public function show($referen) { $empresa = Session::get('empresa'); Checklist::where('chk_referen', $referen)->delete(); $documentos = \DB::connection('master')->table('mdb_tipodocum')->select('doc_clave', 'doc_nombre')->get(); foreach ($documentos as $doc) { $result = Result::where('res_referen', $referen)->first(); if (!empty($result)) { $validacion = Validation::where('attribute_id', 9)->where('id', $result->validations_id)->whereRaw('SUBSTRING_INDEX(val_data, "|", 1) = ' . $doc->doc_clave)->count(); if ($validacion > 0) { $imagen = \DB::connection('users')->table('opauimg')->where('pk_referencia', $referen)->where('imgtipodoc', $doc->doc_clave)->count(); if ($imagen > 0) { $check = 1; } else { $check = 0; } } else { $check = 2; } } else { $check = 0; } $data = ["chk_referen" => $referen, "chk_document" => $doc->doc_nombre, "chk_status" => $check, "chk_company" => $empresa]; Checklist::create($data); } $result = Checklist::where('chk_company', $empresa)->get(); return view('list_document')->with(['document' => $result, 'referen' => $referen]); }
public function subirArchivo(Request $request) { $file = $request->file('image'); if (!file_exists($file)) { die("File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path."); } try { $pdo = \DB::connection()->getPdo(); } catch (PDOException $e) { die("database connection failed: " . $e->getMessage()); } $columns = '(telefono, periodo, valor)'; $pdo->exec('SET foreign_key_checks = 0'); $affectedRows = $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " INTO TABLE `comisiones`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES " . $columns . "\n SET ID = NULL"); $huerfanas = \DB::select("select distinct(comisiones.telefono) from simcards RIGHT join comisiones on simcards.numero = comisiones.telefono where simcards.numero is null"); $ICC = \DB::table('simcards')->select('ICC')->orderBy(\DB::raw('ICC*1'))->first(); $ICC = $ICC->ICC; $fecha_vencimiento = date_add(new \DateTime(), date_interval_create_from_date_string("6 months")); foreach ($huerfanas as $huerfana) { $ICC = $ICC - 1; try { \App\Simcard::create(['numero' => $huerfana->telefono, 'ICC' => $ICC, 'fecha_vencimiento' => $fecha_vencimiento, 'fecha_activacion' => null, 'nombreSubdistribuidor' => 'SIN ASIGNAR', 'tipo' => 1, 'paquete' => 0, 'fecha_entrega' => null]); } catch (Exception $e) { } } $pdo->exec('SET foreign_key_checks = 1'); return \Redirect::route('finanzas')->with('result', $affectedRows); }
public function index(Request $request) { $claves = ['' => ''] + \DB::connection('master')->table('mdb_cpedimen')->lists('cpe_clave', 'cpe_clave'); $fechas = \DB::connection('users')->table('optr08')->lists('pk_periodo', 'pk_periodo'); $auditoria = \DB::connection('users')->table('optr01')->join('optr03', 'optr01.pk_referencia', '=', 'optr03.pk_referencia')->where('ref_tipodoc', 'P')->where('sec_status', '!=', 1)->where('pk_aduana', 'LIKE', '%' . $request->aduana . '%')->where('pk_patente', 'LIKE', '%' . $request->patente . '%')->where('pk_pedimento', 'LIKE', '%' . $request->pedimento . '%')->where('ref_clave', 'LIKE', '%' . $request->clave . '%')->where('ref_tipo', $request->operacion)->whereRaw('YEAR(ref_fechapago) LIKE "%' . $request->anio . '%"')->whereRaw('MONTH(ref_fechapago) LIKE "%' . $request->mes . '%"')->orderby('ref_fechapago')->paginate(10); $auditoria->setPath('administracion'); return view('administration.index')->with(['claves' => $claves, 'fechas' => $fechas, 'auditoria' => $auditoria]); }
public function diplomado() { $certificados = \DB::connection('mysql')->select('call certificados(176);'); if (count($certificados) > 0) { $certificado = $certificados[0]; return $this->certificado(['logo_izq' => $certificado->logotipo_sponsor, 'logo_der' => $certificado->logo_tipo_certificado, 'copy1' => 'certifican que:', 'copy2' => $certificado->nombre, 'copy3' => 'C.C ' . $certificado->idnumber, 'copy4' => 'Asistio y Aprobo el programa', 'copy5' => $certificado->servicio, 'copy6' => 'Con una intensidad horaria de 48 horas', 'copy7' => 'El contenido del programa comprendio:', 'copy8' => explode(",", $certificado->modulos), 'copy9' => $certificado->sucursal . ' ' . $certificado->fecha_final, 'copy10' => $certificado->firma_convenio]); } return "No puede generar este certificado"; }
public function search(Request $request) { // Gets the query string from our form submission $query = Request::input('search'); // Returns an array of articles that have the query string located somewhere within // our articles titles. Paginates them so we can break up lots of search results. //$articles = DB::table('articles')->where('title', 'LIKE', '%' . $query . '%')->paginate(10); //$articles = DB::table('articles')->where('title', 'LIKE', '%' . $query . '%')->paginate(10); $articles = DB::connection('sqlsrv2')->select(DB::raw("SELECT [CNF_BlueBox].INTKEY,[CNF_BlueBox].IntKeyPO,[CNF_BlueBox].BlueBoxNum,[CNF_BlueBox].BoxQuant, [CNF_PO].POnum,[CNF_SKU].Variant,[CNF_SKU].ClrDesc,[CNF_STYLE].StyCod FROM [BdkCLZGtest].[dbo].[CNF_BlueBox] FULL outer join [BdkCLZGtest].[dbo].CNF_PO on [CNF_PO].INTKEY = [CNF_BlueBox].IntKeyPO FULL outer join [BdkCLZGtest].[dbo].[CNF_SKU] on [CNF_SKU].INTKEY = [CNF_PO].SKUKEY FULL outer join [BdkCLZGtest].[dbo].[CNF_STYLE] on [CNF_STYLE].INTKEY = [CNF_SKU].STYKEY WHERE [CNF_BlueBox].INTKEY = :somevariable"), array('somevariable' => $query)); // returns a view and passes the view the list of articles and the original query. return view('', compact('articles', 'query')); }
public function update(ListRequest $request, $referen) { $empresa = Session::get('empresa'); $input = Input::all(); $pedimento = \DB::connection('users')->table('optr01')->select('ref_transport1', 'ref_tipo')->where('pk_referencia', $referen)->first(); $result = Checklist::where('chk_opera', $pedimento->ref_tipo)->where('chk_transport', $pedimento->ref_transport1)->get(); foreach ($result as $res) { $doc = $input['id_' . $res->id]; $digital = 0; $fisico = 0; if (isset($input['exp_digital_' . $res->id])) { $digital = $input['exp_digital_' . $res->id]; } if (isset($input['exp_material_' . $res->id])) { $fisico = $input['exp_material_' . $res->id]; } Record::updateOrCreate(['exp_referen' => $referen, 'exp_document' => $doc], ['exp_material' => $fisico, 'exp_company' => $empresa, 'exp_digital' => $digital]); //$id = 'chk'.$request->chk_id; } return redirect()->back(); }
public function manager(Request $request, $id) { $dados = $request->all(); return \DB::connection('mysql')->table('feira')->where('id', $id)->update(['status' => $dados['status']]); }
public function getDocument() { $documento = \DB::connection('master')->table('mdb_tipodocum')->select('doc_clave', 'doc_nombre')->get(); return \Response::json(['documento' => $documento]); }
public function testConnection() { if (\DB::connection()->getDatabaseName()) { echo "Connected sucessfully to database \n" . \DB::connection()->getDatabaseName() . "."; } }
public function postPlanificacion() { $input = Request::input('mantt_ejec'); //$date = date_create_from_format('d/m/y', '27/05/1990'); $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $input); $fechaformato = $date->format('Y-m-d'); $activos = \DB::table('ACTIVOS')->where('n_equipo', '=', Request::input('cod_equipo'))->get(); $id_activo = \DB::table('ACTIVOS')->where('n_equipo', '=', Request::input('cod_equipo'))->pluck('id_activo'); $tipo = \DB::table('ACTIVOS')->where('n_equipo', '=', Request::input('cod_equipo'))->pluck('tipo'); $nequipo = \DB::table('ACTIVOS')->where('n_equipo', '=', Request::input('cod_equipo'))->pluck('n_equipo'); $resultado = \DB::table('PLAN_MTTO')->where('id_activo', '=', $id_activo)->orderBy('correlativo_mtto', 'desc')->first(); $clasificacion = \DB::table('ACTIVOS')->where('n_equipo', '=', Request::input('cod_equipo'))->pluck('clasificacion'); $correlativo = $resultado->correlativo_mtto + 1; $datos = array('id_mtto' => (int) Request::input('id_mtto'), 'desc_mantt' => Request::input('desc_mantt'), 'tipomantt' => (int) Request::input('tipomantt'), 'id_grupo' => (int) Request::input('id_grupo'), 'frecuencia' => Request::input('frecuencia'), 'nequipo' => $nequipo, 'tipo' => (int) $tipo, 'correlativo' => $correlativo, 'fecha' => $fechaformato); if ($clasificacion != 1) { $sql = "begin add_plan_mtto(:v_id_activo, :v_tipo, :v_desc_mantt, :v_tipo_mantt, :v_grupo_trabajo, :v_frecuencia, :v_mantt_ejec, :v_mantt_prog, :v_n_equipo, :v_corr_mtto, :v_oper_mtto); end;"; $pdo = \DB::connection()->getPdo(); $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':v_id_activo', $id_activo); $stmt->bindParam(':v_tipo', $datos['tipo']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_desc_mantt', $datos['desc_mantt']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_tipo_mantt', $datos['tipomantt']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_grupo_trabajo', $datos['id_grupo']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_frecuencia', $datos['frecuencia']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_mantt_ejec', $datos['fecha']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_mantt_prog', $datos['fecha']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_n_equipo', ${$datos}['nequipo']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_corr_mtto', $correlativo); $stmt->bindParam(':v_oper_mtto', $datos['id_mtto']); $stmt->execute(); //dd("pasa"); //obtngo todos los datos del ultimo creado en plan_mtto $resultado2 = \DB::table('PLAN_MTTO')->orderBy('ID_PLAN_MTTO', 'desc')->first(); // $sigla=Plan_Grupo_Trabajo::where('ID_GRUPO',Request::input('id_grupo'))->get(['sigla']); $sigla = \DB::table('PLAN_GRUPO_TRABAJO')->where('id_grupo', '=', $resultado2->id_grupo)->pluck('sigla'); // dd($sigla); // dd($sigla); $users = \DB::table('PROCED_BASE')->where('id_grupo_trabajo', '=', $resultado2->id_grupo)->orderBy('seq_doc', 'desc')->first(); //incremento el numero correlativo $correlativo = $users->seq_doc + 1; $datos2 = array('sigla' => $sigla, 'correlativo' => $correlativo); // dd($datos); $sql = "begin add_proced(:v_name_proced, :v_grupo_trabajo, :v_sigla_grupo, :v_next_doc, :v_id_plan_mtto); end;"; $pdo = \DB::connection()->getPdo(); $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':v_name_proced', $datos['desc_mantt']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_grupo_trabajo', $datos['id_grupo']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_sigla_grupo', $datos2['sigla']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_next_doc', $datos2['correlativo']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_id_plan_mtto', $resultado2->id_plan_mtto); $stmt->execute(); $ultimo = \DB::table('PROCED_BASE')->orderBy('ID_PROCEDIMIENTO', 'desc')->first(); return redirect()->route('procedimientos.prueba', [$ultimo->id_procedimiento]); } dd($resultado2); }
public function postEditActividad() { if (Request::ajax()) { $contador = \DB::table('proced_actividad')->join('proced_base', 'proced_actividad.id_procedimiento', '=', 'proced_base.id_procedimiento')->where('proced_actividad.id_procedimiento', '=', Request::input('id_procedimiento'))->count(); $contador = $contador + 1; $datos = array('id_proc' => (int) Request::input('id_procedimiento'), 'item' => $contador, 'actividad' => Request::input('actividad'), 'detalle' => Request::input('detalle')); // $ej=Request::input('name_proced'); $sql = "begin add_actividad(:v_name_actividad, :v_item, :v_id_procedimiento, :v_detalle); end;"; $pdo = \DB::connection()->getPdo(); $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':v_name_actividad', $datos['actividad']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_item', $datos['item']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_id_procedimiento', $datos['id_proc']); $stmt->bindParam(':v_detalle', $datos['detalle']); $stmt->execute(); $ultimo = \DB::table('PROCED_ACTIVIDAD')->orderBy('ID_ACTIVIDAD', 'desc')->first(); //añade una nueva clave valor al arreglo asociativo $datos['id'] = $ultimo->id_actividad; // $last=\DB::connection()->getPdo()->lastInsertId(); /* $Asignaturas= \DB::table('salas') ->where('campus_id',$ej) ->get(); //no se porque da error usando eloquent // $Asignaturas=Asignaturas::where('departamento_id',$ej)->get()); */ return response()->json($datos); } }
public function subirArchivo(Request $request) { $action = $request['accion']; if ($action == "ADD") { $file = $request->file('image'); if (!file_exists($file)) { die("File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path."); } try { $pdo = \DB::connection()->getPdo(); } catch (PDOException $e) { die("database connection failed: " . $e->getMessage()); } $columns = '(numero,ICC,fecha_vencimiento,tipo,nombreSubdistribuidor)'; $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " IGNORE INTO TABLE `simcards`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES " . $columns); $pdo->exec("delete from simcards_temp"); $affectedRows = $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " REPLACE INTO TABLE `simcards_temp`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES " . $columns); $pdo->exec("UPDATE simcards_temp SET nombreSubdistribuidor = REPLACE(REPLACE(nombreSubdistribuidor, '\r', ''), '\n', '');"); $pdo->exec("update simcards inner join simcards_temp on simcards.numero = simcards_temp.numero set simcards.fecha_vencimiento=simcards_temp.fecha_vencimiento,simcards.nombreSubdistribuidor = simcards_temp.nombreSubdistribuidor, simcards.tipo = simcards_temp.tipo, simcards.fecha_activacion = null"); return \Redirect::route('simcard')->with('result', $affectedRows); } else { if ($action == "UPLOAD") { $file = $request->file('image'); if (!file_exists($file)) { die("File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path."); } try { $pdo = \DB::connection()->getPdo(); } catch (PDOException $e) { die("database connection failed: " . $e->getMessage()); } $pdo->exec("delete from simcards_temp"); $columns = '(ICC,numero, fecha_activacion)'; $affectedRows = $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " REPLACE INTO TABLE `simcards_temp`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES " . $columns); $pdo->exec("update simcards inner join simcards_temp on simcards.numero = simcards_temp.numero set simcards.fecha_activacion=simcards_temp.fecha_activacion "); $pdo->exec("UPDATE simcards SET fecha_vencimiento = DATE_ADD(fecha_activacion, INTERVAL 6 MONTH) where fecha_activacion is not null and tipo = 1"); $pdo->exec("UPDATE simcards SET fecha_vencimiento = DATE_ADD(fecha_activacion, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) where fecha_activacion is not null and tipo = 2"); return \Redirect::route('simcard')->with('result', $affectedRows); } else { if ($action == "ADDL") { $file = $request->file('image'); if (!file_exists($file)) { die("File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path."); } try { $pdo = \DB::connection()->getPdo(); } catch (PDOException $e) { die("database connection failed: " . $e->getMessage()); } $columns = '(nombreSubdistribuidor,numero, ICC,fecha_activacion, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy,@dummy,@dummy,@dummy,@dummy)'; $pdo->exec("delete from simcards_temp"); $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " IGNORE INTO TABLE `simcards`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES" . $columns . "\n SET tipo = 2"); $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " REPLACE INTO TABLE `simcards_temp`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES" . $columns . "\n SET tipo = 2"); $pdo->exec("update simcards inner join simcards_temp on simcards.numero = simcards_temp.numero set simcards.fecha_activacion=simcards_temp.fecha_activacion, simcards.nombreSubdistribuidor = simcards_temp.nombreSubdistribuidor"); $columns = '(@dummy,numero, @dummy,fecha_activacion,NIT, nombre_empresa, direccion_empresa,cod_scl,cod_punto,valor,plan)'; $affectedRows = $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " REPLACE INTO TABLE `libres`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES " . $columns); $pdo->exec("UPDATE simcards SET fecha_vencimiento = DATE_ADD(fecha_activacion, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) where fecha_activacion is not null and tipo = 2"); return \Redirect::route('simcard')->with('result', $affectedRows); } } } return \Redirect::route('simcard', ['result' => []]); }
public function postUpload() { $user = Auth::user(); if (!$user) { return redirect('/login'); } if (Input::hasFile('file')) { set_time_limit(600); $cfsv2ColumnNames = ["station_id", "date", "gph200_0", "gph850_0", "h200_0", "h850_0", "p_msl_0", "p_sfl_0", "temp200_0", "temp850_0", "u200_0", "u850_0", "v200_0", "v850_0", "gph200_6", "gph850_6", "h200_6", "h850_6", "p_msl_6", "p_sfl_6", "temp200_6", "temp850_6", "u200_6", "u850_6", "v200_6", "v850_6", "gph200_12", "gph850_12", "h200_12", "h850_12", "p_msl_12", "p_sfl_12", "temp200_12", "temp850_12", "u200_12", "u850_12", "v200_12", "v850_12", "gph200_18", "gph850_18", "h200_18", "h850_18", "p_msl_18", "p_sfl_18", "temp200_18", "temp850_18", "u200_18", "u850_18", "v200_18", "v850_18", "actual_rainfall", "predict_rainfall"]; $file = Input::file('file'); $name = time() . '-' . $file->getClientOriginalName(); $new_path = public_path() . '/uploads/'; $file->move($new_path, $name); $cfs_col_string = implode(",", $cfsv2ColumnNames); $csv = fopen($new_path . $name, 'r'); $csv_col_names = fgetcsv($csv); $col_index = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($cfsv2ColumnNames); $i++) { $col_index[$i] = array_search($cfsv2ColumnNames[$i], $csv_col_names); } $date_index = array_search("date", $csv_col_names); $pdo = \DB::connection()->getPdo(); while (!feof($csv)) { $var = fgetcsv($csv); if ($var) { $new_var = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($cfsv2ColumnNames); $i++) { if ($i == 1) { // date $new_var[$i] = $pdo->quote(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($var[$col_index[$i]]))); } else { $new_var[$i] = $pdo->quote($col_index[$i] !== false ? $var[$col_index[$i]] : null); } } $q = 'insert into cfsv2s (' . implode(",", $cfsv2ColumnNames) . ') values (' . implode(",", $new_var) . ')'; $pdo->query($q); } } try { unlink($new_path . $name); } catch (Exception $e) { } return view('upload')->with('user', $user)->with('success', true); } return view('upload')->with('user', $user)->with('error', 'กรุณาเลือกไฟล์'); }
public function subirArchivo(Request $request) { $action = $request['accion']; if ($action == "ADD") { $file = $request->file('image'); if (!file_exists($file)) { die("File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path."); } try { $pdo = \DB::connection()->getPdo(); } catch (PDOException $e) { die("database connection failed: " . $e->getMessage()); } $pdo->exec('SET foreign_key_checks = 0'); /* if (($gestor = fopen($file,'r')) !== FALSE) { while (($vars = fgetcsv($gestor, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE) { $numero = $vars[0]; $plan = $vars[4]; $fecha = $vars[5]; $sim = \App\Libre::find($numero); if($sim != null){ $sim->fecha_activacion = $fecha; $sim->plan = $plan; $sim->save(); } $sim = \App\Simcard::find($numero); if($sim != null){ $sim->fecha_activacion = $fecha; $sim->save(); } } } return \Redirect::route('simcard')->with('result' , 15); //*/ $columns = '(numero,ICC,fecha_vencimiento,tipo,nombreSubdistribuidor)'; $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " IGNORE INTO TABLE `simcards`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES " . $columns); $pdo->exec("delete from simcards_temp"); $affectedRows = $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " REPLACE INTO TABLE `simcards_temp`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES " . $columns); $pdo->exec("UPDATE simcards_temp SET nombreSubdistribuidor = REPLACE(REPLACE(nombreSubdistribuidor, '\r', ''), '\n', '');"); $pdo->exec("update simcards inner join simcards_temp on simcards.numero = simcards_temp.numero set simcards.ICC = simcards_temp.ICC, simcards.fecha_vencimiento=simcards_temp.fecha_vencimiento,simcards.nombreSubdistribuidor = simcards_temp.nombreSubdistribuidor, simcards.tipo = simcards_temp.tipo, simcards.fecha_activacion = null"); $pdo->exec('SET foreign_key_checks = 1'); return \Redirect::route('simcard')->with('result', $affectedRows); } else { if ($action == "UPLOAD") { $file = $request->file('image'); if (!file_exists($file)) { die("File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path."); } try { $pdo = \DB::connection()->getPdo(); } catch (PDOException $e) { die("database connection failed: " . $e->getMessage()); } $pdo->exec("delete from simcards_temp"); $columns = '(ICC,numero, fecha_activacion)'; $affectedRows = $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " REPLACE INTO TABLE `simcards_temp`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES " . $columns); $pdo->exec("update simcards inner join simcards_temp on simcards.numero = simcards_temp.numero set simcards.fecha_activacion=simcards_temp.fecha_activacion "); $pdo->exec("UPDATE simcards SET fecha_vencimiento = DATE_ADD(fecha_activacion, INTERVAL 6 MONTH) where fecha_activacion is not null and tipo = 1"); $pdo->exec("UPDATE simcards SET fecha_vencimiento = DATE_ADD(fecha_activacion, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) where fecha_activacion is not null and tipo = 2"); return \Redirect::route('simcard')->with('result', $affectedRows); } else { if ($action == "ADDL") { $file = $request->file('image'); if (!file_exists($file)) { die("File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path."); } try { $pdo = \DB::connection()->getPdo(); } catch (PDOException $e) { die("database connection failed: " . $e->getMessage()); } $columns = '(nombreSubdistribuidor,numero, ICC,fecha_activacion, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy,@dummy,@dummy,@dummy,@dummy)'; $pdo->exec("delete from simcards_temp"); $var = $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " IGNORE INTO TABLE `simcards`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES" . $columns . "\n SET tipo = 2"); $var = $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " REPLACE INTO TABLE `simcards_temp`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES" . $columns . "\n SET tipo = 2"); $var = $pdo->exec("delete libres.* from libres inner join simcards_temp on simcards_temp.numero = libres.numero"); $pdo->exec("delete recargas.* from recargas inner join simcards on simcards.numero = recargas.telefono inner join simcards_temp on simcards_temp.ICC = simcards.ICC"); $var = $pdo->exec("update simcards inner join simcards_temp on simcards.ICC = simcards_temp.ICC set simcards.numero=simcards_temp.numero,simcards.fecha_activacion=simcards_temp.fecha_activacion, simcards.nombreSubdistribuidor = simcards_temp.nombreSubdistribuidor, simcards.tipo = 2"); $var = $pdo->exec("delete simcards_temp.* from simcards_temp left join simcards on simcards.ICC = simcards_temp.ICC where simcards.ICC is not null"); $var = $pdo->exec("update simcards inner join simcards_temp on simcards.numero = simcards_temp.numero set simcards.ICC=simcards_temp.ICC,simcards.fecha_activacion=simcards_temp.fecha_activacion, simcards.nombreSubdistribuidor = simcards_temp.nombreSubdistribuidor"); $columns = '(@dummy,numero, @dummy,fecha_activacion,NIT, nombre_empresa, direccion_empresa,cod_scl,cod_punto,valor,plan)'; $affectedRows = $pdo->exec("\n LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE " . $pdo->quote($file) . " REPLACE INTO TABLE `libres`\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote(";") . "\n LINES TERMINATED BY " . $pdo->quote("\n") . "\n IGNORE 0 LINES " . $columns); $pdo->exec("UPDATE simcards SET fecha_vencimiento = DATE_ADD(fecha_activacion, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) where fecha_activacion is not null and tipo = 2"); return \Redirect::route('simcard')->with('result', $affectedRows); } } } return \Redirect::route('simcard', ['result' => []]); }
public function exporttoexcel($input) { $date = date('d/m/Y'); $ngaynhanbatdau = $input['ngaynhanbatdau']; $ngaynhanketthuc = $input['ngaynhanketthuc']; $loaicongvanden = $input['loaicongvan']; // get array \DB::connection()->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($ngaynhanbatdau == '' && $ngaynhanketthuc == '' && $loaicongvanden == 0) { $baocaocongvandens = \DB::table('congvandens')->get(); } else { if ($loaicongvanden == 0) { $baocaocongvandens = \DB::table('congvandens')->where('ngaynhancongvan', '>=', $ngaynhanbatdau)->where('ngaynhancongvan', '<=', $ngaynhanketthuc)->select('*')->get(); } else { $baocaocongvandens = \DB::table('congvandens')->where('ngaynhancongvan', '>=', $ngaynhanbatdau)->where('ngaynhancongvan', '<=', $ngaynhanketthuc)->orWhere('danhmucloaicongvan_id', '=', $loaicongvanden)->select('*')->get(); } } $data = (array) $baocaocongvandens; $filename = 'Bao_cao_cong_van_den_ngay_' . str_replace('/', '_', $date); \Excel::create($filename, function ($excel) use($filename, $data) { // Set the title $excel->setTitle($filename); $excel->sheet('Sheetname', function ($sheet) use($filename, $data) { $sheet->fromArray($data, null, 'A1', false, false); }); })->export('xls'); }