예제 #1
 public function postposting(Request $request)
     $sel_ag = $request->ag;
     $sel_ch = $request->ch;
     $sel_rg = $request->rg;
     $sel_st = $request->st;
     $sel_us = $request->us;
     $sel_ty = $request->ty;
     $frm = $request->fr;
     $to = $request->to;
     $agencies = ComplianceRepository::getAllAgency();
     $regions = ComplianceRepository::getAllRegion();
     $channels = ComplianceRepository::getAllChannel();
     $stores = ComplianceRepository::getAllStore();
     $users = ComplianceRepository::getAllUser();
     $types = ['1' => 'OSA', '2' => 'Assoertment'];
     if (!empty($frm)) {
         $data['from'] = $frm;
     if (!empty($to)) {
         $data['to'] = $to;
     if (!empty($sel_ag)) {
         $data['agencies'] = $sel_ag;
     if (!empty($sel_rg)) {
         $data['regions'] = $sel_rg;
     if (!empty($sel_ch)) {
         $data['channels'] = $sel_ch;
     if (!empty($sel_st)) {
         $data['stores'] = $sel_st;
     if (!empty($sel_us)) {
         $data['users'] = $sel_us;
     if (!empty($sel_ty)) {
         $data['types'] = $sel_ty;
     $postings = HistoryRepositiry::getHistory($data);
     if ($request->has('submit')) {
         return view('history.posting', compact('postings', 'frm', 'to', 'agencies', 'sel_ag', 'regions', 'sel_rg', 'channels', 'sel_ch', 'stores', 'sel_st', 'users', 'sel_us', 'types', 'sel_ty'));
     if ($request->has('download')) {
         $fileName = "Posting History Report.csv";
         $writer = WriterFactory::create(Type::CSV);
         // for CSV files
         // stream data directly to the browser
         $writer->addRow(array('Agency Code', 'Agency Name', 'Region Code', 'Region Name', 'Channel Code', 'Channel Name', 'Distributor', 'Store Name', 'Store Code', 'Username', 'Transaction Date', 'Posting Date', 'Posting Type'));
         foreach ($postings as $row) {
             $_data[0] = $row->agency_code;
             $_data[1] = $row->agency;
             $_data[2] = $row->region_code;
             $_data[3] = $row->region_name;
             $_data[4] = $row->channel_code;
             $_data[5] = $row->channel_name;
             $_data[6] = $row->distributor;
             $_data[7] = $row->store_name;
             $_data[8] = $row->store_code;
             $_data[9] = $row->username;
             $_data[10] = $row->transaction_date;
             $_data[11] = $row->updated_at;
             $_data[12] = $row->type;
             // add multiple rows at a time
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     $sel_ar = $request->ar;
     $sel_st = $request->st;
     $frm = $request->fr;
     $to = $request->to;
     $areas = ComplianceRepository::getAllArea();
     if (!empty($sel_ar)) {
         $data['areas'] = $sel_ar;
     if (!empty($sel_st)) {
         $data['stores'] = $sel_st;
     if (!empty($frm)) {
         $data['from'] = $frm;
     if (!empty($to)) {
         $data['to'] = $to;
     $compliances = ComplianceRepository::getAssortmentCompliance($data);
     if ($request->has('submit')) {
         return view('compliance.index', compact('compliances', 'frm', 'to', 'areas', 'sel_ar', 'sel_st'));
     if ($request->has('download')) {
         \Excel::create('Total Compliance Report', function ($excel) use($compliances) {
             $weeks = [];
             $items = [];
             $store_list = [];
             foreach ($compliances as $value) {
                 $week_start = new \DateTime();
                 $week_start->setISODate($value->yr, $value->yr_week);
                 $weeks[$week_start->format('Y-m-d')] = "Week " . $value->yr_week . " of " . $value->yr;
                 $store_list[$value->area][$value->store_name] = $value;
                 $items[$value->area][$value->store_name]["Week " . $value->yr_week . " of " . $value->yr] = ['passed' => $value->passed, 'failed' => $value->failed, 'client_name' => $value->client_name];
             // dd($items);
             $excel->sheet('Sheet1', function ($sheet) use($items, $weeks, $store_list) {
                 $default_store_col = 7;
                 $col_array = [];
                 $col = 8;
                 foreach ($weeks as $week) {
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, 2, $week);
                     $n_col = $col + 3;
                     $col_array[$week] = $col;
                     $sheet->mergeCells(\PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col) . "2:" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($n_col) . "2");
                     $sheet->getStyle(\PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col) . '2')->getAlignment()->applyFromArray(array('horizontal' => \PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER));
                     $col = $col + 4;
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, 2, 'Grand Total');
                 $sheet->mergeCells(\PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col) . "2:" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col + 3) . "2");
                 $sheet->getStyle(\PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col) . '2')->getAlignment()->applyFromArray(array('horizontal' => \PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER));
                 $area_col = 0;
                 $store_col = $default_store_col;
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($area_col, 3, 'AREA');
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(1, 3, 'REGION NAME');
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(2, 3, 'DISTRIBUTOR NAME');
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(3, 3, 'DISTRIBUTOR CODE');
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(4, 3, 'AGENCY');
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(5, 3, 'STORE CODE');
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(6, 3, 'STORE ID');
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col, 3, 'STORE NAME');
                 foreach ($weeks as $week) {
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 1, 3, 'OOS');
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 2, 3, 'With Stocks');
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 3, 3, 'Total');
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 4, 3, 'Compliance Score');
                     $sheet->getStyle(\PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 4))->getNumberFormat()->applyFromArray(array('code' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_PERCENTAGE_00));
                     $store_col = $store_col + 4;
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 1, 3, 'Total OOS');
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 2, 3, 'Total With Stocks');
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 3, 3, 'Grand Total');
                 $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 4, 3, 'Total Compliance Score');
                 $sheet->getStyle(\PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 4))->getNumberFormat()->applyFromArray(array('code' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_PERCENTAGE_00));
                 $row = 4;
                 // dd($items);
                 $per_area_total_rows = [];
                 foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
                     $first = true;
                     $total_row = count($value) + $row;
                     $last_row = $total_row - 1;
                     $start_row = $row;
                     $client_name = '';
                     foreach ($value as $skey => $record) {
                         $oos_row_total = 0;
                         $withstock_row_total = 0;
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(0, $row, $key);
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(1, $row, $store_list[$key][$skey]->region_name);
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(2, $row, $store_list[$key][$skey]->distributor);
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(3, $row, $store_list[$key][$skey]->distributor_code);
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(4, $row, $store_list[$key][$skey]->agency);
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(5, $row, $store_list[$key][$skey]->store_code);
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(6, $row, $store_list[$key][$skey]->store_id);
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(7, $row, $skey);
                         $grand_total = 0;
                         foreach ($record as $k => $rowValue) {
                             $client_name = strtoupper($rowValue['client_name']);
                             $oos_col = $col_array[$k];
                             $with_stock_col = $col_array[$k] + 1;
                             $store_total = $rowValue['failed'] + $rowValue['passed'];
                             if ($client_name == 'MT MDC') {
                                 $osa_score = '=IFERROR(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($with_stock_col) . $row . '/SUM(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($oos_col) . $row . ',' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($with_stock_col) . $row . '),"")';
                             } else {
                                 $osa_score = '=IFERROR(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($oos_col) . $row . '/SUM(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($oos_col) . $row . ',' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($with_stock_col) . $row . '),"")';
                             $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($oos_col, $row, $rowValue['failed']);
                             $oos_row_total += $rowValue['failed'];
                             // //with stocks
                             $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($with_stock_col, $row, $rowValue['passed']);
                             $withstock_row_total += $rowValue['passed'];
                             // //total
                             $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($oos_col + 2, $row, $store_total);
                             $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($oos_col + 3, $row, $osa_score);
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 1, $row, $oos_row_total);
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 2, $row, $withstock_row_total);
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 3, $row, $oos_row_total + $withstock_row_total);
                         if ($client_name == 'MT MDC') {
                             $osa_score_total = '=IFERROR(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $row . '/SUM(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $row . ',' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $row . '),"")';
                         } else {
                             $osa_score_total = '=IFERROR(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $row . '/SUM(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $row . ',' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $row . '),"")';
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 4, $row, $osa_score_total);
                     $per_area_total_rows[] = $row;
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(0, $row, $key . ' Total');
                     $store_col = $default_store_col;
                     foreach ($weeks as $week) {
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 1, $row, "=SUM(" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $start_row . ":" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $last_row . ")");
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 2, $row, "=SUM(" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $start_row . ":" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $last_row . ")");
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 3, $row, "=SUM(" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 3) . $start_row . ":" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 3) . $last_row . ")");
                         if ($client_name == 'MT MDC') {
                             $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 4, $row, '=IFERROR(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $row . '/SUM(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $row . ',' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $row . '),"")');
                         } else {
                             $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 4, $row, '=IFERROR(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $row . '/SUM(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $row . ',' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $row . '),"")');
                         $store_col = $store_col + 4;
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 1, $row, "=SUM(" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $start_row . ":" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $last_row . ")");
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 2, $row, "=SUM(" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $start_row . ":" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $last_row . ")");
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 3, $row, "=SUM(" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 3) . $start_row . ":" . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 3) . $last_row . ")");
                     if ($client_name == 'MT MDC') {
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 4, $row, '=IFERROR(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $row . '/SUM(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $row . ',' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $row . '),"")');
                     } else {
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($store_col + 4, $row, '=IFERROR(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $row . '/SUM(' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 2) . $row . ',' . \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($store_col + 1) . $row . '),"")');