Extension Parameter $validator = Validator::make($extension, $extension_rules); if (!$validator->passes()) { $errors->add('Extension', $validator->errors()); } else { //if validator passed, save Extension $extension_data = $extension_data->fill($extension); if (!$extension_data->save()) { $errors->add('Extension', $extension_data->getError()); } } //End of validate Extension //2. Validate Extension Image Parameter if (!$errors->count() && isset($extension['images']) && is_array($extension['images'])) { $image_current_ids = []; foreach ($extension['images'] as $key => $value) { if (!$errors->count()) { $image_data = \App\Models\Image::findornew($value['id']); $image_rules = ['imageable_id' => 'exists:Extensions,id|' . ($is_new ? '' : 'in:' . $extension_data['id']), 'imageable_type' => $is_new ? '' : 'in:' . get_class($extension_data), 'thumbnail' => 'required|max:255', 'image_xs' => 'required|max:255', 'image_sm' => 'required|max:255', 'image_md' => 'required|max:255', 'image_lg' => 'required|max:255', 'is_default' => 'boolean']; $validator = Validator::make($value, $image_rules); //if there was image and validator false if (!$validator->passes()) { $errors->add('Image', $validator->errors()); } else { $value['imageable_id'] = $extension_data['id']; $value['imageable_type'] = get_class($extension_data); $image_data = $image_data->fill($value); if (!$image_data->save()) { $errors->add('Image', $image_data->getError()); } else { $image_current_ids[] = $image_data['id']; } } } } //if there was no error, check if there were things need to be delete if (!$errors->count()) { $images = \App\Models\Image::imageableid($extension['id'])->imageabletype(get_class($extension_data))->get(['id'])->toArray(); $image_should_be_ids = []; foreach ($images as $key => $value) { $image_should_be_ids[] = $value['id']; } $difference_image_ids = array_diff($image_should_be_ids, $image_current_ids); if ($difference_image_ids) { foreach ($difference_image_ids as $key => $value) { $image_data = \App\Models\Image::find($value); if (!$image_data->delete()) { $errors->add('Image', $image_data->getError()); } } } } } //End of validate Extension image if ($errors->count()) { DB::rollback(); return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), $errors); } DB::commit(); $final_extension = \App\Models\ProductExtension::id($extension_data['id'])->with(['images'])->first()->toArray(); return new JSend('success', (array) $final_extension); }
/** * Store a setting * * @return Response */ public function store() { if (!Input::has('setting')) { return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), 'Tidak ada data setting.'); } $errors = new MessageBag(); DB::beginTransaction(); //1. Validate StoreSetting Parameter $setting = Input::get('setting'); if (is_null($setting['id'])) { $is_new = true; } else { $is_new = false; } //2. Validate setting parameter //2a. Slider if (!$errors->count() && $setting['type'] == 'slider') { $setting_data = \App\Models\Slider::findornew($setting['id']); $setting_rules = ['started_at' => 'date_format:"Y-m-d H:i:s"', 'ended_at' => 'date_format:"Y-m-d H:i:s"|after:started_at']; $validator = Validator::make($setting, $setting_rules); } elseif (!$errors->count() && in_array($setting['type'], ['about_us', 'why_join', 'term_and_condition'])) { $setting_data = \App\Models\StorePage::findornew($setting['id']); $setting_rules = ['started_at' => 'date_format:"Y-m-d H:i:s"']; $validator = Validator::make($setting, $setting_rules); } elseif (!$errors->count() && in_array($setting['type'], ['url', 'logo', 'facebook_url', 'twitter_url', 'instagram_url', 'email', 'phone', 'address', 'bank_information'])) { $setting_data = \App\Models\Store::findornew($setting['id']); $setting_rules = ['started_at' => 'date_format:"Y-m-d H:i:s"']; $validator = Validator::make($setting, $setting_rules); } else { $setting_data = \App\Models\Policy::findornew($setting['id']); $setting_rules = ['started_at' => 'date_format:"Y-m-d H:i:s"']; $validator = Validator::make($setting, $setting_rules); } if (!$validator->passes()) { $errors->add('StoreSetting', $validator->errors()); } else { //if validator passed, save setting $setting_data = $setting_data->fill($setting); if (!$setting_data->save()) { $errors->add('StoreSetting', $setting_data->getError()); } } //3. save image for slider if (!$errors->count() && isset($setting['images']) && is_array($setting['images']) && $setting_data['type'] == 'slider') { $image_current_ids = []; foreach ($setting['images'] as $key => $value) { if (!$errors->count()) { $image_data = \App\Models\Image::findornew($value['id']); $image_rules = ['thumbnail' => 'required|max:255', 'image_xs' => 'required|max:255', 'image_sm' => 'required|max:255', 'image_md' => 'required|max:255', 'image_lg' => 'required|max:255', 'is_default' => 'boolean']; $validator = Validator::make($value, $image_rules); //if there was image and validator false if (!$validator->passes()) { $errors->add('Image', $validator->errors()); } else { $value['imageable_id'] = $setting_data['id']; $value['imageable_type'] = get_class($setting_data); $image_data = $image_data->fill($value); if (!$image_data->save()) { $errors->add('Image', $image_data->getError()); } else { $image_current_ids[] = $image_data['id']; } } } //if there was no error, check if there were things need to be delete if (!$errors->count()) { $images = \App\Models\Image::imageableid($setting['id'])->get(['id'])->toArray(); $image_should_be_ids = []; foreach ($images as $key => $value) { $image_should_be_ids[] = $value['id']; } $difference_image_ids = array_diff($image_should_be_ids, $image_current_ids); if ($difference_image_ids) { foreach ($difference_image_ids as $key => $value) { $image_data = \App\Models\Image::find($value); if (!$image_data->delete()) { $errors->add('Image', $image_data->getError()); } } } } } } if ($errors->count()) { DB::rollback(); return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), $errors); } DB::commit(); if ($setting_data['type'] == 'slider') { $final_setting = \App\Models\Slider::id($setting_data['id'])->with(['images'])->first()->toArray(); } else { $final_setting = \App\Models\StoreSetting::id($setting_data['id'])->first()->toArray(); } return new JSend('success', (array) $final_setting); }
/** * Store a product * * 1. Save Product * 2. Save Varian * 3. Save Price * 4. Save Category * 5. Save Tag * 6. Save Label * 7. Save Image * * @return Response */ public function store() { if (!Input::has('product')) { return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), 'Tidak ada data produk.'); } $errors = new MessageBag(); DB::beginTransaction(); //1. Validate Product Parameter $product = Input::get('product'); //1a. Get original data if (is_null($product['id'])) { $product_data = new \App\Models\Product(); $is_new = true; } else { $product_data = \App\Models\Product::findornew($product['id']); $is_new = false; } if (isset($product['description'])) { $product['description'] = json_decode($product['description'], true); } $product_rules = ['name' => 'required|max:255', 'upc' => 'required|max:255|unique:products,upc,' . (!is_null($product['id']) ? $product['id'] : ''), 'slug' => 'max:255|unique:products,slug,' . (!is_null($product['id']) ? $product['id'] : ''), 'description.description' => 'max:512', 'description.fit' => 'max:512']; //1b. Validate Basic Product Parameter $validator = Validator::make($product, $product_rules); if (!$validator->passes()) { $errors->add('Product', $validator->errors()); } else { //if validator passed, save product if (isset($product['description'])) { $product['description'] = json_encode($product['description']); } else { $product['description'] = json_encode(['description' => '', 'fit' => '']); } $product_data = $product_data->fill($product); if (!$product_data->save()) { $errors->add('Product', $product_data->getError()); } } //End of validate product //2. Validate Product Varian Parameter if (!$errors->count() && isset($product['varians']) && is_array($product['varians'])) { $varian_current_ids = []; foreach ($product['varians'] as $key => $value) { if (!$errors->count()) { $varian_data = \App\Models\Varian::findornew($value['id']); $varian_rules = ['product_id' => 'exists:products,id|' . ($is_new ? '' : 'in:' . $product_data['id']), 'sku' => 'required|max:255|unique:varians,sku,' . (!is_null($value['id']) ? $value['id'] : ''), 'size' => 'required|max:255']; $validator = Validator::make($value, $varian_rules); //if there was varian and validator false if (!$validator->passes()) { $errors->add('Varian', $validator->errors); } else { $value['product_id'] = $product_data['id']; $varian_data = $varian_data->fill($value); if (!$varian_data->save()) { $errors->add('Varian', $varian_data->getError()); } else { $varian_current_ids[] = $varian_data['id']; } } } } //if there was no error, check if there were things need to be delete if (!$errors->count()) { $varians = \App\Models\Varian::productid($product['id'])->get(['id'])->toArray(); $varian_should_be_ids = []; foreach ($varians as $key => $value) { $varian_should_be_ids[] = $value['id']; } $difference_varian_ids = array_diff($varian_should_be_ids, $varian_current_ids); if ($difference_varian_ids) { foreach ($difference_varian_ids as $key => $value) { $varian_data = \App\Models\Varian::find($value); if (!$varian_data->delete()) { $errors->add('Varian', $varian_data->getError()); } } } } } //End of validate product varian //3. Validate Product Price Parameter if (!$errors->count() && isset($product['prices']) && is_array($product['prices'])) { $price_current_ids = []; foreach ($product['prices'] as $key => $value) { if (!$errors->count()) { $price_data = \App\Models\Price::findornew($value['id']); $price_rules = ['product_id' => 'exists:products,id|' . ($is_new ? '' : 'in:' . $product_data['id']), 'price' => 'required|numeric', 'promo_price' => 'numeric|max:price', 'started_at' => 'required|date_format:"Y-m-d H:i:s"']; $validator = Validator::make($value, $price_rules); //if there was price and validator false if (!$validator->passes()) { $errors->add('Price', $validator->errors()); } else { $value['product_id'] = $product_data['id']; $price_data = $price_data->fill($value); if (!$price_data->save()) { $errors->add('Price', $price_data->getError()); } else { $price_current_ids[] = $price_data['id']; } } } } //if there was no error, check if there were things need to be delete if (!$errors->count()) { $prices = \App\Models\Price::productid($product['id'])->get(['id'])->toArray(); $price_should_be_ids = []; foreach ($prices as $key => $value) { $price_should_be_ids[] = $value['id']; } $difference_price_ids = array_diff($price_should_be_ids, $price_current_ids); if ($difference_price_ids) { foreach ($difference_price_ids as $key => $value) { $price_data = \App\Models\Price::find($value); if (!$price_data->delete()) { $errors->add('Price', $price_data->getError()); } } } } } //End of validate product price $cluster_current_ids = []; //4. Validate Product Category Parameter if (!$errors->count() && isset($product['categories']) && is_array($product['categories'])) { $category_current_ids = []; foreach ($product['categories'] as $key => $value) { $category = \App\Models\Category::find($value['id']); if ($category) { $category_current_ids[] = $value['id']; $cluster_current_ids[] = $value['id']; } elseif (isset($value['name'])) { $category_data = new \App\Models\Category(); $category_data = $category_data->fill(['name' => $value['name']]); if (!$category_data->save()) { $errors->add('Category', $category_data->getError()); } else { $category_current_ids[] = $category_data['id']; $cluster_current_ids[] = $category_data['id']; } } } // if(!$errors->count()) // { // if(!$product_data->categories()->sync($category_current_ids)) // { // $errors->add('Category', 'Kategori produk tidak tersimpan.'); // } // } } //End of validate product category //5. Validate Product Tag Parameter if (!$errors->count() && isset($product['tags']) && is_array($product['tags'])) { $tag_current_ids = []; foreach ($product['tags'] as $key => $value) { $tag = \App\Models\Tag::find($value['id']); if ($tag) { $tag_current_ids[] = $value['id']; $cluster_current_ids[] = $value['id']; } elseif (isset($value['name'])) { $tag_data = new \App\Models\Tag(); $tag_data = $tag_data->fill(['name' => $value['name']]); if (!$tag_data->save()) { $errors->add('Tag', $tag_data->getError()); } else { $tag_current_ids[] = $tag_data['id']; $cluster_current_ids[] = $tag_data['id']; } } } // if(!$errors->count()) // { // if(!$product_data->tags()->sync($tag_current_ids)) // { // $errors->add('Tag', 'Tag produk tidak tersimpan.'); // } // } } if (!$errors->count() && isset($cluster_current_ids)) { if (!$product_data->clusters()->sync($cluster_current_ids)) { $errors->add('Product', 'Tag/Kategori produk tidak tersimpan.'); } } //End of validate product category //6. Validate Product Label Parameter if (!$errors->count() && isset($product['labels']) && is_array($product['labels'])) { $label_current_ids = []; foreach ($product['labels'] as $key => $value) { if (!$errors->count()) { $label_data = \App\Models\ProductLabel::findornew($value['id']); $label_rules = ['product_id' => 'exists:products,id|' . ($is_new ? '' : 'in:' . $product_data['id']), 'label' => 'max:255', 'started_at' => 'required|date_format:"Y-m-d H:i:s"', 'ended_at' => 'date_format:"Y-m-d H:i:s"']; if (!isset($value['ended_at']) || !strtotime($value['ended_at'])) { unset($value['ended_at']); } $validator = Validator::make($value, $label_rules); //if there was label and validator false if (!$validator->passes()) { $errors->add('ProductLabel', $validator->errors()); } else { $value['product_id'] = $product_data['id']; if (isset($value['label'])) { $value['lable'] = $value['label']; } $label_data = $label_data->fill($value); if (!$label_data->save()) { $errors->add('ProductLabel', $label_data->getError()); } else { $label_current_ids[] = $label_data['id']; } } } } //if there was no error, check if there were things need to be delete if (!$errors->count()) { $labels = \App\Models\ProductLabel::productid($product['id'])->get(['id'])->toArray(); $label_should_be_ids = []; foreach ($labels as $key => $value) { $label_should_be_ids[] = $value['id']; } $difference_label_ids = array_diff($label_should_be_ids, $label_current_ids); if ($difference_label_ids) { foreach ($difference_label_ids as $key => $value) { $label_data = \App\Models\ProductLabel::find($value); if (!$label_data->delete()) { $errors->add('ProductLabel', $label_data->getError()); } } } } } //End of validate product label //7. Validate Product Image Parameter if (!$errors->count() && isset($product['images']) && is_array($product['images'])) { $image_current_ids = []; foreach ($product['images'] as $key => $value) { if (!$errors->count()) { $image_data = \App\Models\Image::findornew($value['id']); $image_rules = ['imageable_id' => 'exists:products,id|' . ($is_new ? '' : 'in:' . $product_data['id']), 'imageable_type' => $is_new ? '' : 'in:' . get_class($product_data), 'thumbnail' => 'required|max:255', 'image_xs' => 'required|max:255', 'image_sm' => 'required|max:255', 'image_md' => 'required|max:255', 'image_lg' => 'required|max:255', 'is_default' => 'boolean']; $validator = Validator::make($value, $image_rules); //if there was image and validator false if (!$validator->passes()) { $errors->add('Image', $validator->errors()); } else { $value['imageable_id'] = $product_data['id']; $value['imageable_type'] = get_class($product_data); $image_data = $image_data->fill($value); if (!$image_data->save()) { $errors->add('Image', $image_data->getError()); } else { $image_current_ids[] = $image_data['id']; } } } } //if there was no error, check if there were things need to be delete if (!$errors->count()) { $images = \App\Models\Image::imageableid($product['id'])->imageabletype(get_class($product_data))->get(['id'])->toArray(); $image_should_be_ids = []; foreach ($images as $key => $value) { $image_should_be_ids[] = $value['id']; } $difference_image_ids = array_diff($image_should_be_ids, $image_current_ids); if ($difference_image_ids) { foreach ($difference_image_ids as $key => $value) { $image_data = \App\Models\Image::find($value); if (!$image_data->delete()) { $errors->add('Image', $image_data->getError()); } } } } } //End of validate product image if ($errors->count()) { DB::rollback(); return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), $errors); } DB::commit(); $final_product = \App\Models\Product::id($product_data['id'])->with(['varians', 'categories', 'tags', 'labels', 'images', 'prices'])->first()->toArray(); return new JSend('success', (array) $final_product); }