public function testReplaceJson() { $this->markTestSkipped("Concurrent writing to a dataset doesn't work"); $ds = new SodaDataset($this->client, $this->id); $json = file_get_contents("tests/datasets/dataset.json"); $ds->replace($json); }
public function testDeleteRow() { $ds = new SodaDataset($this->client, $this->id); $soql = new SoqlQuery(); $soql->select(":id,date,os,visits"); $result = $ds->getDataset($soql); $uID = $result[0][':id']; $ds->deleteRow($uID); $soql->select(':id')->where(':id = ' . $uID); $new_result = $ds->getDataset($soql); $this->assertEmpty($new_result); }
public function testOrderDescQuery() { $soql = new SoqlQuery(); $soql->order("state", SoqlOrderDirection::DESC)->limit(5); $results = $this->dataset->getDataset($soql); $loop_iterations = count($results) - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $loop_iterations; $i++) { $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($results[$i + 1]['state'], $results[$i]['state']); } }
public function testGetDatasetWithArrayFilter() { $arrayFilter = array("state" => "AZ"); $ds = new SodaDataset($this->client, $this->id); $results = $ds->getDataset($arrayFilter); foreach ($results as $result) { $this->assertEquals("AZ", $result['state']); } }
/** * @expectedException allejo\Socrata\Exceptions\SodaException */ public function testMultipleOrderQueryWithApiV1() { $soql = new SoqlQuery(); $soql->order("state", SoqlOrderDirection::DESC)->order("date_posted", SoqlOrderDirection::ASC)->limit(5); $this->dataset->getDataset($soql); }
<?php // PhpSoda is packaged up in a Phar archive which allows us to include the entire library with a single "include." // You may also use "include_once," "require," or "require_once" include "phpsoda-0.1.0.phar"; // PhpSoda organizes its code inside namespaces; in order to use PhpSoda, you'll have to "use" the namespaces. These // three namespaces should suffice for most code. use allejo\Socrata\SodaClient; use allejo\Socrata\SodaDataset; use allejo\Socrata\SoqlQuery; // If someone has pushed the "Submit" button, this'll be set to true $postBack = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'; if ($postBack) { // Our client will store information about the host, token, and authentication (if necessary) $sc = new SodaClient("", "B0ixMbJj4LuQVfYnz95Hfp3Ni"); $ds = new SodaDataset($sc, "pu5n-trf4"); // Build a SoqlQuery with functions $soql = new SoqlQuery(); $soql->where("within_circle(incident_location, {$_POST['latitude']}, {$_POST['longitude']}, {$_POST['range']})")->limit(20); // Get the dataset. $results is now an associative array in the same format as the JSON object $results = $ds->getDataset($soql); } ?> <html> <head> <title>Seattle Police Department 911 Incident Response</title> </head> <body> <h1>Seattle Police Department 911 Incident Response</h1>