/** * Resolves this relative URI using the given absolute base URI. * * Does not change this Uri object in case this URI is already absolute. * * @param \Ableron\Lib\Net\Uri $baseUri The absolute base URI used to resolve this relative URI * @throws \Ableron\Core\Exception\SystemException * @return \Ableron\Lib\Net\Uri */ public function resolve(Uri $baseUri) { // check whether base URI is absolute if (!$baseUri->isAbsolute()) { throw new SystemException(sprintf('Unable to resolve URI using base URI "%s" - Base URI must be absolute!', $baseUri->toString()), 0, E_USER_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__); } // check whether URI is already absolute if ($this->isAbsolute()) { $this->setPath(self::removeDotSegments($this->path)); return $this; } // resolve scheme specific part if ($this->host !== null) { $this->setPath(self::removeDotSegments($this->path)); } else { // resolve authority part $this->setUserInfo($baseUri->getRawUserInfo()); $this->setHost($baseUri->getRawHost()); $this->setPort($baseUri->getPort()); // resolve path and query if ($this->path === '') { $this->setPath($baseUri->getRawPath()); if ($this->query === null) { $this->setQuery($baseUri->getRawQuery()); } } else { if (StringUtil::startsWith($this->path, '/')) { $this->setPath(self::removeDotSegments($this->path)); } else { $this->setPath(self::removeDotSegments($baseUri->getRawHost() !== null && $baseUri->getRawPath() === '' ? '/' : StringUtil::getSubstring($baseUri->getRawPath(), 0, StringUtil::getLastIndexOf($baseUri->getRawPath(), '/') + 1) . $this->path)); } } } // resolve scheme $this->setScheme($baseUri->getScheme()); // return reference of this object return $this; }
/** * Tests whether setScheme() works as expected. * * @dataProvider dataProviderTestSetScheme * @return void */ public function testSetScheme($inputScheme, $expectedScheme) { $uri = new Uri(); $uri->setScheme($inputScheme); $this->assertSame($expectedScheme, $uri->getScheme()); }