/** * Creates a new Campaign model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. * @return mixed */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Campaign(); if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) { return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]); } else { return $this->render('create', ['model' => $model]); } }
public function UploadCampaign(Request $request) { if (Auth::check()) { if (in_array('ADD_EDIT_CAMPAIGN', $this->permission)) { if ($request->hasFile('upload')) { if (User::isSuperAdmin()) { $advertiser_obj = Advertiser::with('GetClientID')->find($request->input('advertiser_id')); } else { $usr_company = $this->user_company(); $advertiser_obj = Advertiser::whereHas('GetClientID', function ($p) use($usr_company) { $p->whereIn('user_id', $usr_company); })->find($request->input('advertiser_id')); if (!$advertiser_obj) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['success' => false, 'msg' => 'please Select your Client'])->withInput(); } } if ($advertiser_obj) { $destpath = public_path(); $extension = $request->file('upload')->getClientOriginalExtension(); // getting image extension $fileName = str_random(32) . '.' . $extension; $request->file('upload')->move($destpath . '/cdn/test/', $fileName); Config::set('excel.import.startRow', 12); $upload = Excel::load('public/cdn/test/' . $fileName, function ($reader) { })->get(); $t = array(); foreach ($upload[0] as $key => $value) { array_push($t, $key); } if ($t[1] != 'name' or $t[2] != 'max_impression' or $t[3] != 'daily_max_impression' or $t[4] != 'max_budget' or $t[5] != 'daily_max_budget' or $t[6] != 'cpm' or $t[7] != 'advertiser_domain_name' or $t[8] != 'status' or $t[9] != 'start_date' or $t[10] != 'end_date') { File::delete($destpath . '/cdn/test/' . $fileName); return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['success' => false, 'msg' => 'please be sure that file is correct'])->withInput(); } $bad_input = array(); $count = 0; // return dd(); foreach ($upload as $test) { $flg = 0; $campaign = new Campaign(); if ($test['name'] == '' or $test['max_impression'] == '' or $test['daily_max_impression'] == '' or $test['max_budget'] == '' or $test['daily_max_budget'] == '' or $test['cpm'] == '' or $test['advertiser_domain_name'] == '' or $test['status'] == '' or $test['status'] == '' or $test['end_date'] == '') { array_push($bad_input, $test['name']); continue; } if (!is_numeric($test['max_impression']) or !is_numeric($test['daily_max_impression']) or !is_numeric($test['max_budget']) or !is_numeric($test['daily_max_budget']) or !is_numeric($test['cpm'])) { array_push($bad_input, $test['name']); continue; } if (strcasecmp($test['status'], 'active') != 0 and strcasecmp($test['status'], 'inactive') != 0) { array_push($bad_input, $test['name']); continue; } $campaign->name = $test['name']; $campaign->max_impression = $test['max_impression']; $campaign->daily_max_impression = $test['daily_max_impression']; $campaign->max_budget = $test['max_budget']; $campaign->daily_max_budget = $test['daily_max_budget']; $campaign->cpm = $test['cpm']; $campaign->start_date = $test['start_date']; $campaign->end_date = $test['end_date']; $campaign->advertiser_domain_name = $test['advertiser_domain_name']; $campaign->status = ucwords(strtolower($test['status'])); $campaign->advertiser_id = $request->input('advertiser_id'); // return dd('dd1'); $count++; $campaign->save(); } $audit = new AuditsController(); $audit->store('campaign', 0, $count, 'bulk_add'); $msg = "Campaigns added successfully"; if (count($bad_input) > 0) { $msg .= " exept: "; foreach ($bad_input as $index) { $msg .= $index . ','; } } return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['success' => true, 'msg' => $msg]); } return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['success' => false, 'msg' => 'please Select Advertiser First'])->withInput(); } return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['success' => false, 'msg' => 'please Select a file'])->withInput(); } return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['success' => false, 'msg' => "You don't have permission"]); } return Redirect::to(url('/user/login')); }
public function getSpotCampaignIdsForSelectFilter() { $localCampaign = $this->getUserCampaignIds(); $spotCampaign = $this->getSpotUserCampaignIds(); if (count($localCampaign) != count($spotCampaign)) { unset($spotCampaign[0]); foreach ($spotCampaign as $campaignId => $name) { $flag = 0; foreach ($localCampaign as $lcampaign) { if ($lcampaign['id'] == $campaignId) { $flag = 1; } $filterValues[$lcampaign['id']] = $lcampaign['name']; } if ($flag == 0) { $campaign = new Campaign(); $campaign->name = $name; $campaign->id = $campaignId; $campaign->save(); } } } $returnString = ''; foreach ($spotCampaign as $campaignId => $name) { $returnString .= ";{$campaignId}:{$name}"; } return $returnString; }