public function AddComment($user_id, $message) { $time = time(); $message = DB::Escape($message); $query = DB::RunFastQuery("INSERT INTO cms_news_comments (user_id, news_id, value, timestanp) VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$this->article_id}', '{$message}', '{$time}')"); return $query->InsertId; }
public function UnLike($user_id) { $like = $this->GetLike($user_id); if (!$like) { return; } $query = DB::RunFastQuery("DELETE FROM cms_news_comments_likes WHERE comment_id = '{$this->_commentid}' AND user_id = '{$user_id}'"); //$this->FlushData(); }
public function AddVote($user_id, $positive) { if ($this->UserHasVoted($user_id)) { return; } $pos = $positive ? '1' : '0'; DB::RunFastQuery("INSERT INTO cms_news_votes (news_id, user_id, positive) VALUES ('{$this->_articleid}', '{$user_id}', '{$pos}')"); $this->FlushData(); }
public function __construct($userid) { $this->user_id = $userid; $this->friends = []; $query = DB::RunFastQuery("SELECT * FROM messenger_friendships WHERE user_one_id = '{$this->user_id}' OR user_two_id = '{$this->user_id}'"); foreach ($query->Rows as $row) { $this->friends[] = new HabboFriendShipItem($this->user_id, $row); } }
public static function GetRoomsByOwnerName($name) { $array = []; $query = DB::RunFastQuery("SELECT * FROM rooms_data WHERE owner = '{$name}'"); foreach ($query->Rows as $row) { $room = new Room($row); $array[] = $room; self::$Rooms[$room->id] = $room; } return new RoomCollection($array); }
public static function GenerateUserById($id) { $id = DB::Escape($id); $query = DB::RunFastQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '{$id}'"); if ($query->NumRows() == 0) { return false; } $user = new HabboUser($query->UniqueRow()["id"], $query->UniqueRow()); self::$cachedUsers[strtolower($user->username)] = $user; return $user; }
public static function GetLastNotice() { $query = DatabaseManager::RunFastQuery("SELECT * FROM cms_news ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); $notice; $row = $query->UniqueRow(); if (!$query) { $notice = new ArticleManager(0); } else { $notice = new ArticleManager($row); } return $notice; }
public static function GetCookie($name, $domain, $remote_addr) { $name = DB::Escape($name); $query = DB::RunFastQuery("SELECT * FROM cms_cookies WHERE name = '{$name}' AND http_host = '{$domain}' AND remote_addr = '{$remote_addr}'"); if ($query->NumRows() == 0) { return false; } $cook = new CookieElement($query->UniqueRow()); if (!self::ValidateCookie($cook)) { return false; } return $cook; }
public function GenerateNewTicket() { $t = $this->GetTicket(); $this->auth_ticket = $t; DB::RunFastQuery("UPDATE users SET auth_ticket = '{$t}' WHERE id = '{$this->id}'"); }
ini_set("display_errors", "1"); ini_set("default_charset ", "utf-8"); date_default_timezone_set("America/Sao_Paulo"); spl_autoload_register(function ($class) { include_once '' . str_replace('\\', '/', $class . '.php'); }); #Setting Up Config $Config = ["CMS_COOKIE_LOGIN_DURATION" => 3600, "CMS_COOKIE_LOGIN_NAME" => "CMS_LOGIN_USER", "WEB_URL" => "", "HOTEL_NAME" => "Blob Hotel", "HOTEL_SHORT_NAME" => "Blob", "HOTEL_DESC" => "Crie seu blob, conheça pessoas e fique famoso!", "STAFF_MIN_RANK" => 5, "MUS_CONN_IP" => "", "MUS_CONN_PORT" => 30008, "BADGES_IMG_URL" => "", "HOST" => $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"], "PORT" => "30000", "EXTENRAL_VARIABLES" => "", "EXTERNAL_TEXTS" => "", "PRODUCTDATA" => "", "FURNIDATA" => "", "HOTELVIEW_BANNER" => "", "FLASH_CLIENT_URL" => "", "HABBO_SWF" => "", "C_IMAGES" => "", "SWF" => "", "SWFS_URL_BASE" => "", "HK_URL" => ""]; foreach ($Config as $key => $val) { define($key, $val); } #Initializing Mysql use api\Database\DatabaseManager as Database; use api\Sockets\SocketManager as SM; $Settings = ["mysql" => ["host" => "localhost", "user" => "root", "pass" => "", "database" => "ihab", "port" => "3306"]]; Database::Init($Settings["mysql"]); ### {{KEY}} System function ReplaceKeysToValuesEvent($buffer) { SM::CloseAllSockets(); $matches = []; $definedvars = $GLOBALS; $string = $buffer; if (preg_match_all("/__(.*?)__/", $buffer, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $val) { if (defined($val)) { $string = str_replace($matches[0][$key], sprintf('%s', constant($val)), $string); } } } if (preg_match_all('/\\[\\$(.*)\\]/', $buffer, $matches)) {
$jsondata = []; $userdata = ["username" => $habbo->username, "motto" => $habbo->motto, "look" => $habbo->look, "last_online" => $habbo->last_online, "account_created" => $habbo->account_created, "seasonal_currency" => $habbo->seasonal_currency, "credits" => $habbo->credits, "activity_points" => $habbo->activity_points]; $relations = []; $badges = []; $rooms = Rooms::GetRoomsByOwnerName($habbo->username)->ParseToPublicArray(); ### Get RelatioShips $query = DB::RunFastQuery("SELECT * FROM users_relationships WHERE user_id = '{$habbo->id}'"); foreach ($query->Rows as $row) { $ruser = Habbo::GetHabboById($row["target"]); if (!$ruser) { continue; } $relations[$row["type"]][] = ["username" => $ruser->username, "look" => $ruser->look, "motto" => $ruser->motto]; } ### Get Badges $query = DB::RunFastQuery("SELECT * FROM users_badges WHERE user_id = '{$habbo->id}'"); foreach ($query->Rows as $bad) { $badges[] = $bad["badge_id"]; } ##Get Rooms /*$query = DB::RunFastQuery("SELECT * FROM rooms_data WHERE owner = '$habbo->username'"); foreach($query->Rows as $row) { $rooms[] = [ "id" => $row["id"], "caption" => $row["caption"] ]; }*/ $jsondata = ["user_data" => $userdata, "relationship" => $relations, "badges" => $badges, "rooms" => $rooms, "friendships" => $habbo->friendship->ToArray()]; echo json_encode($jsondata);