?> </b><?php echo $form->field($model, "[{$i}]currency_id")->dropDownList($curr); ?> </td> <td><b><?php //echo $form->labelEx($model, 'sum'); ?> </b><?php echo $form->field($model, "[{$i}]sum", ['inputOptions' => ['class' => 'rcptsum']]); ?> </td> <td class="chqRemove"> <?php echo yii\bootstrap\Button::widget(['label' => Yii::t('app', 'Remove'), 'options' => ['class' => 'btn btn-danger']]); ?> </td> <script type="text/javascript"> //$("#doccheques-<?php echo $i; ?> -type").select2(); //$("#doccheques-<?php echo $i; ?> -currency_id").select2(); $( document ).ready(function() { rcptSum();
* Created by PhpStorm. * User: marat * Date: 06.08.15 * Time: 18:53 */ use yii\helpers\Html; ?> <div class="container"> <div class = "row"> <div style="font-size: large;text-align: center"> Добрый день. Я рад приветствовать Вас на сайте paruram.ru. </br> У всех нас есть друзья или знакомые,<br> но за нехваткой времени, расстояний или собственной лени мы очень редко видимся. <br> Поэтому существует этот небольшой сервис, который поздравляет друзей с праздниками. <br> Пройдите регистрацию и ... <br> ... хотя бы просто пройдите регистрацию))) </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6"> <?php echo Html::a(yii\bootstrap\Button::widget(['label' => 'Я хочу пройти регистрацию.', 'options' => ['class' => 'btn btn-success btn-block']]), yii\helpers\Url::to('user/register')); ?> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6"> <?php echo Html::a(yii\bootstrap\Button::widget(['label' => 'Я уже зарегистрированный пользователь.', 'options' => ['class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-block']]), yii\helpers\Url::to('user/login')); ?> </div> </div> </div>
ActiveForm::end(); ?> </div> </div> <?php if ($module->enableConfirmation) { ?> <p class="text-center"> <?php echo Html::a(Yii::t('user', 'Didn\'t receive confirmation message?'), ['/user/registration/resend']); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <?php echo Connect::widget(['baseAuthUrl' => ['/user/security/auth']]); ?> <div><?php echo Html::a(yii\bootstrap\Button::widget(['label' => 'Регистрация', 'options' => ['class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-block']]), yii\helpers\Url::to('user/register')); ?> </div> </div> </div>
return '<button class="btn-danger btn-xs btn disabled" data-status="deleted" data-site="' . $model->domain . '"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh glyphicon-refresh-animate"></span> Deleting...</button>'; } $btn = yii\bootstrap\Button::widget(['label' => 'Manage', 'options' => ['class' => 'btn-primary btn-xs']]); return Html::a($btn, \yii\helpers\Url::toRoute(['dashboard/manage', 'site' => $model->domain]), ['data-pjax' => 0]); }, 'update' => function ($url, $model, $key) { $btn = yii\bootstrap\Button::widget(['label' => 'Update', 'options' => ['class' => 'btn-primary btn-xs']]); return Html::a($btn, \yii\helpers\Url::toRoute(['dashboard/update', 'site' => $model->domain]), ['data-pjax' => 0]); }, 'delete' => function ($url, $model, $key) { $btn = yii\bootstrap\Button::widget(['label' => 'Delete', 'options' => ['class' => 'btn-danger btn-xs']]); return Html::a($btn, \yii\helpers\Url::toRoute(['dashboard/delete', 'site' => $model->domain]), ['data-pjax' => 0, 'data-method' => 'post', 'data-confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this site?']); }, 'status' => function ($url, $model, $key) { if ($model->status == 1) { $btn = yii\bootstrap\Button::widget(['label' => 'Suspend', 'options' => ['class' => 'btn-warning btn-xs']]); $confirm = 'Are you sure you want to suspend this site?'; } else { $btn = yii\bootstrap\Button::widget(['label' => 'Unsuspend', 'options' => ['class' => 'btn-success btn-xs']]); $confirm = 'Are you sure you want to unsuspend this site?'; } return Html::a($btn, \yii\helpers\Url::toRoute(['dashboard/status', 'site' => $model->domain]), ['data-pjax' => 1, 'data-method' => 'post', 'data-confirm' => $confirm]); }]]]]); ?> <?php \yii\widgets\Pjax::end(); ?> <?php } else { ?> <div class="alert-info alert fade in"> You dont have sites. </div> <?php } ?>