function firstRun()
     // do the check again, for safety reasons:
     if ($this->_config['date_lch'] !== null) {
         $this->_installed = true;
         return zmgError::throwError('Illegal way of accessing firstRun');
     if (zmgFileHelper::exists(ZMG_ABS_PATH . DS . 'etc' . DS . 'app.config.php.bak')) {
         $this->_installed = true;
         return zmgError::throwError('Illegal access: component already installed.');
     $messages =& zmgFactory::getMessages();
     $html_file = "<html><body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"></body></html>";
     //make all the necessary folders writable for ZMG
     $config_dir = ZMG_ABS_PATH . DS . "etc";
     if (!zmgFileHelper::chmodRecursive($config_dir)) {
         $messages->append('Installation Error!', 'Unable to set directory permissions for: ' . $config_dir);
     //make sure the configuration file itself is writable
     if (!zmgFileHelper::chmodRecursive($config_dir . DS . 'app.config.php')) {
         $messages->append('Installation Error!', 'Unable to set file permissions for: ' . $config_dir . DS . 'app.config.php');
     $media_dir = zmgEnv::getRootPath() . DS . $this->get('filesystem/mediapath');
     if (!is_dir($media_dir)) {
         if (zmgFileHelper::createDir($media_dir)) {
             if (!zmgFileHelper::write($media_dir . DS . 'index.html', $html_file)) {
                 $messages->append('Installation Error!', 'Unable to write to file: ' . $media_dir . DS . 'index.html');
         } else {
             $messages->append('Installation Error!', 'Unable to create directory: ' . $media_dir);
     //backup the original config file that came with the distribution package
     if (!zmgFileHelper::copy('app.config.php', 'app.config.php.bak', ZMG_ABS_PATH . DS . 'etc')) {
         $messages->append('Installation Error!', 'Unable to copy file: ' . ZMG_ABS_PATH . DS . 'etc' . DS . 'app.config.php');
     $this->_installed = $this->save();
     if ($this->_installed) {
         $messages->append('Installation Success!', 'Your component is ready to use now.');
     } else {
         $messages->append('Installation Error!', 'Settings could not be saved.');
     return $this->_installed;
예제 #2
  * Class constructor.
  * Prepares files for first run.
  * Global variables setting.
  * @return void
 function zmgLogger($logDir = "log", $logMode = "oneFile")
     //set global variables
     $this->_logDir = $logDir;
     $this->_logMode = $logMode;
     $this->_countFile = $this->_logDir . DS . $this->_countFile;
     //verify log folder existence. If it doesn't I create it
     if (!is_dir($this->_logDir)) {
         if (!zmgFileHelper::createDir($this->_logDir)) {
             zmgError::throwError("Could not create log dir");
     //Counter init
     if (!zmgFileHelper::exists($this->_countFile)) {
         //if log counter file does not exist, I create it
         //inicializing file in 0
         $initNumber = 0;
         $fp = fopen($this->_countFile, "a");
         if (fwrite($fp, $initNumber) === false) {
             zmgError::throwError("Could not write Counter file");
     //read counter
     $logNumber = intval(trim(file_get_contents($this->_countFile)));
     //increment counter
     //set log number in class var
     $this->_logNumber = $logNumber;
     //write incremented counter value
     $fp = fopen($this->_countFile, "w+");
     if (fwrite($fp, $logNumber) === false) {
         zmgError::throwError("Could not write Counter file");
 function buildDirStructure()
     $html_file = "<html><body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"></body></html>";
     $root = zmgEnv::getRootPath();
     $mediapath = $root . DS . zmgFactory::getConfig()->get('filesystem/mediapath');
     $dirs = array($mediapath . $this->dir, $mediapath . $this->dir . DS . 'thumbs', $mediapath . $this->dir . DS . 'viewsize');
     foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
         if (zmgFileHelper::createDir($dir, 0777)) {
             if (!zmgFileHelper::write($dir . DS . 'index.html', $html_file)) {
                 zmgError::throwError(T_('Unable to write to file: ') . $dir . DS . 'index.html');
         } else {
             zmgError::throwError(T_('Unable to create directory: ') . $dir);
     return true;
  * Create a folder -- and all necessary parent folders
  * @param string $path A path to create from the base path
  * @param int $mode Directory permissions to set for folders created
  * @return boolean True if successful
  * @since 1.5
 function createDir($path = '', $mode = 0755)
     // Initialize variables
     //$FTPOptions = JClientHelper::getCredentials('ftp');
     static $nested = 0;
     // Check to make sure the path valid and clean
     $path = zmgFileHelper::cleanPath($path);
     // Check if parent dir exists
     $parent = dirname($path);
     if (!is_dir($parent)) {
         // Prevent infinite loops!
         if ($nested > 20 || $parent == $path) {
             zmgError::throwError(T_('Infinite loop detected'));
             return false;
         // Create the parent directory
         if (zmgFileHelper::createDir($parent, $mode) !== true) {
             // zmgFileHelper::createDir throws an error
             return false;
         // OK, parent directory has been created
     // Check if dir already exists
     if (is_dir($path)) {
         return true;
     // Check for safe mode
     if (zmgFactory::getConfig()->get('plugins/safemode/general/enable') == 1) {
         $ret = zmgFactory::getEvents()->fire('ondircreate', $path);
     } else {
         // We need to get and explode the open_basedir paths
         $obd = ini_get('open_basedir');
         // If open_basedir is set we need to get the open_basedir that the path is in
         if ($obd != null) {
             if (ZMG_ISWIN) {
                 $obdSeparator = ";";
             } else {
                 $obdSeparator = ":";
             // Create the array of open_basedir paths
             $obdArray = explode($obdSeparator, $obd);
             $inOBD = false;
             // Iterate through open_basedir paths looking for a match
             foreach ($obdArray as $test) {
                 $test = zmgFileHelper::cleanPath($test);
                 if (strpos($path, $test) === 0) {
                     $obdpath = $test;
                     $inOBD = true;
             if ($inOBD == false) {
                 // Return false for zmgFileHelper::createDir because the path to be created is not in open_basedir
                 zmgError::throwError(T_('Path not in open_basedir paths'));
                 return false;
         // First set umask
         $origmask = @umask(0);
         // Create the path
         if (!($ret = @mkdir($path, $mode))) {
             zmgError::throwError(T_('Could not create directory'));
             return false;
         // Reset umask
     return $ret;