public function __construct() { $this->_display_html = false; if (VGet::loggedout()) { $this->_msg = ActionMessages::custom_good('You\'ve been logged out'); } try { $this->_session = new Session(); if (VPost::login(false)) { $this->_session->login(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_msg = ActionMessages::custom_wrong($e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Install a template from github * * @access private */ private function create() { if (VGet::action() == 'install' && VGet::user() && VGet::repo() && VGet::download()) { try { $curl = new Curl('' . VGet::user() . '/' . VGet::repo() . '/downloads'); $downloads = json_decode($curl->_content, true); if (empty($downloads)) { throw new Exception('Archive doesn\'t exist on Github'); } if (isset($downloads['message'])) { throw new Exception($downloads['message']); } $url = null; foreach ($downloads as $download) { if ($download['name'] == VGet::download()) { if ($download['content_type'] != 'application/zip') { throw new Exception('Invalid archive type! (.zip only)'); } else { $url = $download['html_url']; } } } unset($curl); $curl = new Curl($url); $zip = new File(); $zip->_content = $curl->_content; $zip->save('tmp/'); $tmp = 'tmp/tpl_' . md5_file('tmp/') . '/'; File::unzip('tmp/', $tmp); File::delete('tmp/'); $json = File::read($tmp . 'manifest.json'); $conf = json_decode($json->_content, true); //check if the manifest is complete if (!isset($conf['name']) || !isset($conf['author']) || !isset($conf['url']) || !isset($conf['namespace']) || !isset($conf['files'])) { throw new Exception('Invalid manifest!'); } if (is_dir(PATH . 'includes/templates/' . $conf['namespace'] . '/')) { throw new Exception('Template already exist'); } //if one of files doesn't exists, an exception will be raised foreach ($conf['files'] as $file) { File::read($tmp . $file); } foreach ($conf['files'] as $file) { File::move($tmp . $file, PATH . 'includes/templates/' . $conf['namespace'] . '/' . $file); File::delete($tmp . $file); } File::delete($tmp . 'manifest.json'); $setting = new Setting(); $setting->_name = $conf['name']; $setting->_type = 'template'; $setting->_data = json_encode($conf); $setting->create(); $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::custom_good('Template "' . $setting->_name . '" installed'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::custom_wrong($e->getMessage()); } } }
/** * Create a comment on a distant website * * @access private */ private function create() { if (VPost::submit(false) && VPost::content(false)) { try { $user = new User(); $user->_id = $this->_user['user_id']; $user->read('_publicname'); $user->read('_email'); $data = array('name' => $user->_publicname, 'email' => $user->_email, 'content' => VPost::content(), 'id' => $this->_content['post']['POST_ID'], 'type' => 'post'); $url = $this->_prefs->_data['timeline'][$this->_key]['url'] . 'admin/index.php?ns=rpc&ctl=comment'; $curl = new Curl(); $curl->_post = true; $curl->_data = $data; $curl->_url = $url; $curl->connect(); $msg = json_decode($curl->_content, true); if ($msg['message'] !== true) { throw new Exception('Error on distant website! ' . $this->_prefs->_data['timeline'][$this->_key]['title'] . ' says "' . $msg['message'] . '"'); } $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::custom_good('Comment submitted'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::custom_wrong($e->getMessage()); } } }
/** * Install a plugin from github * * @access private */ private function create() { if (VGet::action() == 'install' && VGet::user() && VGet::repo() && VGet::download()) { try { $curl = new Curl('' . VGet::user() . '/' . VGet::repo() . '/downloads'); $downloads = json_decode($curl->_content, true); if (empty($downloads)) { throw new Exception('Archive doesn\'t exist on Github'); } if (isset($downloads['message'])) { throw new Exception($downloads['message']); } $url = null; foreach ($downloads as $download) { if ($download['name'] == VGet::download()) { if ($download['content_type'] != 'application/zip') { throw new Exception('Invalid archive type! (.zip only)'); } else { $url = $download['html_url']; } } } unset($curl); $curl = new Curl($url); $zip = new File(); $zip->_content = $curl->_content; $zip->save('tmp/'); $tmp = 'tmp/plg_' . md5_file('tmp/') . '/'; File::unzip('tmp/', $tmp); File::delete('tmp/'); $json = File::read($tmp . 'manifest.json'); $conf = json_decode($json->_content, true); //check if manifest is complete if (!isset($conf['name']) || !isset($conf['namespace']) || !isset($conf['entry_point']) || !isset($conf['author']) || !isset($conf['url']) || !isset($conf['admin']) || !isset($conf['site']) || !isset($conf['library']) || !isset($conf['queries']) || !isset($conf['uninstall'])) { throw new Exception('Invalid manifest'); } if (is_dir('includes/' . $conf['namespace']) || is_dir('library/' . $conf['namespace'])) { throw new Exception('The namespace "' . $conf['namespace'] . '" is already taken'); } //if one of files doesn't exists, an exception will be raised foreach ($conf['admin'] as $file) { File::read($tmp . 'admin/' . $file); } //if one of files doesn't exists, an exception will be raised foreach ($conf['site'] as $file) { if (file_exists(PATH . 'includes/' . $file)) { throw new Exception('The file "' . $file . '" already exists in site directory'); } File::read($tmp . 'site/' . $file); } //if one of files doesn't exists, an exception will be raised foreach ($conf['library'] as $file) { File::read($tmp . 'library/' . $file); } foreach ($conf['admin'] as $file) { File::move($tmp . 'admin/' . $file, 'includes/' . $conf['namespace'] . '/' . $file); File::delete($tmp . 'admin/' . $file); } foreach ($conf['site'] as $file) { File::move($tmp . 'site/' . $file, PATH . 'includes/' . $file); File::delete($tmp . 'site/' . $file); } foreach ($conf['library'] as $file) { File::move($tmp . 'library/' . $file, 'library/' . $conf['namespace'] . '/' . $file); File::delete($tmp . 'library/' . $file); } if (isset($conf['css'])) { foreach ($conf['css'] as $file) { File::move($tmp . 'css/' . $file, PATH . 'css/' . $conf['namespace'] . '.css'); File::delete($tmp . 'css/' . $file); } } foreach ($conf['queries'] as $query) { $this->_db->query(str_replace('{{prefix}}', DB_PREFIX, $query)); } File::delete($tmp . 'manifest.json'); $setting = new Setting(); $setting->_name = $conf['name']; $setting->_type = 'plugin'; $setting->_data = json_encode($conf); $setting->create(); $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::custom_good('Plugin "' . $setting->_name . '" installed'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::custom_wrong($e->getMessage()); //remove files foreach ($conf['admin'] as $file) { File::delete($tmp . 'admin/' . $file, false); } foreach ($conf['site'] as $file) { File::delete($tmp . 'site/' . $file, false); } foreach ($conf['library'] as $file) { File::delete($tmp . 'library/' . $file, false); } } } }