public function create($id, $tech_number = 1) { if (Auth::user()->can('create-service')) { $data['title'] = $tech_number == 1 ? "Create Service ~ " . $tech_number . " technician" : "Create Service ~ " . $tech_number . " technicians"; $data['companies'] = Company::all(); $data['company_id'] = $id; $data['contacts'] = CompanyPersonController::API()->all(["where" => ["company_person.company_id|=|" . $id], "order" => ["people.last_name|ASC", "people.first_name|ASC"], "paginate" => "false"]); $data['technicians'] = CompanyPersonController::API()->all(["where" => ["company_person.company_id|=|" . ELETTRIC80_COMPANY_ID], "order" => ["people.last_name|ASC", "people.first_name|ASC"], "paginate" => "false"]); $data['divisions'] = Division::orderBy("name")->get(); $data['hotels'] = Hotel::where('company_id', $id)->orderBy("name")->get(); $tech_number = $tech_number < 1 ? 1 : $tech_number; $tech_number = $tech_number > 5 ? 5 : $tech_number; $data['technician_number'] = $tech_number; foreach ($data['hotels'] as &$hotel) { $hotel['name_address'] = $hotel['name'] . " @ " . $hotel['address']; } return view('services/create', $data); } else { return redirect()->back()->withErrors(['Access denied to service create page']); } }
<a href="{{ route('root') }}"><img src="/resources/style/logo-elettric80.png"></a> </div> <!-- Login Ribbon --> @if (Auth::check()) <div id="login_ribbon"> <div id="thumb"> <img src="{!! Auth::user()->active_contact->person->profile_picture()->path() !!}"> </div> <div id="info"> <div> <a href="{{ route('', Auth::user()->active_contact->id) }}"> {{ Auth::user()->active_contact->person->name() }} </a> </div> <div> @if (Session::get('debug') == true) <?php $contacts = CompanyPersonController::API()->all(["order" => ["people.last_name", "people.first_name"], "paginate" => "false", "debugger_list" => "true"]); ?> {!! Form::open(array('route' => array('users.switch_contact'),'id' => 'switch_company_person_form')) !!} {!! Form::BSSelect("switch_company_person_id", $contacts, Auth::user()->active_contact->id, ["key" => "id", "value" => ["!person.last_name"," ","!person.first_name"," @ ","!"], "id" => "switch_company_person_id"]) !!} {!! Form::close() !!} @else {!! Form::open(array('route' => array('users.switch_contact'),'id' => 'switch_company_person_form')) !!} {!! Form::BSSelect("switch_company_person_id", Auth::user()->owner->company_person, Auth::user()->active_contact->id, ["key" => "id", "value" => "!", "id" => "switch_company_person_id"]) !!} {!! Form::close() !!} @endif </div> <div> <a href="/logout"> Logout </a> </div> </div> </div> @endif
public function contacts($id) { $params = array_merge(Request::input(), ['where' => ['|=|' . $id], 'paginate' => 10]); $data['contacts'] = CompanyPersonController::API()->all($params); return view('company_person/contacts', $data); }
public function edit($id) { if (Auth::user()->can('update-ticket')) { $data['ticket'] = self::API()->find(['id' => $id]); $temp = DB::table("ticket_links")->where("ticket_id", "=", $id)->get(); foreach ($temp as $elem) { $links[] = $elem->linked_ticket_id; } $data['ticket']['linked_tickets_id'] = isset($links) ? implode(",", $links) : ''; $data['companies'] = Company::where('id', '!=', ELETTRIC80_COMPANY_ID)->orderBy('name')->get(); $data['priorities'] = Priority::orderBy('id', 'desc')->get(); $data['divisions'] = Division::orderBy('name')->get(); $data['job_types'] = JobType::orderBy('name')->get(); $data['levels'] = Level::orderBy('name')->get(); $data['assignees'] = CompanyPersonController::API()->all(["where" => ["|=|" . ELETTRIC80_COMPANY_ID], "order" => ["people.last_name|ASC", "people.first_name|ASC"], "paginate" => "false"]); $data['companies'] = CompaniesController::API()->all(['where' => ['|!=|' . ELETTRIC80_COMPANY_ID], 'order' => ['|ASC'], 'paginate' => 'false']); $data['tags'] = ""; foreach ($data['ticket']->tags as $tag) { $data['tags'] .= $tag->name . ","; } $is_draft = $data['ticket']->status_id == TICKET_DRAFT_STATUS_ID ? true : false; $data['title'] = "Edit Ticket #" . $id; return view('tickets/edit', $data); } else { return redirect()->back()->withErrors(['Access denied to tickets edit page']); } }