예제 #1
print "<HTML>";
print "<head>";
print "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . _CHARSET . "\" />";
print "<title>" . _formulize_DE_BUILDQUERY . "</title>\n";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" href=\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/xoops.css\" />\n";
$themecss = xoops_getcss();
//$themecss = substr($themecss, 0, -6);
//$themecss .= ".css";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" href=\"{$themecss}\" />\n";
print "</head>";
print "<body style=\"background: white; margin-top:20px;\"><center>";
print "<table style=\"width: 100%;\"><tr><td style=\"width: 5%;\"></td><td style=\"width: 90%;\">";
$advsearch = new xoopsThemeForm(_formulize_DE_BUILDQUERY, 'buildq', XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/include/advsearch.php?fid={$fid}&frid={$frid}");
//$returned = addReqdCalcs($pickcalc);
//$pickcalc = $returned['form'];
$columns_andor = new xoopsFormElementTray('', "<br />");
$columns_and = new xoopsFormRadio('', 'multi_andor', '1');
$columns_and->addOption(1, _formulize_DE_AS_MULTI_AND);
$columns_or = new xoopsFormRadio('', 'multi_andor', '1');
$columns_or->addOption(2, _formulize_DE_AS_MULTI_OR);
$columns = new xoopsFormSelect(_formulize_DE_AS_FIELD . "<br /><br />" . $columns_andor->render(), 'column', '', 5, true);
$columns->addOption("creation_uid", _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATOR);
$columns->addOption("mod_uid", _formulize_DE_CALC_MODIFIER);
$columns->addOption("creation_datetime", _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATEDATE . ' (YYYY-mm-dd)');
$columns->addOption("mod_datetime", _formulize_DE_CALC_MODDATE . ' (YYYY-mm-dd)');
$columns->addOption("creator_email", _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATOR_EMAIL);
예제 #2
} else {
    exit("Error: no advanced scope permission detected.");
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopsformloader.php";
print "<HTML>";
print "<head>";
print "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . _CHARSET . "\" />";
print "<title>" . _formulize_DE_PICKASCOPE . "</title>\n";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" href=\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/xoops.css\" />\n";
$themecss = xoops_getcss();
//$themecss = substr($themecss, 0, -6);
//$themecss .= ".css";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" href=\"{$themecss}\" />\n";
print "</head>\n";
print "<body style=\"background: white; margin-top:20px;\"><center>";
print "<table style=\"width: 100%;\"><tr><td style=\"width: 5%;\"></td><td style=\"width: 90%;\">";
$advscope = new xoopsThemeForm(_formulize_DE_PICKASCOPE, 'advscope', XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/include/advscope.php?fid={$fid}&frid={$frid}");
$gcount = count($availgroups);
$size = $gcount < 10 ? $gcount : 10;
$grouplist = new xoopsFormSelect(_formulize_DE_AVAILGROUPS, 'newscope', $curgroups, $size, true);
$doneButton = new xoopsFormButton('', 'done', _formulize_DE_USETHISSCOPE, 'button');
$doneButton->setExtra("onclick=\"javascript:updateScope(this.form);return false;\"");
print $advscope->render();
print "</td><td style=\"width: 5%;\"></td></tr></table>\n";
print "</center></body>\n";
print "</HTML>";
예제 #3
$setfor_con->addOption('con', _formulize_DE_SETNOT_FOR_CON . $conditionui);
if ($canSetNots) {
    $setnot_cust_template = new xoopsFormText(_formulize_DE_SETNOT_TEMP, 'template', 50, 255, $_POST['template']);
    $setnot->addElement(new xoopsFormText(_formulize_DE_SETNOT_SUBJ, 'subject', 50, 255, $_POST['subject']));
$setnot->addElement(new xoopsFormButton('', 'save', _formulize_DE_SETNOT_SAVE, 'submit'));
print $setnot->render();
// if there are notifications to show
if (!$noNots) {
    print "<br />\n";
    $notlist = new xoopsThemeForm(_formulize_DE_NOTLIST, 'notlist', XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/include/setnot.php?fid={$fid}");
    foreach ($nots as $thisnot) {
        $text .= _formulize_DE_NOT_WHENTEXT;
        switch ($thisnot['not_cons_event']) {
            case "new_entry":
                $text .= _formulize_DE_SETNOT_WHEN_NEW;
            case "update_entry":
                $text .= _formulize_DE_SETNOT_WHEN_UPDATE;
            case "delete_entry":
                $text .= _formulize_DE_SETNOT_WHEN_DELETE;
        $text .= _formulize_DE_NOT_SENDTEXT;
        if ($thisnot['not_cons_uid'] > 0) {
예제 #4
// main body of page goes here...
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopsformloader.php";
print "<HTML>";
print "<head>";
print "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . _CHARSET . "\" />";
print "<title>" . _formulize_DE_SAVEVIEW . "</title>\n";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" href=\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/xoops.css\" />\n";
$themecss = xoops_getcss();
//$themecss = substr($themecss, 0, -6);
//$themecss .= ".css";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" href=\"{$themecss}\" />\n";
print "</head>";
print "<body style=\"background: white; margin-top:20px;\"><center>";
print "<table width=100%><tr><td width=5%></td><td width=90%>";
$saveform = new xoopsThemeForm(_formulize_DE_SAVEVIEW, 'saveoptions', XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/include/save.php?fid={$fid}&frid={$frid}&lastloaded={$lastloaded}&cols={$getcols}&currentview={$currentview}");
// need to build the list of available reports that can be saved.
// available are all their own saved reports, plus all published IF they have can update others turned on.
list($s_reports, $p_reports, $ns_reports, $np_reports) = availReports($uid, $groups, $fid, $frid);
// we are ignoring update_own_reports permission for now -- everyone can update their own reports
if ($update_other_reports = $gperm_handler->checkRight("update_other_reports", $fid, $groups, $mid)) {
    // figure out which published reports belong to others, and include them in the list of reports we can update
    foreach ($p_reports as $details) {
        if ($details['report_uid'] != $uid) {
            $other_p_reports[] = $details;
    foreach ($np_reports as $details) {
        if ($details['sv_uid'] != $uid) {
            $other_np_reports[] = $details;