  * Apply a photo to the referenced flyer.
  * Uses a dedicated form request called AddPhotoRequest.
  * @param string $zip
  * @param string $street
  * @param AddPhotoRequest $request
 public function store($zip, $street, AddPhotoRequest $request)
     // find our flyer
     $flyer = Flyer::locatedAt($zip, $street);
     // store the photo which will be just the UploadedFile instance
     $photo = $request->file('photo');
     // we'll have a dedicated class like AddPhotoToFlyer and it will accept the flyer and the photo upload
     // and if that's its own instance, then we need to new it up and call a save method on it
     // this is an alternative way to do this.
     // if we wanted to treat this as a form object, you could even do your validation within that class rather than here, but in this case its so easy im just going to leave it in
     // and you would no longer need the AddPhotoRequest here.
     // we need to create this. we'll put it in app/Forms/AddPhotoToFlyer
     // we put this in Forms because we are treating this as a forms object
     // or i might have a more dedicated namespace like app/Flyers/AddPhotoToFlyer
     // or if you want you could put it in app/AddPhotoToFlyer and that would be okay too. thats what we will do here.
     (new AddPhotoToFlyer($flyer, $photo))->save();
     // i like using a named constructor. that way i can new up a photo and pass in the columns essentially
     // or if i wanted to fetch these from (in this case) a file's request then its useful to use a named constructor.
     // we'll pass in the photo uploaded file.
     // built up our photo
     // $photo = Photo::fromFile($request->file('photo'))->upload();
     //$photo = Photo::fromFile($request->file('photo'));
     // then we pass the photo to our flyer
     // But what about the process where we upload the file to the proper directory?
     // yes we persist it in the database. but we also need to move it to the folder and create the thumbnail.
     // located the current flyer. associate it with this flyer and save it.
     //Flyer::locatedAt($zip, $street)->addPhoto($photo);
예제 #2
 public function addPhoto($zip, $street, AddPhotoRequest $request)
     $flyer = Flyer::locatedAt($zip, $street);
     $file = $request->file('file');
     $photo = $this->makePhoto($file);
예제 #3
  * Store a new foto.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function store($zip, $street, AddPhotoRequest $request)
     $flyer = Flyer::locatedAt($zip, $street);
     $photo = $request->file('photo');
     //$photo = Photo::fromFile($request->file('file'))->upload();
     $flyer->photos()->create(['path' => "/flyers/photos/{$name}"]);
 public function store($zip, $street, AddPhotoRequest $request)
     $flyer = Flyer::locatedAt($zip, $street);
     $photo = $request->file('photo');
     (new AddPhotoToFlyer($flyer, $photo))->save();
     //$photo = Photo::fromFile($request->file('photo'));
     //Flyer::locatedAt($zip, $street)->addPhoto($photo);
 public function addPhoto($zip, $street, AddPhotoRequest $request)
     $photo = Photo::fromFile($request->file('photo'));
     Flyer::locatedAt($zip, $street)->addPhoto($photo);
     //        $this->validate($request,[
     //            'photo' => 'required|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png,bmp'
     //        ]);
     //        if(! $this->userCreatedFlyer($request))
     //        {
     //          return $this->unauthorized($request);
     //        }
     //        $photo = $this->makePhoto($request->file('photo'));
     //        Flyer::locatedAt($zip, $street)->addPhoto($photo);
예제 #6
  *Add a photo to flyer
  * @param $postalCode
  * @param $street
  * @param AddPhotoRequest $request
 public function store($postalCode, $street, AddPhotoRequest $request)
     $flyer = Flyer::locatedAt($postalCode, $street);
     $photo = $request->file('photo');
     (new AddPhotoToFlyer($flyer, $photo))->save();
 public function addPhoto($zip, $street, AddPhotoRequest $request)
     $photo = Photo::fromFile($request->file('photo'));
     Flyer::locatedAt($zip, $street)->addPhoto($photo);
예제 #8
  * @param string             $zip
  * @param string             $name
  * @param AddPhotoRequest $request
  * @return mixed
 public function addPhoto($zip, $name, AddPhotoRequest $request)
     $event = Event::locatedAt($zip, $name);
     $photo = Event_Photo::fromFileWithEvent($request->file('photo'), $event)->upload();
예제 #9
 public function addPhoto($zip, $street, AddPhotoRequest $request)
     $flyer = Flyer::locatedAt($zip, $street);
     $photo = $request->file('photo');
     (new AddPhotoToFlyer($flyer, $photo))->save();
 public function store(AddPhotoRequest $request)
     $photo = Photo::fromFile($request->file('file'));
예제 #11
  * Apply a photo to the referenced flyer
  * @param $zip
  * @param $street
  * @param AddPhotoRequest $request
 public function store($zip, $street, AddPhotoRequest $request)
     $photo = Photo::fromFile($request->file('file'));
     //$photo = $this->makePhoto($request->file('file'));
     Flyer::locatedAt($zip, $street)->addPhotos($photo);