function extract($path) { self::$dir = $path; @mkdir(self::$dir); self::$datasec = array(); // File information $mtime = filemtime(self::$zip); $size = filesize(self::$zip); // Read file $fh = fopen(self::$zip, "rb"); $filedata = fread($fh, $size); fclose($fh); // Break into sections $filesecta = explode("PK", $filedata); // ZIP Comment $unpackeda = unpack('x16/v1length', $filesecta[1]); // Cut entries from the central directory $filesecta = explode("PK", $filedata); $filesecta = explode("PK", $filesecta[0]); array_shift($filesecta); // Removes empty entry/signature foreach ($filesecta as $filedata) { // CRC:crc, FD:file date, FT: file time, CM: compression method, GPF: general purpose flag, VN: version needed, CS: compressed size, UCS: uncompressed size, FNL: filename length $entrya = array(); $entrya['error'] = ""; $unpackeda = unpack("v1version/v1general_purpose/v1compress_method/v1file_time/v1file_date/V1crc/V1size_compressed/V1size_uncompressed/v1filename_length", $filedata); // Check for encryption $isencrypted = $unpackeda['general_purpose'] & 0x1 ? true : false; // Check for value block after compressed data if ($unpackeda['general_purpose'] & 0x8) { $unpackeda2 = unpack("V1crc/V1size_compressed/V1size_uncompressed", substr($filedata, -12)); $unpackeda['crc'] = $unpackeda2['crc']; $unpackeda['size_compressed'] = $unpackeda2['size_uncompressed']; $unpackeda['size_uncompressed'] = $unpackeda2['size_uncompressed']; unset($unpackeda2); } $entrya['name'] = substr($filedata, 26, $unpackeda['filename_length']); if (substr($entrya['name'], -1) == "/") { continue; } if (!is_file($entrya['name'])) { @mkdir(self::$dir . dirname($entrya['name'])); } $entrya['dir'] = dirname($entrya['name']); $entrya['dir'] = $entrya['dir'] == "." ? "" : $entrya['dir']; $entrya['name'] = basename($entrya['name']); $filedata = substr($filedata, 26 + $unpackeda['filename_length']); if (strlen($filedata) != $unpackeda['size_compressed']) { $entrya['error'] = "Compressed size is not equal to the value given in header."; } if ($isencrypted) { $entrya['error'] = "Encryption is not supported."; } else { switch ($unpackeda['compress_method']) { case 0: // Stored // Not compressed, continue break; case 8: // Deflated $filedata = gzinflate($filedata); break; case 12: // BZIP2 if (!extension_loaded("bz2")) { @dl(strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "win" ? "php_bz2.dll" : ""); } if (extension_loaded("bz2")) { $filedata = bzdecompress($filedata); } else { $entrya['error'] = "Required BZIP2 Extension not available."; } break; default: $entrya['error'] = "Compression method ({$unpackeda['compress_method']}) not supported."; } if (!$entrya['error']) { if ($filedata === false) { $entrya['error'] = true; //"Decompression failed."; } elseif (strlen($filedata) != $unpackeda['size_uncompressed']) { $entrya['error'] = "File size is not equal to the value given in header."; } elseif (crc32($filedata) != $unpackeda['crc']) { $entrya['error'] = "CRC32 checksum is not equal to the value given in header."; } } $entrya['filemtime'] = mktime(($unpackeda['file_time'] & 0xf800) >> 11, ($unpackeda['file_time'] & 0x7e0) >> 5, ($unpackeda['file_time'] & 0x1f) << 1, ($unpackeda['file_date'] & 0x1e0) >> 5, $unpackeda['file_date'] & 0x1f, (($unpackeda['file_date'] & 0xfe00) >> 9) + 1980); $entrya['data'] = $filedata; } $files[] = $entrya; } //PrintR($files); //exit; foreach ($files as $v) { if ($v['error'] === true) { continue; } if ($v['dir']) { self::createDir($v['dir']); $file = self::$dir . $v['dir'] . '/' . $v['name']; } else { $file = self::$dir . $v['name']; } $fp = fopen($file, "w"); fwrite($fp, $v['data']); fclose($fp); } self::$datasec = array(); self::$ctrl_dir = array(); self::$zip = ''; self::$dir = ''; }