public function search(Request $request) { $musicname = Input::get('musicname'); $singer = Input::get('singer'); //拼接数据 进行urlencode $encode_music = urlencode($musicname) . '$$' . urlencode($singer); $url = '' . $encode_music; //接口 获取数据 $return_url_xml = tools\Curl::get($url); //解析xml // $xml_object=simplexml_load_string($return_url_xml,'SimpleXMLElement',LIBXML_NOCDATA); $xml_object = simplexml_load_string($return_url_xml, null, LIBXML_NOCDATA); // var_dump($xml); $xml_array = tools\ShareFun::object_to_array($xml_object); $new_array = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $xml_array['count']; $i++) { $encode = $xml_array['url'][$i]['encode']; $decode = $xml_array['url'][$i]['decode']; $lrcid = $xml_array['url'][$i]['lrcid']; $arr[$i] = explode("/", $encode); $ck[$i] = count($arr[$i]); // $ck=count($arr[]); for ($k = 0; $k < $ck[$i]; $k++) { $arr[$i][$ck[$i] - 1] = $decode; } $new_array[$i] = implode("/", $arr[$i]); } return view('')->with('name', $musicname)->with('data', $new_array); }
public function mobile_excel() { //excel标题 $GLOBALS['title'] = '惠付订单 ' . date('Y-m-d'); $stime = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime("-1 day")); $etime = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00'); $db = DB::connection('mysql_ali')->select("select A.Mobile,A.CreateTime,A.`Status`,A.StatusDesc,A.productSize,A.TradeId,A.SellID,A.FinishTime,B.OrderID,B.channelName,p.provinceName FROM sellorder A LEFT JOIN base_mobile_location m ON LEFT(A.Mobile,7) = m.telPrefix7 LEFT JOIN base_province p ON p.provinceId = m.provinceId LEFT JOIN (select TradeID,OrderID,channelName from operatororder where ID in(select max(A.ID) from operatororder A where A.TradeID in (select TradeId FROM sellorder where SellID=110054 and CreateTime>='{$stime}' and CreateTime<'{$etime}') group by A.TradeID)) B on A.TradeId=B.TradeID where SellID=110054 and CreateTime>='{$stime}' and CreateTime<'{$etime}';"); //object转为数组 $db = tools\ShareFun::object_to_array($db); $data = array(array(' ', '订购手机号码', '创建时间', '订单状态', '状态码描述', '流量规格', '交易ID', '渠道编号', '订单完成时间', '运营商订单ID', '使用运营商通道', '省份')); //循环拼接数据 for ($i = 0; $i < count($db); $i++) { array_push($data, array('', $db[$i]['Mobile'], $db[$i]['CreateTime'], $db[$i]['Status'], $db[$i]['StatusDesc'], $db[$i]['productSize'], $db[$i]['TradeId'], $db[$i]['SellID'], $db[$i]['FinishTime'], $db[$i]['OrderID'], $db[$i]['channelName'], $db[$i]['provinceName'])); } Excel::create($GLOBALS['title'], function ($excel) use($data) { $excel->sheet('Sheetname', function ($sheet) use($data) { $sheet->fromArray($data); }); })->store('xls', public_path('file')); $mail = '*****@*****.**'; $data = ''; TestController::email($mail, $data); }