예제 #1
파일: Orgs.php 프로젝트: GT-Volk/DomainList
 public function getDomains()
     return $this->hasMany(Domains::className(), ['reg_id' => 'id']);
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function update(Request $request, $id)
     $snip_user = \Auth::user()->id;
     $token = $request->ajax() ? $request->header('X-CSRF-Token') : $request->input('_token');
     $remarketing = $request->input('remarketing');
     $pageurls = $request->input('pageurl');
     $user_id = $request->input('user_id');
     $domain_id = $request->input('domain_id');
     $email_service_id = $request->input('email_service_id');
     $button = $request->input('create_button_snip_code');
     $message = $request->input('message');
     $buttontext = $request->input('buttontext');
     $buttonurl = $request->input('buttonurl');
     $bg_gcolor = $request->input('bg_gcolor');
     $textcolor = $request->input('textcolor');
     $actioncolor = $request->input('actioncolor');
     $action_textcolor = $request->input('action_textcolor');
     $action_type = $request->input('action_type');
     $themetype = $request->input('themetype');
     $posttext = $request->input('posttext');
     $upload_path = $request->input('upload_path');
     $feed_type = $request->input('feedtype');
     $short_option = $request->input('short_option');
     $short_link = $request->input('short_link');
      * Getting Domain name for short link routing
     $domain_name = 'http://trkn.co';
     $domainObj = Domains::select('name')->where('id', $domain_id)->get()->toArray();
     if (is_array($domainObj) && sizeof($domainObj) > 0) {
         foreach ($domainObj as $key => $val) {
             $domain_name = $val['name'];
     if ($feed_type == 'trap.it feed') {
         $content = file_get_contents($pageurls);
         $x = new \SimpleXmlElement($content);
         $counter = 0;
         foreach ($x->entry as $entry) {
             $page_url = $entry->link['href'][0];
             $arrrr = htmlentities($remarketing, ENT_QUOTES);
             $html = $this->file_get_contents_curl($page_url, array());
             $title = '';
             if (!empty($html)) {
                 $doc = new \DOMDocument();
                 $nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName('title');
                 $title = addslashes($nodes->item(0)->nodeValue);
             $date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
             //============Snips Creation=================//
             $snipObj = Snips::findOrNew($id);
             $snipObj->user_id = $user_id;
             $snipObj->domain_id = $domain_id;
             $snipObj->service_id = $email_service_id;
             $snipObj->parent_id = $snip_user;
             $snipObj->page_url = $page_url;
             $snipObj->title = $title;
             $snipObj->snip_type = $action_type;
             $snipObj->message = $message;
             $snipObj->snip_remarketing_code = $arrrr;
             $snipObj->button_text = $buttontext;
             $snipObj->button_url = $buttonurl;
             $snipObj->upload_path = $upload_path;
             $snipObj->date_created = $date;
             $snipObj->custom_short_link = $short_link;
             $snipObj->is_custom_short_link = $short_option;
             $current_id = $snipObj->update();
             echo $snipObj->id;
             if ($current_id) {
                 $snip = array("background_color" => $bg_gcolor, "text_color" => $textcolor, "action_color" => $actioncolor, "action_text_color" => $action_textcolor, "theme" => $themetype, "position" => $posttext);
                 $layout_id = SnipLayouts::where("snip_id", $id)->update($snip);
             if ($short_option == 2) {
                 $links['data'][] = $domain_name . "/g/" . $short_link;
             } else {
                 $links['data'][] = $domain_name . "/g/" . $id;
         echo json_encode($links['data']);
     if ($feed_type == "rss feed") {
         $links = array();
         $pageurls = $_POST['pageurl'];
         $content = file_get_contents($pageurls);
         $x = new \SimpleXMLElement($content);
         foreach ($x->channel->item as $entry) {
             $page_url = $entry->link;
             $arrrr = htmlentities($remarketing, ENT_QUOTES);
             $html = $this->file_get_contents_curl($page_url, array());
             $title = '';
             if (!empty($html)) {
                 $doc = new \DOMDocument();
                 $nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName('title');
                 $title = addslashes($nodes->item(0)->nodeValue);
             $date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
             //============Snips Creation=================//
             $snipObj = Snips::findOrNew($id);
             $snipObj->user_id = $user_id;
             $snipObj->domain_id = $domain_id;
             $snipObj->service_id = $email_service_id;
             $snipObj->parent_id = $snip_user;
             $snipObj->page_url = $page_url;
             $snipObj->title = $title;
             $snipObj->snip_type = $action_type;
             $snipObj->message = $message;
             $snipObj->snip_remarketing_code = $arrrr;
             $snipObj->button_text = $buttontext;
             $snipObj->button_url = $buttonurl;
             $snipObj->upload_path = $upload_path;
             $snipObj->date_created = $date;
             $snipObj->custom_short_link = $short_link;
             $snipObj->is_custom_short_link = $short_option;
             $current_id = $snipObj->update();
             if ($current_id) {
                 $snip = array("snip_id" => $id, "user_id" => $user_id, "background_color" => $bg_gcolor, "text_color" => $textcolor, "action_color" => $actioncolor, "action_text_color" => $action_textcolor, "theme" => $themetype, "position" => $posttext);
                 $layout_id = SnipLayouts::where("snip_id", $id)->update($snip);
             if ($short_option == 2) {
                 $links['data'][] = $domain_name . "/g/" . $short_link;
             } else {
                 $links['data'][] = $domain_name . "/g/" . $id;
         echo json_encode($links['data']);
     } else {
         $url = parse_url($pageurls);
         if (count($url) > 1) {
             $host = $url['scheme'] . "://";
             $page_url = $host . $url['host'];
             if (isset($url['path'])) {
                 $page_url .= $url['path'];
         } else {
             $path = $url['path'];
             $page_url = "http://" . $path;
         $arrrr = htmlentities($remarketing, ENT_QUOTES);
         $title = '';
         $html = $this->file_get_contents_curl($page_url, array());
         if (!empty($html)) {
             $doc = new \DOMDocument();
             $nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName('title');
             $title = addslashes($nodes->item(0)->nodeValue);
         $date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
         //============Snips Creation=================//
         $snipObj = Snips::findOrNew($id);
         $snipObj->user_id = $user_id;
         $snipObj->domain_id = $domain_id;
         $snipObj->service_id = $email_service_id;
         $snipObj->parent_id = $snip_user;
         $snipObj->page_url = $page_url;
         $snipObj->title = $title;
         $snipObj->snip_type = $action_type;
         $snipObj->message = $message;
         $snipObj->snip_remarketing_code = $arrrr;
         $snipObj->button_text = $buttontext;
         $snipObj->button_url = $buttonurl;
         $snipObj->upload_path = $upload_path;
         $snipObj->date_created = $date;
         $snipObj->custom_short_link = $short_link;
         $snipObj->is_custom_short_link = $short_option;
         $current_id = $snipObj->update();
         if ($current_id) {
             $snip = array("snip_id" => $id, "user_id" => $user_id, "background_color" => $bg_gcolor, "text_color" => $textcolor, "action_color" => $actioncolor, "action_text_color" => $action_textcolor, "theme" => $themetype, "position" => $posttext);
             $layout_id = SnipLayouts::where("snip_id", $snipObj->id)->update($snip);
         if ($short_option == 2) {
             $links['data'][] = $domain_name . "/g/" . $short_link;
         } else {
             $links['data'][] = $domain_name . "/g/" . $snipObj->id;
         echo json_encode($links['data']);
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function destroy($id)
     $domain = Domains::find($id);
     return redirect('admin/domain');