예제 #1
  * Modifies the given document and returns the modified document as result.
  * @param ResultsCommand $resultCommand The search result command
  * @param array $resultDocument Result document as array
  * @return array The document with fields as array
 public function modifyResultDocument(ResultsCommand $resultCommand, array $resultDocument)
     $this->search = $resultCommand->getParentPlugin()->getSearchResultSetService()->getSearch();
     $highlightedContent = $this->search->getHighlightedContent();
     foreach ($this->highlightFields as $highlightField) {
         if (!empty($highlightedContent->{$resultDocument['id']}->{$highlightField}[0])) {
             $fragments = array();
             foreach ($highlightedContent->{$resultDocument['id']}->{$highlightField} as $fragment) {
                 $fragments[] = Template::escapeMarkers($fragment);
             $resultDocument[$highlightField] = implode(' ' . $this->fragmentSeparator . ' ', $fragments);
     return $resultDocument;
예제 #2
  * Modifies the given document and returns the modified document as result.
  * @param ResultsCommand $resultCommand The search result command
  * @param array $resultDocument Result document as array
  * @return array The document with fields as array
 public function modifyResultDocument(ResultsCommand $resultCommand, array $resultDocument)
     $this->search = $resultCommand->getParentPlugin()->getSearch();
     $configuration = Util::getSolrConfiguration();
     $highlightedContent = $this->search->getHighlightedContent();
     $highlightFields = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $configuration['search.']['results.']['resultsHighlighting.']['highlightFields'], true);
     foreach ($highlightFields as $highlightField) {
         if (!empty($highlightedContent->{$resultDocument['id']}->{$highlightField}[0])) {
             $fragments = array();
             foreach ($highlightedContent->{$resultDocument['id']}->{$highlightField} as $fragment) {
                 $fragments[] = Template::escapeMarkers($fragment);
             $resultDocument[$highlightField] = implode(' ' . $configuration['search.']['results.']['resultsHighlighting.']['fragmentSeparator'] . ' ', $fragments);
     return $resultDocument;
예제 #3
  * Builds the properties for the frequent search term markers.
  * @param array $frequentSearchTerms Frequent search terms as array with terms as keys and hits as the value
  * @return array An array with content for the frequent terms markers
 protected function getSearchTermMarkerProperties(array $frequentSearchTerms)
     $frequentSearches = array();
     $minimumSize = $this->frequentSearchConfiguration['minSize'];
     $maximumSize = $this->frequentSearchConfiguration['maxSize'];
     if (count($frequentSearchTerms)) {
         $maximumHits = max(array_values($frequentSearchTerms));
         $minimumHits = min(array_values($frequentSearchTerms));
         $spread = $maximumHits - $minimumHits;
         $step = $spread == 0 ? 1 : ($maximumSize - $minimumSize) / $spread;
         foreach ($frequentSearchTerms as $term => $hits) {
             $size = round($minimumSize + ($hits - $minimumHits) * $step);
             $frequentSearches[] = array('term' => Template::escapeMarkers($term), 'hits' => $hits, 'style' => 'font-size: ' . $size . 'px', 'class' => 'tx-solr-frequent-term-' . $size, 'parameters' => '&q=' . html_entity_decode($term, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'pid' => $this->parentPlugin->getLinkTargetPageId());
     return $frequentSearches;
예제 #4
  * Helper method to escape/encode keywords for use in HTML
  * @param string $keywords Keywords to prepare for use in HTML
  * @return string Encoded keywords
 public static function cleanKeywords($keywords)
     $keywords = trim($keywords);
     $keywords = GeneralUtility::removeXSS($keywords);
     $keywords = htmlentities($keywords, ENT_QUOTES, $GLOBALS['TSFE']->metaCharset);
     // escape triple hashes as they are used in the template engine
     // TODO remove after switching to fluid templates
     $keywords = Template::escapeMarkers($keywords);
     return $keywords;
예제 #5
  * Prepares the content for the last search markers
  * @return array An array with content for the last search markers
 protected function getLastSearches()
     $lastSearchesKeywords = array();
     switch ($this->configuration['search.']['lastSearches.']['mode']) {
         case 'user':
             $lastSearchesKeywords = $this->getLastSearchesFromSession();
         case 'global':
             $lastSearchesKeywords = $this->getLastSearchesFromDatabase($this->configuration['search.']['lastSearches.']['limit']);
     // fill array for output
     $i = 0;
     $lastSearches = array();
     foreach ($lastSearchesKeywords as $keywords) {
         if (++$i > $this->configuration['search.']['lastSearches.']['limit']) {
         $keywords = stripslashes($keywords);
         $lastSearches[] = array('q' => Template::escapeMarkers($keywords), 'parameters' => '&q=' . html_entity_decode($keywords, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'pid' => $this->parentPlugin->getLinkTargetPageId());
     return $lastSearches;
예제 #6
  * Gets the user's query term and cleans it so that it can be used in
  * templates f.e.
  * @return string The cleaned user query.
 public function getCleanUserQuery()
     $userQuery = $this->getRawUserQuery();
     if (!is_null($userQuery)) {
         $userQuery = Query::cleanKeywords($userQuery);
     // escape triple hashes as they are used in the template engine
     // TODO remove after switching to fluid templates
     $userQuery = Template::escapeMarkers($userQuery);
     return $userQuery;
예제 #7
  * takes a search result document and processes its fields according to the
  * instructions configured in TS. Currently available instructions are
  *    * timestamp - converts a date field into a unix timestamp
  *    * serialize - uses serialize() to encode multivalue fields which then can be put out using the MULTIVALUE view helper
  *    * skip - skips the whole field so that it is not available in the result, useful for the spell field f.e.
  * The default is to do nothing and just add the document's field to the
  * resulting array.
  * @param \Apache_Solr_Document $document the Apache_Solr_Document result document
  * @return array An array with field values processed like defined in TS
 protected function processDocumentFieldsToArray(\Apache_Solr_Document $document)
     $processingInstructions = $this->configuration->getSearchResultsFieldProcessingInstructionsConfiguration();
     $availableFields = $document->getFieldNames();
     $result = array();
     foreach ($availableFields as $fieldName) {
         $processingInstruction = $processingInstructions[$fieldName];
         // TODO switch to field processors
         // TODO allow to have multiple (comma-separated) instructions for each field
         switch ($processingInstruction) {
             case 'timestamp':
                 $processedFieldValue = Util::isoToTimestamp($document->{$fieldName});
             case 'serialize':
                 if (!empty($document->{$fieldName})) {
                     $processedFieldValue = serialize($document->{$fieldName});
                 } else {
                     $processedFieldValue = '';
             case 'skip':
                 continue 2;
                 $processedFieldValue = $document->{$fieldName};
         // escape markers in document fields
         // TODO remove after switching to fluid templates
         $processedFieldValue = Template::escapeMarkers($processedFieldValue);
         $result[$fieldName] = $processedFieldValue;
     return $result;
예제 #8
  * Prepares the content for the last search markers
  * @return array An array with content for the last search markers
 protected function getLastSearches()
     /** @var $lastSearchesService \ApacheSolrForTypo3\Solr\Domain\Search\LastSearches\LastSearchesService */
     $lastSearchesService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('ApacheSolrForTypo3\\Solr\\Domain\\Search\\LastSearches\\LastSearchesService', $this->configuration, $GLOBALS['TSFE'], $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']);
     // fill array for output
     $lastSearches = array();
     $lastSearchesKeywords = $lastSearchesService->getLastSearches();
     foreach ($lastSearchesKeywords as $keywords) {
         $keywords = stripslashes($keywords);
         $lastSearches[] = array('q' => Template::escapeMarkers($keywords), 'parameters' => '&q=' . html_entity_decode($keywords, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'pid' => $this->parentPlugin->getLinkTargetPageId());
     return $lastSearches;