예제 #1
  * Remove/drop a database and related test-database.
  * @param string $database Name of main database.
  * @return void
 public function remove($database)
     $this->logStart("Dropping databases {$database} and test_{$database}");
     if (!CakeboxUtility::databaseExists($database)) {
         $this->exitBashWarning("* Skipping: database does not exist.");
     if (CakeboxUtility::dropDatabase($database) == false) {
         $this->exitBashError("Error dropping databases");
     $this->exitBashSuccess("Databases dropped successfully");
예제 #2
  * Create a database and acommpanying 'test_' prefixed test database.
  * symoblic link and reloading the webserver.
  * @param string $database Name to be used for the databases.
  * @param string $username User granted local access to (only) this database.
  * @param string $password Password for above user.
  * @param bool $force Optional, true to drop existing database.
  * @return boolean True on success
 public function addDatabase($database, $username, $password, $force = false)
     $database = CakeboxUtility::normalizeDatabaseName($database);
     $this->_log("* Normalized database name to {$database}");
     // do not continue if it concerns a system database
     if ($this->_isSystemDatabase($database)) {
         $this->_error("Cannot proceed... `{$database}` is a protected system database");
         return false;
     // drop existing databases if needed
     if (CakeboxUtility::databaseExists($database)) {
         if (!$force) {
             $this->_error("* Database {$database} already exists. Use --force to drop.");
             return false;
         $this->_log("Dropping existing databases");
         if (!CakeboxUtility::dropDatabase($database)) {
             $this->_error("Error dropping databases");
             return false;
     // create databases
     $this->_log("Creating databases");
     if (!CakeboxUtility::createDatabasePair($database, $username, $password)) {
         $this->_error("Error creating databases");
         return false;
     // completed successfully
     return true;
예제 #3
  * Install and configure a PHP framework application using Nginx and MySQL.
  * @param string $url Fully Qualified Domain Name used to expose the site.
  * @return void
 public function add($url)
     if ($this->params['repair']) {
         $this->logStart("Repairing application http://{$url}");
     } else {
         $this->logStart("Creating application http://{$url}");
     if ($url == 'default') {
         $this->exitBashError("Cannot use 'default' as <url> as this would overwrite the default Cakebox site.");
     # Feed the installer with all required information
     $installer = new CakeboxFrameworkInstaller();
     $this->out('Configuring installer');
     if (!$installer->setup(array_merge(['url' => $url], $this->params))) {
         $this->exitBashError('Error setting up installer.');
     # Check: custom applications require the --webroot option to prevent
     # generating an invalid Nginx vhost preventing Nginx reload and thus
     # breaking yaml-provisioning
     if ($installer->option('framework_short') === 'custom' && !isset($this->params['webroot'])) {
         $this->exitBashError('Error: custom applications require the --webroot parameter');
     # Only method-detect if target dir is available once (present and/or empty)
     $targetDirAvailable = CakeboxUtility::dirAvailable($installer->option('path'));
     # Check: stop provisioning if the target directory is not
     # available/empty AND and we are not in --repair mode
     if (!$targetDirAvailable && !$this->params['repair']) {
         $this->exitBashError('Error: target directory ' . $installer->option('path') . ' contains data');
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # Create installation directory if needed
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     $dirHasData = false;
     $this->out('Creating installation directory');
     if (!$targetDirAvailable) {
         $dirHasData = true;
         $this->out('* Skipping: target directory contains data');
     if ($targetDirAvailable && is_dir($installer->option('path'))) {
         $this->out('* Skipping: directory already created');
     if (!$targetDirAvailable && !$dirHasData) {
         if (!$this->Execute->mkVagrantDir($installer->option('path'))) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error creating target directory ' . $installer->option('path'));
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # Install sources if needed
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     if (!$dirHasData) {
         $this->out(Inflector::camelize($installer->option('installation_method')) . ' installing ' . $installer->option('framework_human') . ' application sources');
         if (!$installer->installSources()) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error installing application sources.');
     if (!$dirHasData && $installer->option('installation_method') !== 'composer') {
         if (file_exists($installer->option('path') . DS . 'composer.json')) {
             $this->logInfo('Composer installing detected composer.json');
             if (!$this->Execute->composerInstall($installer->option('path'))) {
                 $this->exitBashError('Error Composer installing detected composer.json.');
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # Create Nginx virtual host if needed
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     $this->out('Creating virtual host');
     if ($this->params['hhvm']) {
         $vhostType = 'HHVM';
     } else {
         $vhostType = 'PHP-FPM';
     // remove existing (assumed orphaned) vhost when not in --repair mode
     if (CakeboxUtility::vhostAvailable($url) && !$this->params['repair']) {
         $this->out('* Removing existing (assumed orphaned) virtual host');
         if (!$this->Execute->removeVhost($url)) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error removing virtual host');
     $vhostAvailable = CakeboxUtility::vhostAvailable($url);
     $vhostEnabled = CakeboxUtility::vhostEnabled($url);
     if ($vhostAvailable && $vhostEnabled) {
         $this->out("* Skipping: {$vhostType} virtual host already up and running");
     if ($vhostAvailable && !$vhostEnabled) {
         $this->out('* Skipping: configuration file already exists');
     if (!$vhostAvailable) {
         if (!$this->Execute->addVhost($url, $installer->option('webroot'), ['force' => true, 'hhvm' => $this->params['hhvm']])) {
             $this->exitBashError("Error creating {$vhostType} virtual host");
         $this->out("* Successfully created {$vhostType} virtual host");
     // recheck symlink since it could have been created above
     if (!CakeboxUtility::vhostEnabled($url)) {
         $this->out('* Enabling virtual host');
         if (!$this->Execute->enableVhost($url)) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error creating symbolic link');
         if (!$this->Execute->reloadNginx()) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error reloading Nginx');
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # Create databases if needed
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     $this->out('Creating databases');
     $mainDatabase = $installer->option('database');
     $testDatabase = $this->Info->databaseMeta['test_prefix'] . $installer->option('database');
     // remove existing (assumed orphaned) databases when not in --repair mode
     if (CakeboxUtility::databaseExists($mainDatabase) && !$this->params['repair']) {
         $this->out('* Removing existing (assumed orphaned) databases');
         if (!CakeboxUtility::dropDatabase($mainDatabase)) {
             $this->exitBashError("Error dropping main database {$mainDatabase}");
         if (!CakeboxUtility::dropDatabase($testDatabase)) {
             $this->exitBashError("Error dropping test database {$testDatabase}");
     if (CakeboxUtility::databaseExists($mainDatabase)) {
         $this->out('* Skipping: main database already exists');
     } else {
         if (!CakeboxUtility::createDatabase($mainDatabase, 'cakebox', 'secret', true)) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error creating main database');
         } else {
             $this->out('* Successfully created main database');
     if (CakeboxUtility::databaseExists($testDatabase)) {
         $this->out('* Skipping: test database already exists');
     } else {
         if (!CakeboxUtility::createDatabase($testDatabase, 'cakebox', 'secret', true)) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error creating test database');
         } else {
             $this->out('* Successfully created test database');
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # Configure permissions (for supported frameworks only)
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     $this->out('Configuring permissions');
     if (!$installer->setPermissions()) {
         $this->exitBashError('Error setting permissions');
     # ------------------------------------------------------
     # Only update config files when not in --repair mode
     # ------------------------------------------------------
     $this->out('Updating configuration files');
     if ($this->params['repair']) {
         $this->out('* Skipping: configuration files are not updated in --repair mode');
     } else {
         if (!$installer->updateConfigs()) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error updating configuration file(s)');
     # ------------------------------------------------------
     # Provide user with feedback
     # ------------------------------------------------------
     if ($this->params['repair']) {
         $this->out('Application repaired using:');
     } else {
         $this->out('Application created using:');
     $options = $installer->options();
     foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
         $this->out("  {$key} => {$value}");
     if (isset($this->params['source'])) {
         $this->out("Please note:");
         $this->out("  => Configuration files are not automatically updated for user specified applications.");
         $this->out("  => Make sure to manually update your database credentials, plugins, etc.");
     $this->out("\nRemember to update your hosts file with: <info>" . $this->Info->getVmIpAddress() . " http://{$url}</info>\n");
     $this->exitBashSuccess('Installation completed successfully');