private function leftMenuCounts()
     view()->composer('dashboard._partials.left.menu_bar', function ($view) {
         $view->with('usersCount', User::count());
         $view->with('categoriesCount', Category::count());
         $view->with('venuesCount', Venue::count());
         $view->with('spacesCount', Space::count());
         $view->with('amenitiesCount', Tag::where('type', 'amenity')->count());
예제 #2
  * composer require fzaninotto/faker
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
         $article = new Article();
         $article->title = $faker->sentence;
         $article->excerpt = $faker->text(200);
         $article->content = $faker->text(2000);
         $article->author = $faker->name;
         $article->category_id = $faker->numberBetween(1, count(Category::count()));
예제 #3
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index(Region $region, TrainRoad $trainRoad, Stantion $stantion)
     $regionsCount = $region->count();
     $tRoadsCount = $trainRoad->count();
     $stationsCount = $stantion->count();
     $condCount = Condition::count();
     $productsCount = Product::count();
     $servicesCount = Service::count();
     $catCount = Category::count();
     $statusesCount = Status::count();
     $serviceStatusesCount = ServiceStatus::count();
     $newOrdersCount = Order::where('is_new', 1)->count();
     $newServiceOrdersCount = ServiceOrder::where('is_new', 1)->count();
     $customers = Firm::where('accountant_fio', null)->get();
     return view('admin.adminArea', ['regionsCount' => $regionsCount, 'tRoadsCount' => $tRoadsCount, 'stationsCount' => $stationsCount, 'condCount' => $condCount, 'catCount' => $catCount, 'productsCount' => $productsCount, 'servicesCount' => $servicesCount, 'statusesCount' => $statusesCount, 'newOrdersCount' => $newOrdersCount, 'serviceStatusesCount' => $serviceStatusesCount, 'newServiceOrdersCount' => $newServiceOrdersCount, 'customers' => $customers]);
예제 #4
| Model Factories
| Here you may define all of your model factories. Model factories give
| you a convenient way to create models for testing and seeding your
| database. Just tell the factory how a default model should look.
use App\Models\Article;
use App\Models\Category;
use App\Models\Comment;
use App\Models\Topic;
use App\Models\User;
$factory->define(User::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
    return ['name' => $faker->name, 'email' => $faker->email, 'password' => bcrypt(str_random(10)), 'remember_token' => str_random(10)];
$factory->define(Category::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
    return [];
$factory->define(Article::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
    return ['user_id' => rand(1, User::count()), 'category_id' => rand(1, Category::count()), 'title' => $faker->sentence(mt_rand(3, 10)), 'content' => join('<br>', $faker->paragraphs(mt_rand(3, 6))), 'published_at' => rand(0, 2) >= 1 ? Carbon\Carbon::now() : null];
$factory->define(Topic::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
    return [];
$factory->define(Comment::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
    return ['user_id' => rand(1, User::count()), 'article_id' => rand(1, Article::count()), 'content' => join("\n", $faker->paragraphs(mt_rand(1, 2)))];