예제 #1
파일: Unit.php 프로젝트: jfefes/ORK3
 public function AddAward($request)
     if (($mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized($request['Token'])) == 0) {
         return NoAuthorization();
     $mundane = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'mundane');
     $mundane->mundane_id = $mundane_id;
     if (!$mundane->find()) {
         return InvalidParameter();
     $authorizer = ['KingdomId' => $mundane->kingdom_id, 'ParkId' => $mundane->park_id];
     if (valid_id($request['AwardId'])) {
         $request['KingdomAwardId'] = Ork3::$Lib->award->LookupAward(['KingdomId' => $recipient['KingdomId'], 'AwardId' => $request['AwardId']]);
     } else {
         if (valid_id($request['KingdomAwardId'])) {
             list($kingdom_id, $request['AwardId']) = Ork3::$Lib->award->LookupKingdomAward(['KingdomAwardId' => $recipient['KingdomAwardId']]);
     if (valid_id($mundane_id) && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_PARK, $authorizer['ParkId'], AUTH_EDIT)) {
         if (valid_id($request['GivenById'])) {
             $given_by = $this->GetPlayer(['MundaneId' => $request['GivenById']]);
         if (valid_id($request['ParkId'])) {
             $Park = new Park();
             $park_info = $Park->GetParkShortInfo(['ParkId' => $given_by['Player']['ParkId']]);
             if ($park_info['Status']['Status'] != 0) {
                 return InvalidParameter('Invalid Parameter 2');
         if (valid_id($request['AwardId'])) {
             $request['KingdomAwardId'] = Ork3::$Lib->award->LookupAward(['KingdomId' => $request['KingdomId'], 'AwardId' => $request['AwardId']]);
         $awards = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'awards');
         $awards->kingdomaward_id = $request['KingdomAwardId'];
         $awards->award_id = $request['AwardId'];
         $awards->custom_name = $request['CustomName'];
         $awards->unit_id = $request['RecipientId'];
         $awards->rank = $request['Rank'];
         $awards->date = $request['Date'];
         $awards->given_by_id = $request['GivenById'];
         $awards->at_park_id = valid_id($request['ParkId']) ? $request['ParkId'] : 0;
         $awards->at_kingdom_id = valid_id($request['KingdomId']) ? $request['KingdomId'] : 0;
         $awards->at_event_id = valid_id($request['EventId']) ? $request['EventId'] : 0;
         $awards->note = $request['Note'];
         // If no event, then go Park!
         if (valid_id($request['GivenById'])) {
             $awards->park_id = valid_id($given_by['Player']['ParkId']) ? $given_by['Player']['ParkId'] : 0;
             // If no event and valid parkid, go Park! Otherwise, go Kingdom.  Unless it's an event.  Then go ... ZERO!
             $awards->kingdom_id = valid_id($given_by['Player']['KingdomId']) ? $given_by['Player']['KingdomId'] : 0;
         // Events are awesome.
         return Success($awards->awards_id);
     } else {
         return NoAuthorization('No Authorization');
예제 #2
 public function CreateEvent($request)
     logtrace("CreateEvent()", $request);
     $log = '';
     $mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized($request['Token']);
     // Common event setup
     $this->event->kingdom_id = $request['KingdomId'];
     $this->event->park_id = $request['ParkId'];
     $this->event->mundane_id = $request['MundaneId'];
     $this->event->unit_id = $request['UnitId'];
     $this->event->name = $request['Name'];
     $this->event->modified = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     if (valid_id($request['MundaneId']) && !valid_id($request['UnitId'])) {
         $this->event->kingdom_id = 0;
         $this->event->park_id = 0;
         $this->event->unit_id = 0;
     } else {
         if (valid_id($request['UnitId'])) {
             $this->event->kingdom_id = 0;
             $this->event->park_id = 0;
         } else {
             if (valid_id($request['ParkId']) && valid_id($request['KingdomId']) && valid_id($mundane_id) && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_PARK, $request['ParkId'], AUTH_CREATE)) {
                 $park = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'park');
                 $park->park_id = $request['ParkId'];
                 if ($park->find()) {
                     $this->event->mundane_id = 0;
                     $this->event->unit_id = 0;
                 } else {
                     return InvalidParameter(NULL, 'Problem processing request.');
             } else {
                 if (valid_id($request['KingdomId']) && valid_id($mundane_id) && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_KINGDOM, $request['KingdomId'], AUTH_CREATE)) {
                     $kingdom = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'kingdom');
                     $kingdom->kingdom_id = $request['KingdomId'];
                     if ($kingdom->find()) {
                         $this->event->park_id = 0;
                         $this->event->mundane_id = 0;
                         $this->event->unit_id = 0;
                     } else {
                         return InvalidParameter(NULL, 'Problem processing request.');
                 } else {
                     // Bailout without committing
                     return NoAuthorization();
     return Success($this->event->event_id);
예제 #3
파일: class.Award.php 프로젝트: jfefes/ORK3
 public function LookupKingdomAward($request)
     if (valid_id($request['KingdomAwardId'])) {
         $kingdomaward = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'kingdomaward');
         $kingdomaward->kingdomaward_id = $request['KingdomAwardId'];
         return array($kingdomaward->award_id, $kingdomaward->kingdom_id);
예제 #4
 public function Park($name, $kingdom_id = null, $limit = null)
     $park = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'park');
     $park->name = "%{$name}%";
     $park->name_term = 'like';
     if (is_numeric($kingdom_id)) {
         $park->kingdom_id = $kingdom_id;
     $i = 0;
     if ($park->find(array('name'))) {
         $r = array();
         do {
             $r[$i++] = array('ParkId' => $park->park_id, 'KingdomId' => $park->kingdom_id, 'Name' => $park->name, 'Active' => $park->active);
             if (is_numeric($limit)) {
                 if ($limit == 0) {
         } while ($park->next());
         return $r;
     } else {
         return array();
예제 #5
 public function HasAuthority($mundane_id, $type, $id, $role)
     logtrace("HasAuthority", [$mundane_id, $type, $id, $role]);
     if (valid_id($mundane_id) && (valid_id($id) || $type == AUTH_ADMIN)) {
     } else {
         if ($type == AUTH_ADMIN && valid_id($mundane_id)) {
         } else {
             return false;
     // Is Admin?
     $this->auth->mundane_id = $mundane_id;
     $this->auth->role = AUTH_ADMIN;
     if ($this->auth->find() && $this->auth->size() > 0) {
         return true;
     // Playing shenanigans
     if (0 == $id) {
         return false;
     // Check for bans
     $this->mundane->mundane_id = $mundane_id;
     if (!$this->mundane->find()) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($this->mundane->penalty_box == 1) {
             return false;
     $this->auth->mundane_id = $mundane_id;
     // Basic check -- does the user have direct access?
     // NOTE: Admin check here does not check for admin privileges per se, but for whether
     // 		an Admin Authorization request is avail (Admin == Admin)
     // 		For elevated privileges (Admin > Park|Kingdom|Event|Unit), the check is handled below
     switch ($type) {
         case AUTH_PARK:
             $this->auth->park_id = $id;
         case AUTH_KINGDOM:
             $this->auth->kingdom_id = $id;
         case AUTH_EVENT:
             $this->auth->event_id = $id;
         case AUTH_UNIT:
             $this->auth->unit_id = $id;
         case AUTH_ADMIN:
             $this->auth->role = AUTH_ADMIN;
             return false;
     if ($this->auth->find() && $id != 0) {
         $sufficient = false;
         do {
             switch ($this->auth->role) {
                 case AUTH_EDIT:
                     $sufficient |= AUTH_EDIT == $role;
                 case AUTH_CREATE:
                     return true;
                 case AUTH_ADMIN:
                     return true;
         } while ($this->auth->next());
         // Something matched, fly away my pretty!
         if ($sufficient) {
             return true;
     if ($type == AUTH_ADMIN) {
         return false;
     // Upper-level authority check, we have to find the parents of
     // of the subject, and check their auths
     // !$sufficient is redundant, but I don't trust the next guy to hold the invariant
     if (!$sufficient && $type != AUTH_KINGDOM) {
         switch ($type) {
             case AUTH_PARK:
                 $park = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'park');
                 $park->park_id = $id;
                 if ($park->find()) {
                     $id = $park->kingdom_id;
                     if ($this->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_KINGDOM, $id, $role)) {
                         return true;
             case AUTH_EVENT:
                 $event = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'event');
                 $event->event_id = $id;
                 if ($event->find()) {
                     if ($this->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_KINGDOM, $event->kingdom_id, $role) || $this->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_PARK, $event->park_id, $role) || ($event->mundane_id = $mundane_id)) {
                         return true;
     return $sufficient;
예제 #6
 public function RemoveAward($request)
     logtrace("RemoveAward()", $request);
     $mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized($request['Token']);
     $awards = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'awards');
     $awards->awards_id = $request['AwardsId'];
     if (valid_id($request['AwardsId']) && $awards->find()) {
         $mundane = $this->player_info($awards->mundane_id);
         if (valid_id($mundane_id) && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_PARK, $mundane['ParkId'], AUTH_EDIT)) {
         } else {
             return NoAuthorization();
     } else {
         return InvalidParameter();
예제 #7
 public function fetch_account_pointers($type, $id)
     $config = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'configuration');
     $config->type = ucfirst($type);
     $config->id = $id;
     $config->key = 'AccountPointers';
     if ($config->find()) {
         return json_decode($config->value, true);
     } else {
         return false;
예제 #8
파일: Common.php 프로젝트: jfefes/ORK3
 public static function get_configs($id, $type = CFG_KINGDOM)
     global $DB;
     $config = new yapo($DB, DB_PREFIX . 'configuration');
     $config->type = $type;
     $config->id = $id;
     $response = [];
     if ($config->find()) {
         do {
             $response[$config->key] = ['ConfigurationId' => $config->configuration_id, 'Type' => $config->var_type, 'Key' => $config->key, 'Value' => json_decode(stripslashes($config->value)), 'UserSetting' => $config->user_setting, 'AllowedValues' => json_decode(stripslashes($config->allowed_values))];
         } while ($config->next());
     return $response;
예제 #9
파일: import.wl.php 프로젝트: jfefes/ORK3
echo "<h2>Create Admin</h2>";
$sql = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "mundane` (`mundane_id`, `given_name`, `surname`, `other_name`, `username`, `persona`, `email`, `park_id`, `kingdom_id`, `token`, `modified`, `restricted`, `waivered`, `waiver_ext`, `has_heraldry`, `has_image`, `company_id`, `token_expires`, `password_expires`, `password_salt`, `xtoken`, `penalty_box`, `active`) VALUES (1, 'admin', 'admin', 'admin', 'admin', 'admin', '*****@*****.**', 0, 0, '', '2013-04-24 12:55:31', 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2014-04-24 11:55:31', 'b1a838cc8bbbdc7d2008ac00890cb8eb', '', 0, 1)";
$sql = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "credential` (`key`, `expiration`) VALUES ('e.I0/92KStOsJu3dq5/WAErF..MkctX2KwjhsIn7vcB1Y3cim2nemAiVsc4byiUXzuhQu0', '2014-09-29 23:08:36')";
$sql = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "authorization` (`authorization_id`, `mundane_id`, `park_id`, `kingdom_id`, `event_id`, `unit_id`, `role`, `modified`) VALUES (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'admin', '2013-04-24 13:28:25')";
$adminuser = '******';
$adminpassword = '******';
$Authorization = new APIModel('Authorization');
$T = $Authorization->Authorize(array('UserName' => $adminuser, 'Password' => $adminpassword));
$Token = $T['Token'];
$Award = new APIModel('Award');
echo "<h2>Cache Classes &amp; Find Matches</h2>";
$class_namemap = array("Antipaladin" => 'Anti-Paladin', "Archer" => 'Archer', "Assassin" => 'Assassin', "Barbarian" => 'Barbarian', "Bard" => 'Bard', "Color" => 'Color', "Druid" => 'Druid', "Healer" => 'Healer', "Monk" => 'Monk', "Monster" => 'Monster', "Paladin" => 'Paladin', "Peasant" => 'Peasant', "Raider" => 'Color', "Reeve" => 'Reeve', "Scout" => 'Scout', "Warrior" => 'Warrior', "Wizard" => 'Wizard');
$class_map = array();
$orkclasses = $Attendance->GetClasses(array());
do {
    foreach ($orkclasses['Classes'] as $idx => $classinfo) {
        if ($classinfo['Name'] == $class_namemap[$classes->classname]) {
            $classid = $classinfo['ClassId'];
    $class_map[$classes->classpk] = $classid;
} while ($classes->next());
echo "<h2>Create System Awards</h2>";
예제 #10
파일: Kingdom.php 프로젝트: jfefes/ORK3
 public function SetKingdomParkTitles($request)
     $response = [];
     if (($mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized($request['Token'])) > 0 && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_KINGDOM, $request['KingdomId'], AUTH_EDIT)) {
         $this->log->Write('Kingdom', $mundane_id, LOG_EDIT, $request);
         if (is_array($request['ParkTitles'])) {
             $parktitle = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'parktitle');
             foreach ($request['ParkTitles'] as $k => $title) {
                 switch ($title['Action']) {
                     case CFG_REMOVE:
                         $parktitle->parktitle_id = $title['ParkTitleId'];
                         if (valid_id($title['ParkTitleId']) && $parktitle->find()) {
                             if ($parktitle->kingdom_id != $request['KingdomId']) {
                                 $response['Status'] = NoAuthorization('You cannot edit the park titles of another kingdom.');
                                 return $response;
                     case CFG_EDIT:
                         $parktitle->parktitle_id = $title['ParkTitleId'];
                         if (valid_id($title['ParkTitleId']) && $parktitle->find()) {
                             if ($parktitle->kingdom_id != $request['KingdomId']) {
                                 $response['Status'] = NoAuthorization('You cannot edit the park titles of another kingdom.');
                                 return $response;
                             $parktitle->title = strlen($title['Title']) ? $title['Title'] : $parktitle->title;
                             $parktitle->class = strlen($title['Class']) ? $title['Class'] : $parktitle->class;
                             $parktitle->minimumattendance = strlen($title['MinimumAttendance']) ? $title['MinimumAttendance'] : $parktitle->minimumattendance;
                             $parktitle->minimumcutoff = strlen($title['MinimumCutoff']) ? $title['MinimumCutoff'] : $parktitle->minimumcutoff;
                             $parktitle->period = strlen($title['Period']) ? $title['Period'] : $parktitle->period;
                             $parktitle->period_length = strlen($title['PeriodLength']) ? $title['PeriodLength'] : $parktitle->period_length;
                     case CFG_ADD:
                         $parktitle->kingdom_id = $request['KingdomId'];
                         $parktitle->title = $title['Title'];
                         $parktitle->class = $title['Class'];
                         $parktitle->minimumattendance = $title['MinimumAttendance'];
                         $parktitle->minimumcutoff = $title['MinimumCutoff'];
                         $parktitle->period = $title['Period'];
                         $parktitle->period_length = $title['PeriodLength'];
         $response = Success();
     } else {
         $response = NoAuthorization(null, $mundane_id);
     return $response;
예제 #11
파일: class.Park.php 프로젝트: jfefes/ORK3
 public function SetParkDetails($request)
     logtrace("SetParkDetails", $request);
     $response = array();
     if (trimlen($request['Name']) > 0) {
         $this->park->name = trim($request['Name']);
         if ($this->park->find()) {
             if ($this->park->park_id != $request['ParkId']) {
                 return InvalidParameter('This park name already exists.');
     $this->park->park_id = $request['ParkId'];
     if ($this->park->find()) {
         if (($mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized($request['Token'])) > 0 && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_PARK, $request['ParkId'], AUTH_EDIT)) {
             $this->log->Write('Park', $mundane_id, LOG_EDIT, $request);
             $this->park->modified = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
             if (Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_KINGDOM, $this->park->kingdom_id, AUTH_EDIT)) {
                 $this->park->name = trimlen($request['Name']) == 0 ? $this->park->name : $request['Name'];
                 $this->park->abbreviation = trimlen($request['Abbreviation']) == 0 ? $this->park->abbreviation : $request['Abbreviation'];
                 $parktitle = new yapo($this->db, DB_PREFIX . 'parktitle');
                 if (isset($request['ParkTitleId']) && $request['ParkTitleId'] != $this->park->parktitle_id) {
                     $parktitle->parktitle_id = $request['ParkTitleId'];
                     if ($parktitle->find()) {
                         $this->park->parktitle_id = $request['ParkTitleId'];
                 $this->park->active = trimlen($request['Active']) == 0 ? $this->park->active : $request['Active'];
             $address_change = false;
             if (isset($request['Address']) && ($this->park->address != $request['Address'] || trimlen($this->park->location) == 0)) {
                 $address_change = true;
             $this->park->url = isset($request['Url']) ? $request['Url'] : $this->park->url;
             $this->park->address = isset($request['Address']) ? $request['Address'] : $this->park->address;
             $this->park->city = isset($request['City']) ? $request['City'] : $this->park->city;
             $this->park->province = isset($request['Province']) ? $request['Province'] : $this->park->province;
             $this->park->postal_code = isset($request['PostalCode']) ? $request['PostalCode'] : $this->park->postal_code;
             $this->park->directions = isset($request['Directions']) ? $request['Directions'] : $this->park->directions;
             $this->park->description = isset($request['Description']) ? $request['Description'] : $this->park->description;
             $this->park->map_url = isset($request['MapUrl']) ? $request['MapUrl'] : $this->park->map_url;
             $this->park->park_id = $request['ParkId'];
             if ($this->park->find()) {
                 if ($address_change) {
                     if (isset($request['GeoCode']) && trimlen($request['GeoCode']) > 0) {
                     } else {
                 $response = Success();
                 if ($request['KingdomId'] > 0 && $this->park->kingdom_id != $request['KingdomId']) {
                     // Seriously? You couldn't work it out somehow?
                     // AKA Blackspire Code, AKA Golden Plains Exception
                     if (Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, AUTH_ADMIN, $request['KingdomId'], AUTH_ADMIN)) {
                         $this->park->kingdom_id = $request['KingdomId'];
                     } else {
                         $response = Warning('You do not have permissions to move this Park [' . $this->park->park_id . ', ' . $this->park->kingdom_id . '] to another Kingdom [' . $request['KingdomId'] . '].');
                 if (strlen($request['Heraldry'])) {
                 $response = Success($this->park->park_id);
             } else {
                 $response = InvalidParameter('ParkId could not be found.');
         } else {
             $response = NoAuthorization('You do not have permissions to perform this action: ' . $mundane_id);
     } else {
         $response = InvalidParameter('ParkId could not be found.');
     return $response;