/** */ public function send($id) { $query = Email::findOne($id); //var_dump($query->email); //var_dump($this->subject);$query = Email::findOne($id); //var_dump($this->body); //exit(); return Yii::$app->mailer->compose()->setTo($query->email)->setFrom(Yii::$app->params['adminEmail'])->setSubject($this->subject)->setTextBody($this->body)->send(); }
public function changeStatus() { $query = Email::findOne($this->id); if ($query->status == 0) { return 'Не отправлялось'; } elseif ($query->status == 1) { return 'Отправлено'; } else { return 'Ошибка отправки'; } }
public function actionBackemail($emailId, $userId) { $user = $_POST['workerlist']; //退回给分发人员 if ($user == NULL) { //关系表中删除 $email_user = new Email_user_rs(); $email_user = Email_user_rs::find()->where(['email_id' => $emailId, 'user_id' => $userId])->one(); $email_user->delete(); //Email表中修改分发状态 $email = new Email(); $email = Email::findOne($emailId); $email->handle_status = 0; $email->is_back = 1; $email->save(); } else { $new_user = Users::find()->where(['username' => $user])->asArray()->one(); $email_user = new Email_user_rs(); $email_user = Email_user_rs::find()->where(['email_id' => $emailId, 'user_id' => $userId])->one(); $email_user->user_id = $new_user['id']; $email_user->handle_status = 0; $email_user->save(); } return SiteController::actionLogin(); }
/** * Finds the Email model based on its primary key value. * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown. * @param integer $id * @return Email the loaded model * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found */ protected function findModel($id) { if (($model = Email::findOne($id)) !== null) { return $model; } else { throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); } }