public function __construct() { $this->fs = new Filesystem(); // FIXME externalize $this->descriptions = array('httpd_type' => 'Type of webserver [none,apache,apache24,nginx]', 'log_dir' => 'Directory which stores log files', 'apache_dir' => 'Directory which stores Apache config files', 'apache_tpl' => 'Apache configuration template', 'apache24_tpl' => 'Apache 2.4 or greater configuration template', 'nginx_dir' => 'Directory which stores nginx config files', 'nginx_tpl' => 'Nginx configuration template', 'mysql_type' => 'How to connect to MySQL admin [dsn,mycnf,ram_disk,osx_ram_disk]', 'mysql_dsn' => 'Administrative credentials for MySQL', 'perm_type' => "How to set permissions on data directories [none,custom,linuxAcl,osxAcl,worldWritable]. See", 'perm_user' => 'Name of the web user [for linuxAcl,osxAcl]', 'perm_custom_command' => 'Command to set a directory as web-writeable [for custom]', 'ram_disk_dir' => 'Directory to create as a RAM disk', 'ram_disk_size' => 'Amount of space to allocate for ramdisk (MB)', 'ram_disk_type' => 'Type of RAM disk [auto,linux,osx]'); // FIXME externalize // Each callback returns a scalar or array of examples $this->exampleCallbacks = array('mysql_dsn' => function () { $checker = new \Amp\Util\PortChecker(); // Some folks report problems using "localhost" $dsns = $checker->filterUrls(array('mysql://*****:*****@', 'mysql://*****:*****@', 'mysql://*****:*****@', 'mysql://*****:*****@localhost:3306', 'mysql://*****:*****@localhost:3307', 'mysql://*****:*****@localhost:8889')); if (empty($dsns)) { return 'mysql://*****:*****@hostname:3306'; } else { return $dsns; } }, 'perm_user' => function () { $webUsers = \Amp\Util\User::filterValidUsers(array('www-data', 'www', '_www', 'apache', 'apache2', 'nginx', 'httpd')); if (empty($webUsers)) { return 'www-data'; } else { return implode(', ', $webUsers); } }, 'perm_custom_command' => function () { $examples = array(); $examples[] = 'chmod 1777 {DIR}'; if (preg_match('/Linux/', php_uname()) && FALSE !== \Amp\Util\Process::findExecutable('setfacl')) { $examples[] = 'setfacl -m u:www-data:rwx -m d:u:www-data:rwx {DIR}'; } if (preg_match('/Darwin/', php_uname())) { $examples[] = '/bin/chmod +a "www allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" {DIR}'; } return count($examples) > 1 ? $examples : $examples[0]; }); }
protected function askPermUser() { return $this->createPrompt('perm_user')->setAsk(function ($default, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, DialogHelper $dialog) { $value = $dialog->askAndValidate($output, "Enter perm_user> ", function ($user) { return \Amp\Util\User::validateUser($user); }, FALSE, $default); return empty($value) ? FALSE : $value; }); }
public function __construct() { $this->fs = new Filesystem(); // FIXME externalize $this->descriptions = array('httpd_type' => 'Type of webserver [none,apache,apache24,nginx]', 'httpd_restart_command' => 'Command to restart httpd (ex: sudo apache2ctl graceful)', 'httpd_restart_wait' => 'Time to wait for HTTPD to restart (seconds)', 'httpd_shared_ports' => 'List of any http ports shared by multiple vhosts (comma-separated)', 'hosts_type' => 'Type of hostname management [none,file]', 'hosts_file' => 'Location of the hosts file (ex: /etc/hosts)', 'hosts_ip' => 'Default IP for new entries in hosts file (ex:', 'log_dir' => 'Directory which stores log files', 'apache_dir' => 'Directory which stores Apache config files', 'apache_tpl' => 'Apache configuration template', 'apache24_tpl' => 'Apache 2.4 or greater configuration template', 'nginx_dir' => 'Directory which stores nginx config files', 'nginx_tpl' => 'Nginx configuration template', 'db_type' => 'How to connect to the database as admin [mysql_dsn,mysql_mycnf,mysql_ram_disk,mysql_osx_ram_disk,pg_dsn]', 'mysql_dsn' => 'Administrative credentials for MySQL', 'pg_dsn' => 'Administrative credentials for PostgreSQL', 'perm_type' => "How to set permissions on data directories [none,custom,linuxAcl,osxAcl,worldWritable]. See", 'perm_user' => 'Name of the web user [for linuxAcl,osxAcl]', 'perm_custom_command' => 'Command to set a directory as web-writeable [for custom]', 'ram_disk_dir' => 'Directory to create as a RAM disk', 'ram_disk_size' => 'Amount of space to allocate for ramdisk (MB)', 'ram_disk_type' => 'Type of RAM disk [auto,linux,osx,manual]'); // FIXME externalize // Each callback returns a scalar or array of examples $this->exampleCallbacks = array('hosts_file' => function () { return array('/etc/hosts'); }, 'hosts_ip' => function () { return array(''); }, 'mysql_dsn' => function () { $checker = new \Amp\Util\PortChecker(); // Some folks report problems using "localhost" $dsns = $checker->filterUrls(array('mysql://*****:*****@', 'mysql://*****:*****@', 'mysql://*****:*****@', 'mysql://*****:*****@localhost:3306', 'mysql://*****:*****@localhost:3307', 'mysql://*****:*****@localhost:8889')); if (empty($dsns)) { return 'mysql://*****:*****@hostname:3306'; } else { return $dsns; } }, 'pg_dsn' => function () { $checker = new \Amp\Util\PortChecker(); // Some folks report problems using "localhost" $dsns = $checker->filterUrls(array('pgsql://*****:*****@', 'pgsql://*****:*****@localhost:5432/template1')); if (empty($dsns)) { return 'pgsql://*****:*****@hostname:5432/template1'; } else { return $dsns; } }, 'perm_user' => function () { $webUsers = \Amp\Util\User::filterValidUsers(array('www-data', 'www', '_www', 'apache', 'apache2', 'nginx', 'httpd')); if (empty($webUsers)) { return 'www-data'; } else { return implode(', ', $webUsers); } }, 'perm_custom_command' => function () { $examples = array(); $examples[] = 'chmod 1777 {DIR}'; if (preg_match('/Linux/', php_uname()) && FALSE !== \Amp\Util\Process::findExecutable('setfacl')) { $examples[] = 'setfacl -m u:www-data:rwx -m d:u:www-data:rwx {DIR}'; } if (preg_match('/Darwin/', php_uname())) { $examples[] = '/bin/chmod +a "www allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" {DIR}'; } return count($examples) > 1 ? $examples : $examples[0]; }, 'httpd_restart_command' => function () { $APACHECTLS = array('apachectl', 'apache2ctl'); $SYSDIRS = array('/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/local/sbin'); $examples = array(); // Add-on kits. No need for sudo foreach (array('/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin') as $dir) { foreach ($APACHECTLS as $prog) { if (file_exists("{$dir}/{$prog}")) { $examples[] = "{$dir}/{$prog} graceful"; } } } // OS distributions. Require sudo. foreach ($APACHECTLS as $prog) { foreach ($SYSDIRS as $dir) { if (file_exists("{$dir}/{$prog}")) { $examples[] = "sudo {$dir}/{$prog} graceful"; } } } foreach ($SYSDIRS as $dir) { if (file_exists("{$dir}/service")) { $examples[] = "sudo {$dir}/service apache2 restart"; $examples[] = "sudo {$dir}/service httpd restart"; } } // Fallback example. if (empty($examples)) { $examples[] = "sudo apachectl graceful"; } $examples[] = "NONE"; return $examples; }); }