  * @see \Ableron\Core\Template\Plugins\Interfaces\CompilerPluginInterface::compileOpeningTag()
 public function compileOpeningTag(TemplateCompiler $templateCompiler)
     // get translation
     $translation = Application::getI18nHandler()->getTranslator()->translate($this->getArgument('key'));
     // return translation
     return $this->getArgument('htmlEncode') ? StringUtil::encodeHtml($translation) : $translation;
예제 #2
  * Returns the absolute path for the given template file path based on the given base directory.
  * In case the given template file path starts with a slash ("/"), the template file is considered
  * to be relative to the module directory.
  * Otherwise the given template file path is considered to be relative to the given base path.
  * @param string $templateFilePath Path of the template file to return the absolute path for
  * @param string $basePath Base path used to determine the absolute path for the given template file
  * @return string
 public static function getAbsoluteTemplateFilePath($templateFilePath, $basePath)
     // determine template directory
     $templateDirectory = StringUtil::startsWith($templateFilePath, '/') ? ABLERON_MODULE_DIR : FileUtil::normalizePath($basePath) . '/';
     // return absolute template file path
     return $templateDirectory . $templateFilePath;
예제 #3
  * Tests whether writeFile() creates parent directories.
  * @return void
 public function testWriteFileCreatesParentDirectories()
     $filePath = ABLERON_TEMP_DIR . '/FileUtilTest/writeFile/testWriteFileCreatesParentDirectories-' . StringUtil::getRandomString(12);
예제 #4
  * Sets the value of the header field.
  * Accepts either strings or objects of type \Ableron\Lib\Net\Uri.
  * @param string|\Ableron\Lib\Net\Uri $fieldValue The field value to set
  * @throws \Ableron\Core\Exception\SystemException
  * @return void
 public function setFieldValue($fieldValue)
     if (is_string($fieldValue)) {
         $this->fieldValue = new Uri($fieldValue);
     } elseif ($fieldValue instanceof Uri) {
         $this->fieldValue = $fieldValue;
     } else {
         throw new SystemException(sprintf('Unable to set header field value to %s - Field value must be a string or an object of type \\Ableron\\Lib\\Net\\Uri. Given: %s', StringUtil::toString($fieldValue), gettype($fieldValue)), 0, E_USER_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__);
  * @see \Ableron\Core\Template\Plugins\Interfaces\CompilerPluginInterface::compileOpeningTag()
 public function compileOpeningTag(TemplateCompiler $templateCompiler)
     // build base URL
     $actionUrl = new Uri(parent::compileOpeningTag($templateCompiler));
     // add URL of current request as action source URL
     $actionUrl->addQueryParameter(ABLERON_PARAM_ACTION_SOURCE_URL, StringUtil::base64UrlEncode(Application::getRequestHandler()->getRequest()->getUri()->toString()));
     // add CSRF token query parameter to URL
     $actionUrl->addQueryParameter(ABLERON_PARAM_CSRF_TOKEN, self::$actionUrlCsrfTokenPlaceholder);
     // return final URL
     return str_replace(self::$actionUrlCsrfTokenPlaceholder, '<?php echo $application::getSecurityHandler()->getCsrfProtector()->getCurrentToken(); ?>', $actionUrl->toString());
예제 #6
  * Initializes the entity.
  * @param \Ableron\Modules\Core\Model\Entities\UserEntity $user The user belonging to the session
 public function __construct(UserEntity $user = null)
     $this->id = StringUtil::getRandomString(24);
     $this->data = array();
     // TODO
     if ($user !== null) {
예제 #7
  * Builds the log file entry for the given log message.
  * TODO: Use localized time in local log files
  * @param string $logLevel Log level of the message to log
  * @param string $message The message to log
  * @param \Exception|null $exception Exception belonging to the log entry
  * @return string
 private function buildLogEntry(string $logLevel, string $message, Exception $exception = null)
     // build base log entry
     $logEntry = sprintf('%s %s %s', DateUtil::getCurrentUtcDateTime()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), StringUtil::toUpperCase($logLevel), $message);
     // add exception information if present
     if ($exception !== null) {
         $logEntry .= StringUtil::CHAR_LINE_FEED . sprintf('Exception: %s in file %s on line %s', $exception->getMessage(), $exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine()) . StringUtil::CHAR_LINE_FEED . ExceptionUtil::getFullTrace($exception);
     // return log entry
     return $logEntry;
  * @see \Ableron\Core\Template\Plugins\Interfaces\FunctionPluginInterface::execute()
 public function execute(TemplateRenderer $templateRenderer, $tagArguments)
     // read arguments
     $templateFile = isset($tagArguments['templateFile']) ? $tagArguments['templateFile'] : $tagArguments[0];
     $variables = isset($tagArguments['variables']) ? $tagArguments['variables'] : array();
     $sandboxMode = isset($tagArguments['sandboxMode']) ? $tagArguments['sandboxMode'] : false;
     // check for argument "templateFile"
     if (StringUtil::isNullOrEmpty($templateFile)) {
         throw new SystemException('Missing argument "templateFile" in tag {include}', 0, E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // return output of the rendered template
     return $templateRenderer->getTemplateHandler()->render(TemplateHelper::getAbsoluteTemplateFilePath($templateFile, $templateRenderer->getCurrentTemplatePath()), $sandboxMode ? $variables : array_merge($templateRenderer->getCurrentVariables(), $variables), true, $templateRenderer);
예제 #9
  * @see \Ableron\Lib\Collections\Interfaces\SetInterface::add()
  * @throws \Ableron\Core\Exception\SystemException In case the given element does not fit the element type of this set
 public function add($element)
     // check whether given element is an object
     if (!is_object($element)) {
         throw new SystemException(sprintf('Unable to add non-object to object set: %s', StringUtil::toString($element)), 0, E_USER_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // check whether given element has the correct type
     if ($this->elementType !== null && !$element instanceof $this->elementType) {
         throw new SystemException(sprintf('Unable to add object of type %s to object set of type %s', get_class($element), $this->elementType), 0, E_USER_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // add given element to set
예제 #10
  * @see \Ableron\Lib\Stdlib\Interfaces\HeaderFieldInterface::addFieldValue()
 public function addFieldValue($fieldValue)
     // get current field value
     $currentFieldValue = $this->fieldValue;
     // try to set field value
     try {
         // check whether field value is valid
         // combine old and new field value
         if ($currentFieldValue !== null) {
             $this->fieldValue = sprintf('%s, %s', $currentFieldValue, $this->fieldValue);
     } catch (SystemException $e) {
         throw new SystemException(sprintf('Unable to add header field value %s', StringUtil::toString($fieldValue)), 0, E_USER_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, $e);
예제 #11
  * @see \Ableron\Core\Router\Route\RouteInterface::match()
 public function match(Uri $moduleRequestUri, HttpRequest $request)
     // prepare module request URI
     $moduleRequestUriNormalized = $this->routeParameters['isCaseSensitive'] ? $moduleRequestUri->getPath() : StringUtil::toLowerCase($moduleRequestUri->getPath());
     // handle "exactMath"
     if ($this->routeParameters['exactMatch'] !== null) {
         $exactMatchPattern = $this->routeParameters['isCaseSensitive'] ? $this->routeParameters['exactMatch'] : StringUtil::toLowerCase($this->routeParameters['exactMatch']);
         return $exactMatchPattern === $moduleRequestUriNormalized ? $this : null;
     // handle "startsWith"
     if ($this->routeParameters['startsWith'] !== null) {
         $startsWithPattern = $this->routeParameters['isCaseSensitive'] ? $this->routeParameters['startsWith'] : StringUtil::toLowerCase($this->routeParameters['startsWith']);
         return StringUtil::startsWith($moduleRequestUriNormalized, $startsWithPattern) ? $this : null;
     // no match
     return null;
예제 #12
  * Returns the name of the web server.
  * Returns 'n/a' in case the web server could not be determined.
  * @return string
 public static function getWebServer()
     // get server information as array
     $serverSoftware = StringUtil::split('/', strip_tags(EnvironmentUtil::getEnvironmentVariable('SERVER_SOFTWARE')), 2);
     // check for web server name
     if (isset($serverSoftware[0])) {
         // try to get web server version
         if (isset($serverSoftware[1])) {
             // get web server version
             $webServerVersion = StringUtil::split(' ', $serverSoftware[1], 2)[0];
             // append web server version to web server name
             if ($webServerVersion !== '') {
                 return $serverSoftware[0] . ' ' . $webServerVersion;
         // return web server
         return $serverSoftware[0];
     // unable to determine web server
     return 'n/a';
예제 #13
  * @see \Ableron\Core\Controller\AbstractController::run()
 protected function run()
     // check for valid CSRF token before executing action
     if ($this->checkCsrfToken()) {
         try {
         } catch (ExecutionFailedException $e) {
     } else {
         $this->setFlashMessage(Application::getI18nHandler()->getTranslator()->translate('core.security.csrf.actionNotExecuted'), null, ControllerInterface::MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR);
     // if we are here, no redirect has been sent during execution; so redirect to action source URL
     if (($encodedActionSourceUrl = $this->getQueryParameter(ABLERON_PARAM_ACTION_SOURCE_URL, false)) !== false && ($actionSourceUrl = StringUtil::base64UrlDecode($encodedActionSourceUrl)) !== false) {
         $this->redirectTo(new Uri($actionSourceUrl));
     } else {
예제 #14
  * Takes care of possible CSRF attacks.
  * Logs the possible attack and changes the current CSRF token.
  * @return void
 private function handlePossibleCsrfAttack()
     // log possible attack
     Application::getPersistenceManager()->getEntityManager()->persist(new CsrfAttemptEntity());
     // invalidate session token by setting a new one
     Application::getSession()->setData($this->csrfTokensSessionKey, StringUtil::getRandomString($this->tokenLength));
예제 #15
  * Returns the headers of the active request as an array of key-value pairs
  * extracted from the $_SERVER superglobal.
  * @return array
 private function parseRequestHeaders()
     $headers = array();
     foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
         if (StringUtil::startsWith($key, 'HTTP_')) {
             $headers[str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower(substr($key, 5)))))] = $value;
     return $headers;
예제 #16
  * Returns whether the given file name ends with the file extension
  * configured for the storage.
  * @param string $fileName The file name to check
  * @return bool TRUE if the given file name matches the file extension configured for the storage, FALSE otherwise
 private function hasStorageFileExtension(string $fileName)
     return $this->fileExtension === '' || StringUtil::endsWith($fileName, $this->fileExtension);
예제 #17
  * Returns the site path.
  * Site path is the path from the document root to the script root directory.
  * @return string
 public static function getSitePath()
     return CacheUtil::getFromCache(self::getCache(), __FUNCTION__, function () {
         return ABLERON_ROOT_DIR === self::getDocumentRoot() ? '/' : StringUtil::getSubstring(ABLERON_ROOT_DIR, -(StringUtil::getLength(ABLERON_ROOT_DIR) - StringUtil::getLength(self::getDocumentRoot())));
예제 #18
  * Returns the file where to save the compiled version of the given source template.
  * @param string $sourceTemplateFile The source template file for which to get the file of the compiled version
  * @throws \Ableron\Core\Exception\SystemException
  * @return string
 public function getCompiledTemplateFile($sourceTemplateFile)
     // make sure "./" and "../" are handled correctly
     $sourceTemplateFile = StringUtil::contains($sourceTemplateFile, './') ? FileUtil::normalizePath(realpath($sourceTemplateFile)) : $sourceTemplateFile;
     // extract template information from path (module, area and template name)
     if (!preg_match('#/Modules/(?<module>[^/]+)(?<path>(/[^/]+)+?)/(?<name>[^/]+)\\.tpl$#', $sourceTemplateFile, $templateInfo)) {
         throw new SystemException(sprintf('Template file has invalid path: %s (Pattern of valid template file: .../<module>/**/<name>.tpl, e.g. **/app/Modules/Core/Pages/Backend/Templates/IndexPage.tpl)', $sourceTemplateFile), 0, E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // build and return file name of the compiled template
     return FileUtil::getTempFileName(sprintf('tpl/%s/%s/%s', $templateInfo['module'], $templateInfo['path'], Application::getI18nHandler()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode()), '', $templateInfo['name'], 'php');
예제 #19
  * Removes the given enclosing characters from the start and the end of the given input string
  * in case the string is enclosed by the given characters.
  * E.g. removeEnclosingCharacter('{{foo}}', '{{', '}}') will return 'foo';
  * Returns the input string without any modification in case the given input string
  * is not enclosed by the given characters.
  * @param string $inputString The input string to remove the enclosing characters from
  * @param string $enclosingStartCharactersToRemove The start characters to remove from the start of the string if string is enclosed by the given characters
  * @param string $enclosingEndCharactersToRemove The end characters to remove from the end of the string if string is enclosed by the given characters
  * @return string
 public static function removeEnclosingCharacters(string $inputString, string $enclosingStartCharactersToRemove, string $enclosingEndCharactersToRemove)
     // return input string with removed given enclosing characters
     if (StringUtil::startsWith($inputString, $enclosingStartCharactersToRemove) && StringUtil::endsWith($inputString, $enclosingEndCharactersToRemove)) {
         return StringUtil::getSubstring($inputString, self::getLength($enclosingStartCharactersToRemove), -self::getLength($enclosingEndCharactersToRemove));
     // return unmodified input string if not enclosed by the given characters
     return $inputString;
예제 #20
  * Compiles the given template tags.
  * Throws an exception in case there are unclosed tags remaining.
  * @param array $templateTags The template tags to compile
  * @param array $textBlocks Text blocks outside of template-tags
  * @throws \Ableron\Core\Exception\SystemException
  * @return array
 private function compileTemplateTags($templateTags, $textBlocks)
     // prepare return value and get number of template tags to compile
     $compiledTags = array();
     $templateTagsCount = count($templateTags);
     // compile template tags, one by one
     for ($currentTagIndex = 0; $currentTagIndex < $templateTagsCount; $currentTagIndex++) {
         $this->currentLineNumber += StringUtil::getSubstringCount($textBlocks[$currentTagIndex], StringUtil::CHAR_LINE_FEED);
         $compiledTags[] = $this->compileTemplateTag($templateTags[$currentTagIndex]);
         $this->currentLineNumber += StringUtil::getSubstringCount($templateTags[$currentTagIndex], StringUtil::CHAR_LINE_FEED);
     // check for unclosed tags
     if (!$this->compilerPluginTagStack->isEmpty()) {
         throw new SystemException(sprintf('Unclosed tag {%s} in template "%s" on line %s', $this->getLastCompilerPluginTagParameter('tagName'), $this->getCurrentTemplateName(), $this->getLastCompilerPluginTagParameter('lineNumber')), 0, E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // return compiled tags
     return $compiledTags;
  * Extracts all blocks from the given template and returns them.
  * @param string $template The template to extract the blocks from
  * @return array
 private function extractBlocks($template)
     // init required variables
     $blocks = array();
     $insideFirstLevelBlock = false;
     $firstLevelBlockTag = null;
     $firstLevelBlockContentStartIndex = 0;
     // parse given template
     for ($i = 0, $templateLength = StringUtil::getLength($template); $i < $templateLength; $i++) {
         // check whether current character is the left tag delimiter
         if (StringUtil::getSubstring($template, $i, 1) == '{') {
             // get remaining template
             $remainingTemplate = StringUtil::getSubstring($template, $i);
             // check whether very first element in the remaining template is an opening or closing block tag
             $isOpeningBlockTag = preg_match('#^{(block\\s[^}]+)}#', $remainingTemplate, $openingBlockTagMatch);
             $isClosingBlockTag = StringUtil::startsWith($remainingTemplate, '{/block}');
             if ($isOpeningBlockTag && !$insideFirstLevelBlock) {
                 $insideFirstLevelBlock = true;
                 $firstLevelBlockTag = new TemplateTag($openingBlockTagMatch[1]);
                 $firstLevelBlockContentStartIndex = $i + StringUtil::getLength($openingBlockTagMatch[0]);
                 $blocks[$this->getBlockName($firstLevelBlockTag)]['childBlocks'] = array();
             } elseif ($isOpeningBlockTag && $insideFirstLevelBlock) {
                 preg_match('#^{(block\\s[^}]+)}(.*?){/block}#s', $remainingTemplate, $blockMatch);
                 $i += StringUtil::getLength($blockMatch[0]) - 1;
                 $secondLevelBlockTag = new TemplateTag($blockMatch[1]);
                 $blocks[$this->getBlockName($firstLevelBlockTag)]['childBlocks'][$this->getBlockName($secondLevelBlockTag)] = array('blockTag' => $secondLevelBlockTag, 'blockContent' => trim($blockMatch[2]));
             } elseif ($isClosingBlockTag && $insideFirstLevelBlock) {
                 $insideFirstLevelBlock = false;
                 $blocks[$this->getBlockName($firstLevelBlockTag)]['blockTag'] = $firstLevelBlockTag;
                 $blocks[$this->getBlockName($firstLevelBlockTag)]['blockContent'] = trim(StringUtil::getSubstring($template, $firstLevelBlockContentStartIndex, $i - $firstLevelBlockContentStartIndex));
     // return extracted blocks
     return $blocks;
  * @see \Ableron\Lib\Collections\Abstracts\AbstractMap::__construct()
 public function __construct(array $elements = array())
     parent::__construct(function ($key) {
         return StringUtil::toLowerCase($key);
     }, null, $elements);
예제 #23
  * Converts the given argument value to its real PHP value.
  * Takes care of boolean TRUE/FALSE and NULL.
  * @param string $argumentValue The argument value to convert
  * @return mixed
 private function argumentValueToPhpValue($argumentValue)
     // handle boolean TRUE
     if (StringUtil::equalsIgnoreCase($argumentValue, 'true')) {
         return true;
     // handle boolean FALSE
     if (StringUtil::equalsIgnoreCase($argumentValue, 'false')) {
         return false;
     // handle NULL
     if (StringUtil::equalsIgnoreCase($argumentValue, 'null')) {
         return null;
     // return argument value without any changes
     return $argumentValue;
예제 #24
  * Returns a string representation of the given stack trace.
  * @param array $trace The stack trace to format
  * @return string
 public static function getTraceAsString(array $trace)
     $currentTracePosition = count($trace);
     $formattedTrace = array();
     foreach ($trace as $tracePoint) {
         $formattedTrace[] = sprintf('#%d %s: %s%s(%s)', $currentTracePosition--, isset($tracePoint['file']) ? sprintf('%s(%d)', FileUtil::getRelativeAbleronPath($tracePoint['file']), $tracePoint['line']) : '[internal function]', isset($tracePoint['class']) ? $tracePoint['class'] . $tracePoint['type'] : '', $tracePoint['function'], !empty($tracePoint['args']) ? StringUtil::buildPhpArgumentString($tracePoint['args']) : '');
     return implode(StringUtil::CHAR_LINE_FEED, $formattedTrace);
예제 #25
  * Returns the absolute path of a temporary file.
  * @param string $subDirectory Sub directory of the temp directory the file shall be located in
  * @param string $filePrefix Prefix of the temp file
  * @param string $fileName Name of the temp file
  * @param string $fileExtension File extension of the temp file
  * @return string
 public static function getTempFileName(string $subDirectory = '', string $filePrefix = '', string $fileName = '', string $fileExtension = 'tmp')
     // get temp directory
     $tempDirectory = self::normalizePath(ABLERON_TEMP_DIR . '/' . $subDirectory);
     // get temp file name
     $tempFileName = sprintf('%s%s%s', $filePrefix, $fileName === '' ? StringUtil::getRandomString(32) : $fileName, ltrim($fileExtension, '.') === '' ? '' : '.' . ltrim($fileExtension, '.'));
     // return absolute path
     return sprintf('%s/%s', $tempDirectory, $tempFileName);
예제 #26
  * Parses the given parameter string.
  * This method does not take care of comments. Comments have to be stripped
  * before calling this method using self::stripComments().
  * Returns an array containing the parameters as key-value pairs.
  * @param string $parameterString The parameter string to parse
  * @throws \Ableron\Core\Exception\SystemException
  * @return array
 private static function parseParameterString($parameterString)
     // prepare required variables
     $returnValue = array();
     $currentParameter = array('name' => '', 'value' => '');
     // name/value of the current parameter
     $isParameterName = true;
     // indicates whether the current character belongs to the parameter name
     $isEscaped = false;
     // indicates whether the current character is escaped
     $inQuotes = false;
     // indicates whether the current character is located within a quoted string
     // process the given string, character by character
     for ($i = 0, $parameterStringLength = StringUtil::getLength($parameterString); $i < $parameterStringLength; $i++) {
         // get current character
         $currentCharacter = StringUtil::getSubstring($parameterString, $i, 1);
         // check if current character is escaped
         if ($isEscaped) {
             // add character to return value
             $currentParameter[$isParameterName ? 'name' : 'value'] .= '\\' . $currentCharacter;
             // next character is not escaped
             $isEscaped = false;
             // check if we have a backslash escaping the next character
         } elseif ($currentCharacter == '\\') {
             $isEscaped = true;
             // check if current character starts/ends a quoted string
         } elseif ($currentCharacter == '"') {
             // add character to return value
             $currentParameter[$isParameterName ? 'name' : 'value'] .= $currentCharacter;
             $inQuotes = !$inQuotes;
             // check whether we have the parameter value now
         } elseif ($currentCharacter == '=' && $isParameterName) {
             $isParameterName = false;
             // check if we have a new parameter
         } elseif ($currentCharacter == ';' && !$inQuotes && !$isParameterName) {
             // add current parameter to the parameter list
             $returnValue[$currentParameter['name']] = $currentParameter['value'];
             // reset name/value for the next parameter
             $currentParameter = array('name' => '', 'value' => '');
             $isParameterName = true;
             // not a special character. simply add to the return value
         } else {
             $currentParameter[$isParameterName ? 'name' : 'value'] .= $currentCharacter;
     // check for valid syntax
     if ($inQuotes) {
         throw new SystemException(sprintf('Unable to parse parameter string "%s" - String contains invalid quotation mark!', $parameterString), 0, E_USER_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // add last processed parameter to return value
     if (!empty($currentParameter['name'])) {
         $returnValue[$currentParameter['name']] = $currentParameter['value'];
     // return parameters
     return $returnValue;
  * Validates the given last name.
  * @param string $lastName The last name to validate
  * @throws \Ableron\Install\Exception\InputException
  * @return void
 private function validateLastName($lastName)
     // check whether last name is set
     if ($lastName === '') {
         throw new InputException(null, 'stepCreateAdminAccount.adminLastName.error.empty', array('#adminLastName'));
     // check maximum length
     if (StringUtil::getLength($lastName) > 255) {
         throw new InputException(null, 'stepCreateAdminAccount.adminLastName.error.maxLengthExceeded', array('#adminLastName'));
예제 #28
  * @see \Ableron\Core\Controller\Page\PageInterface::assignVariables()
 public function assignVariables()
     Application::getTemplateHandler()->getVariables()->setAll(array('documentTitle' => Application::getI18nHandler()->getTranslator()->translate('sysInfo.systemInfo.title'), 'ableronCoreVersion' => Application::getVersion(), 'ableronInstallationTime' => StringUtil::formatDateTime(Application::getInstallationTime()), 'databaseManagementSystem' => SystemInformation::getDatabaseManagementSystem(), 'operatingSystem' => SystemInformation::getOperatingSystem(), 'phpVersion' => SystemInformation::getPhpVersion(), 'phpServerApi' => SystemInformation::getPhpServerApi(), 'webServer' => SystemInformation::getWebServer(), 'zendEngineVersion' => SystemInformation::getZendEngineVersion()));
예제 #29
  * @see \Ableron\Core\Form\FormInterface::getOpenTag()
 public function getOpenTag()
     // get form attributes
     $formAttributes = $this->attributes->toArray();
     // if name is set but and id is not, treat element name as id
     if (!$this->attributes->containsKey('id') && $this->attributes->containsKey(self::ATTR_NAME)) {
         $formAttributes['id'] = $this->attributes->get([self::ATTR_NAME]);
     // declare attribute strings
     $attributeStrings = array();
     // build attribute string
     foreach ($formAttributes as $formAttributeName => $formAttributeValue) {
         // make key lower case
         $formAttributeName = StringUtil::toLowerCase($formAttributeName);
         // skip boolean attributes which values are "false" (false = default)
         if ($formAttributeValue === false) {
         // compose attribute
         $attributeStrings[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', StringUtil::encodeHtml($formAttributeName), StringUtil::encodeHtml($formAttributeValue));
     // build final HTML tag
     return sprintf('<form %s>', implode(' ', $attributeStrings));
예제 #30
  * Sets up this object by parsing the given string representation of a URI.
  * Throws an exception in case the given string could not be parsed correctly.
  * @param string $uri The URI to parse
  * @throws \Ableron\Core\Exception\SystemException
  * @return void
 private function parseUri($uri)
     if (($uriComponents = parse_url(StringUtil::startsWith($uri, '//') ? 'http:' . $uri : $uri)) !== false) {
         // set scheme
         if (isset($uriComponents['scheme']) && !StringUtil::startsWith($uri, '//')) {
         // set user info
         $isUsernameSet = isset($uriComponents['user']) && $uriComponents['user'] !== '';
         $isPasswordSet = isset($uriComponents['pass']) && $uriComponents['pass'] !== '';
         if ($isUsernameSet || $isPasswordSet) {
             $this->setUserInfo(($isUsernameSet ? $uriComponents['user'] : '') . ($isPasswordSet ? ':' . $uriComponents['pass'] : ''));
         // set host
         if (isset($uriComponents['host'])) {
         // set port
         if (isset($uriComponents['port'])) {
         // set path
         if (isset($uriComponents['path'])) {
         // set fragment
         if (isset($uriComponents['fragment'])) {
         } elseif (StringUtil::endsWith($uri, '#')) {
             $this->setFragment('', true);
         // set query (it is necessary to set the query after the fragment as we need the fragment part here)
         if (isset($uriComponents['query'])) {
         } elseif (StringUtil::endsWith($uri, '?' . ($this->fragment !== null ? '#' . $this->fragment : ''))) {
             $this->setQuery('', true);
     } else {
         throw new SystemException(sprintf('Unable to parse URI: %s', $uri), 0, E_USER_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__);