  * @param string $eventId
  * @param string $registrationType
  * @throws \Acme\Core\Exceptions\EntityNotFoundException
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
  * Accessed through post form request
 public function subscribe($eventId = '', $registrationType = '')
     $userId = Auth::user()->id;
     $eventId = empty($eventId) ? Input::get('event_id') : $eventId;
     $registrationType = empty($registrationType) ? Input::get('registration_type') : $registrationType;
     $subscription = $this->subscriptionRepository->findByEvent($userId, $eventId);
     $event = $this->eventRepository->findById($eventId);
     // If not a valid event
     if (!$event) {
         return Redirect::action('EventsController@show', $eventId)->with('warning', trans('word.system_error'));
     // if event is currently going on
     //        if ( $this->eventRepository->ongoingEvent($event->date_start, $event->date_end) ) {
     //            return Redirect::action('EventsController@show', $eventId)->with('warning', trans('general.event_ongoing'));
     //        }
     // If event is Expired
     //        if ( $this->eventRepository->eventExpired($event->date_start) ) {
     //            return Redirect::action('EventsController@show', $eventId)->with('warning', trans('word.event_expired'));
     //        }
     // If no subscription entry in the database
     if (!$subscription) {
         // create a subscription
         $subscription = $this->subscriptionRepository->create(['user_id' => $userId, 'event_id' => $eventId, 'status' => 'PENDING', 'registration_type' => $registrationType]);
     // Subscribe the user to the event
     $subscriber = new Subscriber($subscription);
     $subscriber = $subscriber->subscribe();
     if ($subscriber->messages->has('errors')) {
         // redirect with first error as an array
         return Redirect::home()->with('errors', [$subscriber->messages->first('errors')]);
     } else {
         // If no errors occured while subscription process
         return Redirect::action('EventsController@getSuggestedEvents', $eventId)->with('success', trans('general.subscription_check_email'));